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Killua didn't know how to feel about the new teacher. Blonde hair, fair skin, crystal blue eyes, and an enormous chest. He had to admit that she was downright sexy, but why did she choose to be all over Octobitch? There was only one conclusion he could think of. She's an assassin who uses seduction to her advantage. There was no way in hell she was just an English teacher, and that smile of hers seemed a little too fake. Also the prettier the body, the more of a bitch women usually are. He thought about a few bitches he knew, although Bisky didn't really count. She's just an annoying old hag, not a bitch. And as much as he hated to admit it, she was probably the reason he was as strong as he was. Her name was Irina Jelavic, although he last name kind of sounded like 'yella bitch' to him.

Killua wasn't participating in the 'soccer and kill' exercise. Instead he was working on his Ren, sitting with his legs crossed beneath him and his eyes closed. I'd throw off the damn game anyways. "C'mon Killua! Come play with us!" Karma shouted, then he heard a bang. He ignored the strawberry, just trying to focus. Then Ms yella bitch came running down the stairs with her fake ass smile and he moved to the forest nearby. There was a strong burst of air pressure and he knew it was Korosensei speeding off somewhere. He shrugged it off, then got bored. He decided on playing with his knife a bit, twirling it around and taking slashes. Dammit I'm bored. He heard footsteps and glanced behind him, only to see a familiar head of red hair leaning on a tree. Killua put on his monotone expression, twirling his knife between his fingers and making Karma's showing with his own a few days ago look like child's play. The difference between a skilled amateur, and a professional. "need something?"

Karma's eyes drifted to his knife and he saw him smirk a little, "is the little dove trying to show off for me?" how the fuck did he take that the wrong way? Killua wasn't even looking at the knife anymore. "keep dreaming strawberry" Karma then sighed. "I suggest you not go back to class at the moment. Ms. Yella bitch is quite a bitch" he had the same idea I did. Great minds think alike I guess. "kinda guessed she was a bitch" he said in that monotone voice, then stopped screwing around with his knife and slipped it back in its pocket sheath. "so, whatcha doing all the way out here kitten?" he stiffened, teeth clenching slightly. That's not flirting, he's pushing my damn buttons. He knows the weird ass nicknames get to me and he's exploiting that. He huffed, "pick a damn animal" I hate both. He chuckled a little, "I like both equally, what about crystal? You've got some sparkle to those eyes" he felt a tick mark appear on his head. I'M DONE, WITH THIS STRAWBERRY ASS BITCH GETTING ON MY NERVES! He kept his monotone voice on, and turned his back to him. "tomatoes are supposed to be ripe when their red, can't say the same about you" there was a noise but he didn't look behind him. Killua then walked away, activating Zetsu. How's that for a comeback?

"No" he said, crossing his legs and chomping on a candy bar. It was currently P.E class and Karasuma was trying to get him to participate in shooting some targets. He pointed in his direction with a serious look. "if you do not participate, I'll be forced to give you an F" he sighed heavily, standing up. Fine, I'll get you to shut up. Killua grabbed a gun that he saw just lying around and checked how many rounds it had inside with En. 5 rounds, perfect. He walked towards one of the targets and the person in front of it stopped, then nervously moved out of the way. He didn't pay much mind to a commotion he heard, just standing and aiming his gun. His stance was relaxed and he held it in one hand, aiming for the bullseye. "you gave to use two han-" he cut off Nagisa by firing off five 'bullets' in rapid succession. One hit the bullseye, the other four hit the outer ring. He had moved his aim slightly to hit in each precise spot, making it look like he was good but not perfect. Afterwards he handed the gun to someone random and made his way up to the shed.

As soon as he leaned against it, he heard something. "this is what you want, you can't fool me~" he blinked, then turned his head to hear a little better. Huh? Was that yella bitch? "I uh, really don't think we outta do this here" that was Korosensei. What am I listening to? "don't be such a prude, let me get those clothes off-" Killua choked, his stance going rigid. Maybe I should go- and then there was gunfire. All of a sudden everybody's eyes were on the building he was standing at. "what's going on in there little dove?" Karma asked, being the closest one to him. He tried to keep down the slight blush on his face, that had almost been fucking close. He was starting to walk away when he heard a scream and slithering. "Noo-uh" Killua put a hand to his face, said face was now as red as a fucking tomato. Did not need to hear tha- there was more slithering and moaning and he heard every word. Killua's dormant dirty ass mind came up from hibernation and he fell sideways, curling into a ball. I'm scarred- "Killua!" Nagisa yelled. Him and a few other of his classmates ran over, and one of them was about to try the door. "DO NOT OPEN THAT FUCKING DOOR" he yelled. Nagisa paused, then Kurosensei came out with a pink face.

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