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"We're supposed to be killing the octopus, not people!" Terasaka yelled. Gon scoffed. "The only reason why he isn't dead is because Killua hasn't really participated yet, unlike you he's an actual assassin" Everyone except for Karma and Nagisa's eyes widened in shock. "That makes it even worse! He chose to kill people!" Terasaka retaliated. Killua's fists clenched, then Gon yelled. "NO HE DIDN'T! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL HIM A MONSTER!" But...it's true isn't it? There was more shouting, but Killua didn't listen. He zoned out the noise, then leaned against the wall and looked down. He did this for a while when he heard Gon yell. "Killua had a broken leg, poison in his system, yet he still jumped into a goddamn explosion to save the only antidote!" Terasaka growled. "It was fake! Nobody was gonna die. It was just food poisoning" Killua froze. It...was? "Should we stop them?" Sugino asked nervously. Tears were rolling down Gon's cheeks now, they had been for a while. "He didn't know that!"

"He's psychotic! You should've seen the way he was acting!" Killua flinched slightly, barely enough to be visible. Karma, Kayano, and Nagisa were the only three who saw it. Gon drew the knife out of the wood, then locked Terasaka's arms behind his back and held it to his neck with a dark look, oozing bloodlust. This is going too far. "Oh I'll show you psychotic-" Killua finally took a few steps forward. "Gon stop!" The two fighting males froze, then looked over at him. "What're you gonna do, kill me?" Terasaka spat. Killua stiffened slightly, monotone expression wavering. Gon snarled, "Y-" Killua hung his head. "Gon, drop it." He paused, grip wavering on the knife. There was dead silence from his other classmates. "No! He can't get away with calling you a-" Killua scoffed. "A monster? A murderer? So what? He's right anyways. Why the hell am I even in school?" Killua looked away, and Gon dropped the knife and shoved Terasaka aside as he ran over. "No it's not!" He grabbed onto Killua's arm. "You're not a bad person!"

Killua shoved Gon off him, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I was six years old the first time I killed someone!" he said, voice shaking. They have every right to call me all those names, I'm every last one of them. Monster, murderer, freak, psychotic- Gon wrapped his arms around him, and Killua's breath hitched. "You didn't get a choice, don't let the words other people say get to you!" He was silent for a moment, then buried his face into Gon's shoulder. "You don't even belong here fr-" Terasaka was cut off by Karma punching him in the face. "If you know what's good for you you'll keep your filthy mouth shut" Gon ran his fingers though Killua's hair, slowly soothing him. "Hey, I know what'll take your mind off of all this" Killua wiped his eyes, glancing up at Gon. "Hm?" Gon grinned. "Spar?" Killua hummed for a moment, then took a few steps back. "Don't wreck any trees dumbass" He said, smirking slightly. "Trees? Who said I'd be aiming there? I'm gonna win this spar" Killua chuckled, hands behind his head and looking down his nose. "You think you can beat a trained assassin in hand to hand combat? Keep dreaming baaka" Gon bolted forward and he dodged, hands still behind his head, "Sure I can!" Gon said with a giggle.

Killua kept dodging with minimal effort, hands behind his head as Gon took a bunch of swings at him. "Oh come on, you can do better than that" Gon leapt backwards with his fists up. "Fight back then! It's no fun if you keep dodging!" Killua shrugged, then darted forward. He threw a full Ko punch and Gon blocked it as he whipped up an arm, the force of the blow caused slight air pressure and a loud resounding thud echoed around the clearing. They traded blows lightning fast, neither landing a solid hit. "This reminds me of training under Bisky" Gon said all of a sudden. Killua blinked, "Oh yeah, Ko training." Then he altered his predictable movements to swipe one of Gon's legs out from under him using an ankle, Gon started to fall and Killua tackled him with a grin. Gon let himself fall backwards, then grabbed Killua and kept rolling until he was on top. Gon's straightened hand was held to his neck, "Checkmate!" Killua blushed a little, then scowled. "If this was a real fight I'd have ripped your chest open" He said, referring to the fact that his right hand was free and currently 3 inches from Gon's chest. Gon beamed, leaping to his feet and holding his arms in the air. "But it wasn't! and I won!" Killua rolled his eyes as he got to his own feet, then they heard the bell ring. "Ah, lunch is over-"

"That was very impressive" Their eyes snapped over to Korosensei, who was standing a few feet away with a notebook and pen. "Fuck off!" Killua threw his knife and Kurosensei appeared beside them with a raised tentacle. "Very impressive indeed. Do you two perhaps have previous training?" Killua refused to answer that, it wasn't any of his business. Then Gon beamed. "Oh yeah! When we were 12-" Killua shot him a glare. "You have a bad habit of spilling information!" He snapped. Gon paused, then frowned slightly. "Wait, 'we'?" Korosensei said. Killua scowled as Gon beamed. "me and Killua are the same age!" Kayano, who he had forgotten along with the small group he'd came out with, spoke. "Wait, aren't you 13?" Killua sighed heavily, then rolled his eyes. "Fine, yes, I'm 13, not 15. I don't even remember why I lied about my age in the first place but it's none of your damn business anyways" Karma chuckled. "That's why you're so short-" I'M NOT FUCKING- He shot a glare over at the red head. "I'm not fucking short! My height is average!"

Gon blinked a few times, obviously confused. "Why would you say you were 15?" Killua huffed. "I just said that I don't remember! Listen, it was like a few months ago and I somehow started falling from like a really tall building-" Nagisa looked kind of confused. "What were you doing on a building that high?" Killua blinked. "I..." How do I explain this? "I have no clue. I was just minding my own damn business I think and then I started falling from a 7 fucking story building" His classmates other than Gon and Karma looked concerned. "But why where you-" Killua cut Nagisa off with a growl. "I said I don't know! One moment I was in a fucking forest the next I was falling" Gon looked thoughtful, then rubbed the back of his head. "Now that I think about it, I can't remember what I was doing before I was in the forest nearby the school." There was a confused silence. "Were we kidnapped?" Gon asked. It was Nanika, I know it was. She must have sensed Illumi's bloodlust too and sent him away to protect him. But then how did Gon get here? And where is Alluka?

"I believe something more mysterious is at foot here" Korosensei said, slithering over to them. "Two children from who knows where suddenly popping up in Japan? What an intriguing mystery" Killua glared daggers at him. "Well I sure can help with your mystery octobitch. I still remember that" He jumped, waving his tentacles. "Gahhh! I told you that in confidence Killua!" His classmates looked interested and Nagisa got his notebook out with an eager expression. "You know something we don't?" Gon looked like he wanted to know as well, maybe he'd tell him later. For now though... Killua rolled his eyes, putting his hands behind his head. "Hell no, then I wouldn't have blackmail" He said with a smirk at Korosensei. He waved his tentacles some more. "I'm your teacher!" He chuckled. "Doesn't mean shit to me" Then he dropped his hands and looked at Gon, raising a finger as he spoke without using Nen letters. "Listen, blackmail can save your ass one day. One time I nearly got kidnapped but managed to talk my way out with a little bit of dirt on him"

Korosensei looked kind of worried, his other classmates seemed to be alarmed that he had been nearly kidnapped. Well, besides Karma. He never has the same reaction as everyone else, dam- Gon started laughing. He frowned slightly over at him. "What's so funny?" he pointed at him while still laughing. "You nearly got kidnapped-" Killua flushed. "H-hey! I was six!" Gon snickered, smirking at him. "The 'invincible Zoldyck' getting himself kidnapped-" He blushed even more in embarrassment. "I didn't have experience yet! Also, Illumi was probably watching me from afar. It was part of a mission but he didn't help because I got out on my own" He admitted. "Hold on, you were doing missions that young?" Sugino said with shock. Killua blinked. "Do you even know what I meant by 'mission?' " He looked down. "Oh...I guess not" Kayano nodded though. "I agree though, even if we don't know what these missions are I still think it's a bit much" If they were smart they'd know it was assassinations, I mentioned the fact that my first kill was 6 years old and- "Enough chatter! It's time for class!" Korosensei said, then sped them each back to their seats one by one.

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To be continued...

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