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It was the weekend, the day before had been a Friday. Gon had insisted he wanted to go hang out with Kanzaki, Rio, Kayano, Nagisa, Kiara, and Hinano. They were all standing by the front of the school for some reason, Killua sighed heavily and made his way over. Hinano only looked slightly nervous around him, the others didn't really react other than acknowledging his presence with a glance in his direction or a slight smile. Gon however, shot him a glare. "Killua I said I wanted to hang out with my friends!" He paused, frowning slightly. "I...didn't say you couldn't" He said slowly. Wait a damn minute, he can't mean- Gon turned from where he was talking to Hinano and crossed his arms. "I always hang out with you. So, I'm gonna-" He hissed, a few of the girls took a step back. "Maybe because your my only damn friend?" Gon pouted. "Awww c'mon! Go hang out with Karma or something" Gon whined. He scoffed. "That strawberry bitch gets on my nerves. Calling me weird ass nicknames and stalking me" He muttered the last part as he glanced behind him, making sure said strawberry wasn't stalking him again.

Kayano looked worried for a moment. "Wait, Karma stalks you?" He huffed and crossed his arms. "Every single damn time I turn around, or do anything, he's fucking there. I swear to fucking god-" They were interrupted by a voice. "Now now little dove, that's not a very nice thing to say about your classmates" Killua jumped slightly, then shot a glare over his shoulder. "Listen, I'm sick of being fucking stalked. Twice was enough, I don't need a third to add to my damn list" Karma's eyes widened with shock. "H-Hold on, you've been stalked before?" Kanzaki asked worriedly. Killua sighed, rubbing the back of his head. Gon giggled. "Hisoka and Illumi" Killua shot him a glare. "Listen here you little shit. Hisoka stalked you a lot more than he did me. Thankfully that creepy ass clown is nowhere near here." Gon shivered a little. "Don't jinx it Killua" There was a cough. "You two worry me more and more each time you speak" Nagisa said worriedly. Suddenly Gon bounced over to him and shoved him slightly, making Killua stumble in the direction of Karma. "Go be assholes somewhere else, get along. I'm sure you two can find something fun to do, you know being sadists and all"

Rio gulped. "Is he a sadist?" Killua flushed a little. "N-No I'm not!" Gon crossed his arms with a skeptical look. "What's your first reaction when someone falls down a flight of stairs?" Killua snickered a little, "Dumbass" Killua coughed a few times, then cleared his throat. "I mean...help them?" He lied. Gon smirked. "nice try" Ah who am I kidding, I'd laugh my ass off and Gon knows it. He held up a finger. "Ok ok, if it was a kid younger than 14 I'd catch them. Otherwise..." Gon huffed. "Your morals need work" Killua scoffed. "I'm not taught to give a shit about other people." Karma chuckled. "Who else thinks dumping ice cold water on dickheads is a fun idea?" Killua grinned over his shoulder, "Oh hell yeah" Karma smirked, Gon beamed. "great! You two go have fun, we're gonna have fun too" Then they were gone. Killua was kind of regretting this, but then Karma grinned with mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's make that animal blood" Killua's eyes gleamed. This is gonna be fucking great- "You go get the buckets"

"AHHHHHH!" Karma and Killua started laughing, the poor asshole who'd been just walking along a street corner now covered head to toe in animal blood. What was even funnier, he thought it was a person's blood. Karma grabbed the last bucket, they'd had four. "Now, who gets the last one..." Suddenly he heard a familiar sigh, and Killua's eyes snapped over to a person who was scowling and walking down a street a few feet away. It was Terasaka. Killua grinned over at Karma, who'd definitely noticed him. Karma smirked back. "Target acquired" Killua grabbed the blood bucket and started jumping along rooftops, Karma slid down and walked over to Terasaka. He was so fucking hyped for this, it was the most fun he'd had since scaring off those kidnappers. Terasaka was just walking, glaring around, when Karma strolled up to him. Killua had activated Zetsu of course, to not draw attention. "Hey Terasaka" He said smoothly. Terasaka glared over his shoulder. "What the hell do you want?" He growled. Karma smirked a little and went over to lean on the wall of the building Killua was on. "Just curious, what brings you all the way out here?"

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