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Killua hated these goddamn uniforms. But what was he doing? Walking through a trapped forest, with the entire class, and the damn uniform on. Thankfully he had sewed a quick place to put his knife inside the jacket thing, it was the only reason he wore it. He was just walking with his hands behind his head, En activated for about 10 meters. People were drowning but he let them flail, if there was any threat of death then this school would be shut down. That also meant the snakes weren't poisonous, but he decided to do something about those. He quickly pried the ones off the guy who was in front, then snapped their necks and dropped their dead bodies on the ground. The other snakes slithered forward and he hissed back, eyes narrowing into slits and unleashing a small wave of bloodlust in that direction. Fuck off. They paused, then scattered. He of course got congratulated and a few people tried to start small talk, but after that he fell to the back of the pack again. He stayed there until he sensed a riled up bee hive. He tensed, Karma was next to him and sensed it as well. "something up little dove?"

He kept his eyes on the forest ahead, still on edge. "WHO'S IDEA WAS IT TO POKE THE BEE HIVE?!" he quickly scaled a tree, he was pretty sure Karma was the only one who noticed. Then a swarm of bees came out of the forest and the red head also ran towards the tree. Should I help him or leave him to suffer? Killua held a hand out and hauled him up there with him. The bees were after aggressors, who were low. They wouldn't attack this high up, nor would they go out of their path to search for deviators. He also activated Zetsu, that helped. Karma panted for a few seconds, before catching his breath. "you really hate bugs don't you" he scowled down at the commotion. "didn't have any of those at home, wanna fucking stab them" he grumbled. Karma chuckled, "with what kni-" Killua pulled his knife out of the makeshift sheath and he paused, blinking. "you do know you could get in serious trouble for that right?" he said, in a serious tone for once. Killua shrugged, "only if they find it" then he slid it back in, where it was undetectable. And they couldn't do anything about it anyways.

They were at campus not that long later, Killua decided to follow Nagisa because he had never been here before. They were all in a line, Nagisa glanced back at him nervously once before turning forward again. "Hey! Nagisa!" both Killua and Nagisa turned, Killua kept his monotone expression on as well. Two guys walked up, he had to admit they were pretty ugly. "wow, look at you guys. I'm surprised you made it" I'd like to see you trek through that trapped forest bitch. He had made mental names. Fat bitch, and skinny bitch. Because he didn't know their actual names and they were bitches. "must have been a heck of a trek rolling down the mountain" and then laughter. They were about to open their mouths again when Killua put his hands behind his head and locked eyes with skinny bitch, letting off his best cold glare. He paused, then took a step back. The same treatment for fat bitch and they both left. He couldn't draw more attention to himself though, so he ignored the rest of the bitches he didn't bother to name. Nagisa gave him a small smile and he decided to go for a small nod back as acknowledgement, closing his eyes briefly as he did so.

As the assembly went on, there was a lot of laughing. And then some girls decorated their knife sheaths. Karasuma hissed at them to put them away and students started to murmur about how why the end class got the hot teacher. Wait till you see Ms. Bitch- as if on cue, he heard more murmuring and the clipping of high heels. Before he knew it, Nagisa's face was getting shoved into Ms. Bitch's chest and Killua's mental alarm went off. Protect the child! He quickly shoved her off of him, then shot her his darkest glare yet. He was actually standing behind Nagisa, so he didn't see it. The bitch took a step back, legs trembling slightly. Then Karasuma dragged her away and he resumed the monotone expression. Wait a minute... why did I do that? He thought, taking a step back and resuming his place in the line. I don't give two fucks about these people... right? Nagisa recovered and gave him another grateful smile. "uh... thanks" he shrugged it off, looking the other way. It's not like I care...

He was still trailing after Nagisa because he didn't know his way around, this time not as close by as too not look like he was stalking him. He went to go get something from the vending machine and Killua leaned on a wall nearby. "Yo Nagisa, you proud of yourselves? Acting like you're having the time of your lives?" he recognized the voice of skinny bitch, and snapped his eyes over to where both skinny bitch and fat bitch were standing next to Nagisa. Nagisa had picked up a juice box or something. "laughing during assembly? Not cool" but you did it too bitch. "you bums ever hear of respect?" fat bitch said. "if I was in E class I'd keep my head down and my mouth shut-" Killua was at his limit, so he walked over. "Baaka~" all three's eyes snapped to him. He took his place in front of Nagisa, smirking slightly. "what's that you said? About respect?" the fat bitch grabbed his collar and lifted him up. "something you wanted to say? You want me to kill your ass?" he chuckled, taking note of the people watching. "as if a fat bitch like you had the balls to even stab someone" he hissed in a low tone, letting a bit of a wild glint into his eyes.

The fat bitch dropped him, and the other two stepped back. Nagisa came up next to him, a small smile on his face. "try it, I dare you" he added. They scattered and both he and Nagisa walked away. Killua calmed his face, then looked away as Nagisa tried to thank him again. "thanks again I guess. But... why do I keep running into you? Are you following me?" he sighed. "never been to campus before" he muttered. Nagisa blinked. "Oh, you could have just said that" he ignored the blue haired teen and picked up the pace, before walking out into the forest. A few people tried to tell him there was an easier way back, but he liked the challenge. Except the bugs. So he leapt over traps and shit, dodging around bugs and scaring off snakes. He was leaning against the wall for about ten minutes when he heard the students coming up the main path. He smirked, then put his hands behind his head with a monotone expression. "man I wish Killua came with us-" Nagisa broke off and blinked in shock. "what's the matter-" Karma's eyes drifted over to him and he smirked a little. "should have seen that coming. Little dove is always full of surprises" Nagisa looked confused at the nickname and he shot a small glare at Karma. He doesn't have as many good nicknames, damn it. "fuck off strawberry"

Before he knew it, it was time to study for midterms. Killua had more or less gotten the grasp of Japanese language to be honest, although complex shit still had him at a loss. His Korosensei double for the study hall had a blue headband, it singled him out. Well, except for the naruto one. I am not special needs! But this one on one was effective, and he was just practicing Japanese right now. Killua had already solved many questions of each subject in his own language to display how smart he was. Hell, he probably wouldn't have landed in class E if he knew the damn language. Not that I'd want to be in the other classes. Their stuck up because of this class being here. But he had to admit, it kind of was effective. If you give students a good enough reason not to slack, they won't. their desire not to be part of E class is what drives them to study and not fall behind- "Killua! Pay attention" his Korosensei scolded. Killua huffed, then went back to his Japanese.

Someone got Korosensei mad somehow, and he was just ignoring the talk about assassination plans because he already knew that. Then he made a tornado, most of the students covered their face and feared for their lives, but Killua watched with interest. What would happen if I jumped inside? He elected not to test that though, and a few moments later the sky cleared and there was a flat leveled area with white stripes and a soccer goal. Well damn. Then he said he wanted everyone in the class to place in the top 50. Killua saw the students gasp, or scream, or something along those lines. But Killua wasn't too worried. Shouldn't be too hard right? I just have to try my best for once.

He was staring blankly at a sheet of paper, he was going to fail. Well, math was easy. It was just numbers and shit, but English and Japanese were the end of him. Everything else just fell into the 'I'll barely pass' category. And then they threw questions that weren't even taught in class. He was pretty sure he was the only one who got it correct, judging by how the teacher that was watching shot him a glare. He also smirked slightly, then started tapping the answer in Morse code. I wanna see him break. Someone he didn't know the name of snapped their eyes over to him, the eyes were wide and shocked. So she's the only one who understands. He saw her quickly scribble something down and the teacher's veins looked like they were about to pop. Heheheh. The brown haired girl gave him a small smile and he nodded slightly back, although without looking. The only reason why he got that was because it was math, funny how he wasn't very good at it compared to the rest but compared to his peers he might just be smarter. Maybe doing school here might not be so bad...

1771 words

To be continued...

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