The next day Killua sat at his desk, mildly disturbed. There was a murdered octopus sitting on Korosensei's desk, it reminded Killua of Ikalgo a bit. It was a good idea though, Karma really does know how to push the right buttons doesn't he. "why the long faces?" Kurosensei asked as he walked in. he was about to say something else when his eyes fell on the mutilated corpse. "Oh, sorry. Innocent mistake. I thought that was you so I stabbed it, I suppose I should get rid of it as well?" Killua honestly thought it was kind of hilarious, if only the octopus was a different color. Karma would make a great assassin. He thought, but kept his monotone expression on the entire time as he watched. "yes you should" Korosensei said, then zipped off.

When he came back, Killua watched with amusement as he used a missile to cook some food. He had a talk about complexion and breakfast and shit, also his job. Karma looked baffled and kind of irritated at the same time, his face was priceless. Killua felt his eyes drooping. Damn it, I spent too much time experimenting the last couple nights. So he rested his head on a hand, and dozed off. He had only slept for about half a minute when he was snapped awake by something touching him on the head. On pure instinct, a hand shot out and squeezed the arm of the offender. He soon realized it wasn't an arm, but a squishy tentacle. There was a shout and he decided to slip out his green knife and cut off the edge of the tentacle for more experiments. When he opened his eyes with the tentacle in his hand, there was a dead silence. He crossed his legs and Korosensei took a few steps back, a nervous expression on his face. "sorry about that, I'm a light sleeper" he said, then slipped the tentacle into a ziplock bag. Karma looked at him with interest as he slipped the wiggling baggie into his backpack.

The day passed, Karma attempted killing Korosensei at least five times but nothing worked. He found the red haired teen's rising anger to be hilarious, but also couldn't shake the feeling that something bad would come of it. He was walking a new way when he came across a sheer drop. He was peering down when he heard footsteps and decided to avoid interaction by hiding in a tree. Karma and Nagisa came out and stood at the edge of the cliff. Karma was sitting on the edge of a branch, biting his nails and seething over his failed attempts. He didn't really listen until Korosensei came. "Oh Karma!" he slithered over on his tentacle feet. "I feel like taking exceptionally good care of you today. Keep trying to kill me if it tickles your fancy, I certainly don't get tired of rifling you up" his face turned green striped, which didn't bode well for Karma. "just so we're on the same page, you consider yourself as a teacher above all else?" he said, standing up. Killua's eyes narrowed. He's gonna fall if he's not careful.

Killua slid his yoyo into his pocket, it made him feel more secure for some reason. "that's right" Karma smirked slightly. "cool, and you wouldn't think twice before putting your life on the line for your students?" Korosensei slithered a little closer. "what sort of teacher would I be if I did?" he tensed. "that's awesome, good to know. I can kill you now" he said, raising the gun. No. he took a step backwards, a smile on his face. Killua felt a tear run down his cheek. He wasn't thinking that Karma was trying to kill himself, that's not why he was crying. No, he was crying because it reminded him of a certain green haired idiot who liked to jump off cliffs with a smile as well. But he didn't think it through, if he kills Korosensei he'll be killed as well!

Nagisa ran to the edge, shouting Karma's name. Korosensei was just, standing there. So Killua deactivated Zetsu, and jumped as well. "KILLUA" he ignored Nagisa, diving downwards as he drew his yoyo. He made himself more aerodynamic to go faster and catch up with him. Karma's eyes went wide with shock as he caught up, then spread himself wide to slow momentum as he made his way under him. Karma's body thumped into his a little as he threw his yoyo upwards, latching around the branch. He grabbed Karma with one arm, locking said arm around his waist so he didn't fall. He was still in shock right now, Killua's feet thumped into the side of the cliff and he saw Nagisa staring down with a horrified expression. "w-what the hell!" Karma shouted, finally recovering. Killua shot a glare at him, he hadn't gotten the chance to wipe his tears. "listen here you little shit, if you managed to kill him then you would have died as well." he growled furiously. They were still kind of dangling on the side of the cliff. Karma froze, as if just realizing.

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