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Killua was sitting out knife training, when suddenly he felt something. His eyes snapped to Nagisa, who was sneaking up behind Karasuma. He saw his face twitch, eyes go slightly wide. And then he whipped around and harshly blocked the attack, flipping Nagisa. That was bloodlust, Nagisa just used bloodlust. It was without conscious thought, but it was in fact bloodlust. The bell rang, a few moments later he saw someone at the top of the stairs. "hey Karasuma!" he said, lugging some bags over his shoulder. "Yo" he said. "my name's Akira Takaoka and I'm here to give your gym teacher a hand, pleased to meet you!" Killua's eyes narrowed slightly. His smile looks fake. He shifted a little, debating whether or not to say or do something about it. But then he sat down and showed what was in all those bags. His mouth watered at the expensive cakes and treats.

"um, these look sort of pricey sir. Are you su-" before whoever was talking could finish, he had swiped five of the cakes and shoved a sixth Éclair in his mouth. Takaoka's face twitched a little as he sat down a little ways away with his five cakes and half eaten Éclair. He tasted each of the delicious treats as he subtly observed. Not poisoned, but I don't trust him. And then someone called him a dad and his eyes glinted slightly as he wrapped an arm around two of the kids. I don't like that.

"now, things are gonna be tougher than usual but stick it out like the champs I know you are and I'm talking more sweets!" Killua couldn't help the gleam in his eyes, and Takaoka gave him one of those fake ass smiles. It was honestly nearly flawless, but Killua knew what a fake smile looked like. "ok then, along with your new training regimen comes a new schedule!" he paused and blinked at the paper. That's not too bad for me, but for these guys? He heard muttering and complaining. "wait. Hold up, hold up, this is ridiculous!" the orange haired guy said, walking up to him. "first off this is school, we gotta think about keeping our grades too. I mean come on, we can't go by this. When are we supposed to-" suddenly he was kneed in the chest and Killua went rigid. "rule number one, we don't do can't" Takaoka said, with that smile still plastered on his face. I knew it. "rule number two, we're the family and I'm the dad. Show me a family where a dad aint in charge and I'll show you a family in crisis" he said, face going dark.

I'm pretty sure plenty of women lead families you sadistic bitch. "if you can't take it feel free to sit it out, I'll get some buddies from H.Q send in replacements for the whole class" then his smile reappeared. "that said, I'd much rather see you stick it out. A father loves each of his children unconditionally-" Killua tensed, gritting his teeth slightly. Not everybody gets that. Nagisa glanced sideways at him with a confused expression. "-the thought of losing even one of em breaks his heart" he said, walking around. "we're gonna save the word kids, and we're gonna do it as a family" he said, hugging some other guy with orange hair as well as Kanzaki. "well, your gonna do everything father tells you do ah?" Kanzaki stood up, pushing off his hand gently. "I- actually sir to tell you the truth" she said, and Killua's hands clenched on his shorts. "don't do it-" he muttered under his breath. I'm gonna snap. I shouldn't, I can't. but... my gun's in my bag. I have a knife in my pocket. Nagisa put a hand on his shoulder as Kanzaki was slapped for rebelling. "I know how you feel, but we can't do anything" but you don't, you most likely never will.

This hurt him. This man who claimed to be their 'father', was using threats and physical punishments. It fell right into the category of child abuse, one of the few things that made him lose his cool very fast. "I can't take this" he hissed, then straight up walked out. He went into the forest on his own, then twisted and punched a tree when he was a decent ways away. "DAMN IT" he yelled, fighting to keep his bloodlust under control. I can't just kill him, but I can't let it slide either. What am I supposed to do here? His fists shook and he downed another tree, breathing hard in an attempt to calm himself. "calm your shit Killua, calm your fucking shit" he said to himself, running his hands through his hair. He slipped his small fishing rod replica out of his pocket and stared down at it for a few seconds. "what would Gon do in a situation like this..." he bit his lip, thinking. Punch him in the face? Maybe try to talk him down?

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