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When he walked into the main room where everybody was, they stopped and stared. Well, he was different so he couldn't exactly blame them. you know what? Being the shortest in the class might not be so bad after all. He was wearing his favorite outfit again, and he was wearing makeup as well. Not only that but he actually looked a little happy despite what just happened, many people weren't sure if it really was Killua. As soon as he walked in he pointed to the downed people. "ease symptoms for now, is anyone skilled in that field?" some guy with glasses and black hair nodded. "that was the plan" he said, walking over and setting down a box or bag next to the victims. Killua didn't like being the center of attention, but lives were at risk here. He was mostly worried about Kanzaki and Rio though, he didn't know the others that well "I might have a solution" he walked over to Korosensei, listening carefully. "just make sure you guys don't wear anything you mind getting dirty"

In the middle of the night, they were staring up at a huge mountain. He rested a hand on it and looked up, seeing all the footholds. This might be tricky, even for me. Then Ritsu beeped onto his phone, and he pulled her out. His classmates gathered around him as she started to explain stuff about the layout. Killua tapped twice on his phone, "send me a copy" Ritsu nodded, then he got a notification. She proceeded to explain how the only way to get in and avoid passing the main desk was up the mountain. "have courage students-" Killua ignored him and started climbing. "Killua wait!" he paused, then glanced back down. Some students were terrified, others were awed, some just worried. Karasuma looked kind of worried as well to be honest, and Karasuma was the one who spoke. "yes?" he said in the monotone voice he had taken to using. "it's too dangerous, whoever the hell this guy is he's a pro" Killua's eyes narrowed slightly. "I will go in by myself if I have to" protests from many students, except Karma. Got nothing witty to say here?

"wait, Killua" Nagisa said. He blinked. "hm?" he pointed to his backpack, "don't you have some rope in there?" Oh, I do. He dropped down real quick and unraveled the rope, it was only enough for half the mountain. "wait a minute, remember when Karma started falling? How did you get back up without rope?" an idea clicked in his mind, and he slid out his yoyos. "hold on, I have a plan" Killua threaded the rope through one of the holes and tied it around, then left the yoyo sitting on the ground. He did the same for the other end and started up again. "I'll be back" he said over his shoulder as he started to scale the mountain. He heard something and glanced over his shoulder to see that Karma had already started up, he shot an icy glare down at him. "I'm not catching you twice strawberry" he spat. Karma took the hint and dropped back down to wait, once Killua was done climbing all the way up he activated En. Nobody on the outside.

So Killua secured the yoyo at the top. Then thought for a moment. It might fall to be honest, I should probably stay up here. He tapped his Ritsu button, "yes?" Killua showed her the arrangements. "what's the class doing right now?" she smiled. "memorizing the format of the building, should I tell them it's safe to come up?" he nodded, then held onto the yoyo. HOLY- he should have expected that many people to be heavy, but he almost fell off. And they weren't relying only on the rope, it was a mountain not a cliff. Karma was up first, he should have expected that. "so, how do you plan on getting your toy back up doll?" he stiffened. "the fuck you just call me?" Nagisa came up over the edge, huffing. "I called you a doll, all that makeup your wearing-" he shot Karma a glare. "shut the fuck up before I shove you off the damn cliff" he snapped.

They were waiting near the door, going over their route real quick before they started. He followed close after Karasuma, like a shadow. Well, a white shadow. "why the hell do they have so many damn security guards?" Karasuma muttered, as they peeked out on the main building. "that's a lot of guys for us to sneak past" he activated En to quickly count. "we going stealth or can I start a riot?" a few students looked at him in alarm. "you aren't seriously-" Ms. Bitch raised a hand. "watch and learn boys" he said, and then strolled out. He had to admit, the art of seduction did have its uses. She got everybody to move closer as she was at the piano and his eyes widened. "she's buying us time, let's move" he said urgently, before using Zetsu to make his way past. The others followed his movements, and Karasuma took his place beside him. "these type of situations must be right up your alley" he said in a low tone. Killua chuckled softly, "I could have taken out that entire room on my own without a knife, but that many bodies would be obvious"

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