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Takaoka went on a rant, Killua stayed silent the entire time though. Wait for the right moment, rushing it won't help. He blamed their class for everything that went wrong, and then he got mad and ordered Nagisa up with him to the helicopter port. Nagisa decided to go, and Killua was about to go after him when Karasuma put a firm hand on his shoulder. "Killua, if you go up there I'm suspending you" a few people gasped, and Killua gritted his teeth. "I have to-" he was interrupted by Karasuma. "I know what you want, and if you do it I'm suspending you" a damn suspension won't stop me. He thought, but Killua huffed and pretended to grumble. A few of the students were murmuring and he gritted his teeth, faking being agitated. "I can't watch" he snapped, then shoved people out of the way as he made his way back to the inside area. Karma ran after him of course, and as soon as he got inside he ran over to the window. "are you sure about this?" he scowled over his shoulder. "tell Karasuma I left the fucking building or I'll knock you out to keep your mouth shut"

Karma nodded, then walked out of the room. He grinned, then activated Zetsu and went out of the window. He made his way along the side of the building and activated En, then hung over the edge of the helipad as he made his way over. Killua was dangling over a huge drop, but that didn't bother him. Nagisa was on his hands and knees before Takaoka, and it only fueled his rage. So he activated Zetsu again and kept going until he was as close to Takaoka as possible. Wait for it. He removed one hand and unzipped his bag, then reached in and pulled out his gun. He left his knife in his pocket, his gun was in his other hand as he waited. Suddenly he sensed something odd and activated En again, only to realize that Takaoka had picked up the case. He also noticed that the detonator was in his hand and the bombs were attached to it. Oh hell no.

So he leapt out of hiding, just as he started to throw the container. "NO!" Killua snatched it out of the air, ripped off the plastic bits and tossed the antidote in Karasuma's direction along with his own bag. At that moment, then detonator was pressed and he exploded. "KILLUA" he had covered most of the explosion with his hands, but he only managed a small Ko shield and his hands got burned. Then Takaoka started laughing, and Killua did too. Softly at first, but rising as the smoke started to clear away. When the smoke finally cleared, everybody out there was watching him with a horrified expression as he laughed. "oh man, how I've been waiting for this moment." his shirt was blackened as well as his hair and face, but that didn't stop him. "w-where the hell'd you come from!" he grinned. "sashayed my way along the helipad to avoid detection. I've gotta say, hanging over such a large drop is kind of exhilarating"

Then his eyes widened. "y-you took an explosion! How the hell are you still standing!" he opened his palms, which were badly burned but still in shape. "muffled your weak ass bombs with my hands, but that's no matter" he said, then slipped the gun out of his pocket. "I'm not afraid of those BB-" Killua fired off a shot in his right hand and he screamed, falling backwards. "these aren't BBs you sadistic bitch" he said in a low tone. Then he huffed. "your damn lucky that Karasuma gave Nagisa the knife, or I'd have gutted you like a fish long ago and it would have been a lot more painful" then he dropped his gun and drew his knife, twirling it between his fingers. "I wanted you dead from the moment you kneed one of your 'dear children' in the stomach" he spat, glaring holes into his eyes. "there's very few things that make me snap, child abuse is one of them" Killua explained, still effortlessly spinning his knife with his fingertips.

"Nagisa stay the fuck where you are" he snapped, as he saw the blueberry try to sneak forward. "y-your a monster!" he barked a laugh. "me? I'm the monster?" he growled, then shoved Takaoka violently causing him to thud into the ground with a gasp. He gripped his knife in his right hand angerly. "if anyone's the monster it's you!" he yelled. "you did so many fucked up things to our damn class. And you turned insane what, all because some high schooler beat you in combat?" he snarled. "we are assassins, but nobody here actually has the balls to kill a human being" then he smirked. "well, except me I guess. Because your gonna die here, there's no getting out of this" yes, be helpless. I want you to crawl away and try to run. His lust for blood rose as he tried to scramble away, and he took a step forward. "what's the matter? Regretting your life's choices yet?" he said with a grin.

Suddenly he chuckled, then showed something in his hands. "you take a step closer and I'll destroy this" he froze, eyes locking on what he had in his hand. It was a small fishing rod, the one he had sworn was in his pocket no less than ten seconds ago. Killua shoved his hand into his pocket, then clenched his jaw. "Give it back!" he laughed. "let me go and I'll think about not breaking this little toy of yours" he sneered. Killua clenched his fists, trying to decide. I want to kill him, I want it so bad. But...Gon... he took a step back, and the rod was snapped in half. Killua felt tears roll down his cheeks, he was frozen for a minute. He just... then Killua started to hyperventilate, he was losing his grip right then and there. Then he screamed, it was filled with fury and pain. He was done fucking around. Killua launched forward, stabbing violently into his stomach. The man let out a yell of agony and collapsed, gasping for breath.

Killua slashed a long cut and he heard a gurgling noise, he dropped the knife with a clatter and snatched the broken fishing rod back, holding it in his bloodstained hands. "No..." he felt the tears come faster, and he couldn't stop the quiet sobs that escaped him. Gon... a whole mess of things had happened within the last 12 hours. He got drunk, poisoned, exploded, broken a leg, slammed his head into a wall, all of those things were small, but they just kept building on each other and gradually made him more and more unstable. And then Takaoka stepped out, and he'd felt the urge to kill. Then when the rod was snapped, it was like all his self restraint had gone with it alongside the tap on his anxiety. "K-Killua?" that was Nagisa's voice, but he didn't respond. Was it worth it? He had sacrificed his own stability for a bunch of people he'd only known for a few months. None of that would have happened if he just let the dammed thing explode and gone for the kill anyways.

A hand reached out for his destroyed rod and he hissed, moving his own hands away. "H-Hey! Maybe I can fix it!" he turned in the other direction, ignoring the rapid footsteps. "oh god-" Isogai said, suddenly he was shoved hard from behind. "What the hell is wrong with you!" Terasaka yelled, and Killua gasped slightly as he started to fall. It's gonna break again! He quickly turned himself face up, still clutching the broken rod tightly. "Woah!" someone yelled. Then he got kicked again, Killua ignored it though. He got repeatedly hit by multiple people, but he just curled his body around the rod to keep it from deteriorating any further. "stop hitting him!" Nagisa shouted, but Killua honestly couldn't bring himself to care. "all of you, stop!" Karasuma barked, and everybody stopped moving. Killua slowly sat up, then grabbed his knife. A few people looked uneasy and took some steps backwards, but Killua just wiped the blood off using his clothes. I can wash them anyways.

When he was done, he slipped it into his pocket sheath and held a hand out. Karasuma dropped his bag into it and he quickly found a ziplock baggie. He placed the broken rod into said baggie and closed his six strapped one up. Nobody had said a word the whole time, but his hands started to shake as he slipped the bag back on. I don't want to be awake anymore. He thought numbly, then got an idea. He moved his sitting position into a more comfortable one, then made his hand straight. At that point he brought the hand up and hard back down onto his pressure point, effectively knocking himself out.

Killua's body fell, but nobody moved for a few moments. Then Karasuma spoke. "I'll call in a helicopter so we can quickly get the antidote to your classmates. Somebody, carry Killua into the helicopter" there was silence for a few seconds, nobody wanted to step forward and do it. Then Nagisa did, He came forward. A few of the students were unsure about it, but he grabbed the smaller boy's legs, then glanced around. "anybody?" silence. Then Karma came up and grabbed his arms, "I'll do it" but not one of the others stepped forward. Nobody else wanted to associate with him, the kid who violently murdered a person in front of almost their entire class. Killua was feared, and nobody wanted to touch him.

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To be continued...

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