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Gon blinked, and then blinked again. "I don't recognize this forest" he said aloud. The trees were kind of dense, and he couldn't remember how he got here. Where am I? he wasn't sure. So he decided on walking, he walked all the way to a large building that was kind of rundown. Oooh. Gon peeked inside but found it empty. He started prodding around though, and came across a few interesting rooms. The first one had so many desks, but it oddly had no scents in it. Like... nobody's been here for ages. But there's no dust either, actually it looks like it was just cleaned. He walked to the back, when his eyes caught something. There was a spot on the ground that was weird, he couldn't explain it. He sat down in the desk next to it, and tapped his fingers on the surface. "what do I do if nobody's here?" he thought aloud. So he reached in his backpack for something to do. Hmm... notebook, pictures, first aid kit, some pencils, a knife- Gon giggled and pulled out the knife, then started carving patterns on all the desks.

He spent about five hours on it, personalizing each desk to have a different theme. Woodcarving was one of his favorite things, he had done it all the time on his trees at whale island. He dedicated each to an animal, but as he kept going he was running out of ideas. So as he got to the back desk with the weird floor mark next to it, the only thing he could think of was a frog. So he littered some frogs and flowers over the desk, added some trees and a cliff as well. Oh! What about a pond? He added a pond as well, and also a frog holding a fishing rod because why the heck not? Gon could tell which seats were in use, so he ignored a few in the back without anyone who sat there. He knew because those few didn't have chairs. His eyes lit up. I can do the chairs too! But only the back. So he sketched a rough outline of each animal that every desk was based off of.

He giggled as he ran around, then realized he forgot the big one in the front. "Ooh! This one's really big" he had been in this room having the time of his life for about six hours now, and he was indeed having fun. Gon curiously slid open one of the drawers that was half open and noticed that there was a pile of papers with... octopuses? That's really strange. And the octopuses looked really weird, like humanoid. And they were all drawings, which varied in artistry. And then he saw one, it was really pretty. The paper had all sorts of pretty colors and the octopus had some knives around it. 'Octobitch' it read at the top. He blinked at it for a few seconds before putting the papers back in and closing the drawer. He had come to a decision. "this guy likes octopuses! I'm gonna put a whole bunch of them here!" so he added some sea creatures, and put a huge octopus in the middle. He littered the rest of it with some more smaller ones and finished off by making the seat's octopus based off of the one on the papers. He just did the head though, and the smile was fun to make. Although on some of them there were two sets of eyes for some reason, he decided to go with the one that said Octobitch on it for reference.

"when whoever goes here comes back, they'll love my surprise!" Gon said, then started bouncing around. "ok I'm bored" he said, after ten minutes, and moved onto another room. The second interesting room he found was really strange. It had some barrels, guns, knives, and more barrels. Why are there weapons here? But then he picked up one of the knives and frowned down at the flimsy material. "are these rubber?" he poked the tip, then brought the knife down hard on his arm. "this is sad, who makes rubber knives?" unless it was for a play? Yeah that's it, for a play. Although, these are a lot of knives for a play. After figuring that out, he checked out the guns as well. "these can't fit bullets, the hole things are too small" he observed. That was boring, so he went over to a barrel and blinked down at the pink pellets in them. "Oh!" he slipped the pellets into the gun and realized it was a perfect fit. "their BB guns, also for the play?" since there was nobody around, he started talking out loud.

That was when Gon got an idea. "what if I practice how to use a gun with this? Killua taught me some basic movement-" he paused, then saddened. Gon hadn't seen Killua for almost four months, he had gone off with his sister. "I wonder how he's doing" he said, then clicked the trigger. BANG! He jumped a little at the noise, then grabbed a target that was just lying around. Gon saw a bucket and scooped up a whole ton of BBs, then made his way outside. Once he did that, he set up the target and practiced shooting. Killua taught him how to aim and fire properly with a pistol, one handed. If he held his arm at an angle then it might break his hand or something from coil? It was a while ago so he couldn't really remember. Anyways, he held his hand in the right position and fired off a few shots. BA-BA-BA-BA-BANG! Gon frowned slightly at the results. One bullseye, two outer ring, and three third rings? I'm not very good. So he would try, Gon would try and he would get better.

The entire class was so gloomy because their insanely complicated assassination attempt didn't work. Killua had grudgingly been dragged into it as well, as one of the people on the water ski things. He kept his monotone expression on as he munched on some resort candy, at Karma and Nagisa's table because there wasn't an empty one. The two snipers started talking about how they froze up when their time came and Killua sighed. If I happened to be a sniper, he probably would have died. But then he wouldn't get to watch people's half assed assassination attempts anyone, although he had to admit they were getting better. He decided to take a sip of his drink, and froze. This... "EVERYBODY STOP" his class looked up with bewildered expressions and Killua's eyes darted around. "what's the matter little dove?" Karma asked tiredly. He saw Isogai about to suck on his straw and slapped the drink away, causing it to crash to the ground. "What the hell man!" Killua growled. "The drinks are poisoned!" but I can't identify what kind it is.

The class started to panic, but one of Terasaka's friends scoffed. "why should I listen to you?" and downed the whole glass. "of for fucks sake-" out of nowhere he collapsed sideways, and people started screaming. Rio and Kanzaki also started to act weird, along with a few others. suddenly Karasuma ran in. "what's happening?" he slammed his fist into one of the tables, gritting his teeth. "the damn drinks were poisoned " he spat. "Ritsu!" he took out his phone and Ritsu appeared. "Yes?" he showed her the state of his three closest classmates. "any data on these symptoms?" she started calculating things, then he got an idea. "wait, can you make an antidote if I give you some of the poison?" she thought for a moment. "possibly" he grabbed one of the drinks, then started running to where here fixed artillery was. "Killua, wait!" he ignored Nagisa and kept going, shoving past whoever the hell got in his way. When he finally made it, he saw Ritsu was already there and had one of her appendages out. He set down the drink and he heard footsteps. "Killua? What the hell are you doing?" Karma asked. "if Ritsu can analyze the poison, she can make an antidote. The issue is time. I've never heard of that poison before, if I did I'd be able to discern it by taste"

Ritsu placed one of her appendages into the drink, then sighed sadly "I'm afraid it will take a while, approximately 24 hours" he gritted his teeth. "Damn it!" he clenched his fists. My classmates are dying, and I'm just standing here. If I ignore someone I have the ability to help... wouldn't I be betraying them? He clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly, trying to calm himself as he started to hyperventilate. "don't care, stop caring. Stop-" he slammed his head into the wall, eliciting two shocked gasps. "DAMN IT" he felt like he failed, and there was nothing he could do. I don't even know how long they'll stay alive, and this creating our own antidote thing might not even work. He ignored as blood trickled through his hair, then realized something. I do care about these people. Hell, you don't spend nearly four months with someone and still feel apathetic. "hey!" he glanced over his shoulder at Karasuma, who had a grave expression. "the fuck do you want" he snapped.

He paused for a second at his state, then crouched and put a hand on his shoulder. "I have a job for you" he blinked, "huh?" he sighed. "some sadistic bastard just gave me a phone call telling me to send the shortest two students from the class to retrieve the antidote-" Killua stood up, "can I bring my knife?" he thought for a moment "why not?" he bit his lip when he remembered the blood in his hair. "gotta fix myself up a bit, be back in maybe five minutes? Don't fucking leave without me" he cleared his throat, then bolted off to find a place to shower. He spent two minutes showering, and the next three doing his makeup after putting on his clothes. He had brought some in a bag because he always loved eyeliner. Killua also put on some concealer to hide his red face and stuff, next some mascara. He opened his phone, then tapped the Ritsu communication button. Everybody had Ritsu downloaded on their phone, and there was a purple button that said 'Ritsu' on it. When pressed it notifies Ritsu that someone needs her. "keep that antidote going" he said, as she came out. "but I'm going to get the real one"

1770 words

To be continued...

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