FORTY-SEVEN || The Flames of Pasts Long Ago

Start from the beginning

We've worked this hard to stop now. The Legendaries have been suffering for far too long and deserve to be saved.

I know how much Mum didn't want this. She even warned me not to cross the rift earlier on, but I did. And it's my and the others' job to help fix this.

Much love,

Kalani 'Aerial' Agrinya

Zuri held the paper close to her before retying it again. "Aerial..."

Aerial looked up.

"It's not your fault, but do know that things will indeed get better. Keep your head up, alright? I will see you again once this is over. You might need to head back to the cave soon."

Aerial nodded and two shared one more hug, prior to holding hands. "Nakupenda, Mama."

"Nakupenda pia, Kalani." Zuri squeezed her daughter's hands.

Her mother using her name made her smile a bit and she nodded. A couple tears rolled down her hues as she walked off, creating a rift back to Kiyosumi.

She hoped to keep her mother's words close to her heart.


Back on Earth, Kiai walked in with the others. She almost hadn't noticed her older brother, Arvin, running over to her.

"Kiai! Oh my gosh, it's been so long!" Arvin pulled her into a hug. "¡Has crecido tanto!" You have grown up so much!

"Woah!" Kiai took a moment to return the hug before pulling away. "You nearly scared me, but it's nice to see you too."

Arvin smiled warmly and set her down. "You seem a bit troubled, though. Is something wrong?"

Kiai was about to say no but didn't want to hide it. She explained and Arvin's expression softened.

"A-Are Fiona and Tina okay?"

"They're fine but that one thing hurt them." Kiai's fists clenched in anger. "I don't know how, but we need to be more careful."

Arvin nodded, prior to seeing something bright in the corner of his eyes. When he turned, he saw that it was Aerial.

"Hey, Aerial! How'd it go?" he wondered.

"It went alright." she smiled warmly. She saw Kiai and walked over, sticking out her hand. "You must be Kiai, right?"

"I am." Kiai looked a bit surprised and shook her hand. "And you are?"

"Kalani, but most call me Aerial." Aerial smiled. "I think you'll like it here."

"I think I will, thanks." Kiai nodded and removed her hand. "But first, um, I think Fiona and her older stepsisters  wanted to talk to me about the situation. Nice meeting you, though."

She bowed a bit and headed off.

Sakari and Jun are sitting close to the cave's entrance, seeing Aoi talking to Tina. The two were holding hands and Tina was reassuring Aoi that she was okay, since she and Fiona were still experiencing a bit of pain from the aftermath.

Aerial noticed the two there and walked over. "Hey. How did the thing go?"

Jun pursed her lips, fiddling with one of her hair strands. "W-Well, it went weirdly."

Aerial sat down in front of them to get to their eye level. "What do you mean?" Once the two took turns explaining, she gasped lightly. "Oh my Solaria...those sound new. Both the flames and the aftermath."

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