chapter 1

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To Joshuji

heyyy you probably don't know who i am and that's good. I'm not sure if you remember me, you probably wont but don't worry. I'm just glad that i found you again. I just wanted you to know that you are an amazing person and you are loved by me and lots of other people don't let other people tell you your not worth it because they are wrong you are worth it. You may be thinking what a weirdo, of course everyone loves me I'm amazing and you are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, i know how sometimes people may say stuff that can get to your head but pay no attention to them. i hope you enjoy the chocolates i gave you and please eat the packed lunch too I've been noticing how thin you have been looking recently and it is starting to worry me. Are you not eating all your meals? that's bad for your health Joshua, your a growing boy you have to eat. WHY DO I SOUND LIKE MY MUM😭😭
Don't worry i didn't poison you haha i love you too muchhh to do that and I'm pretty sure all the girls who admire you will track me down and kill me if i did. I would talk to you instead of giving you this letter but then that would be random and very awkward so i have settled to write my feelings to you on a letter while i admire you from a far. Anyways enjoy the lunch joshuji ii hope you like it. Just know that i will always love you

your sincerely


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