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THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT READ THIS BEFORE YOU START READING THIS BOOK PLEASE AND THANKS (if you've already started reading you know all this shit, so don't bother reading this unless you really want to)


this is my warning to you before reading

i started writing this on december 11th, 2020. this book is really old. you might be thinking "there's not very many chapters, they must be pretty long." yeah well, they're not. they start out really short, and towards chapter 10 they get longer. i am also in a constant state of writer's block, so the content i give you is never that great. and you cant forget about the fact that i publish a new chapter once every two-three months. the plot is also very inconsistent because i can't remember anything about the plot. i'm hoping to rewrite this book, since it's really a lost cause.

anyways, that was your warning. enjoy the book!

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