Chapter Thirty

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One Month Later.....

Sanem walked out of the doctors office that day feeling more herself than she had in months..     There hadn't been any nightmares or thoughts of Taner Yilmaz for over a month, and that night was all but a distant memory...

She smiled at Can leaning there against his truck, " Hello my husband, I think this was my last visit to see the doctor." She announced stepping up close to him. Close enough to feel the desire that he had for her...

Can cupped her face with his hands, " I'm glad to hear that." He mumbled, as his lips grazed over hers. She felt that tingle creep up her spine. " Shall we celebrate, we have a gorgeous home just waiting for us. I'm ready to put this all behind us, how about you." 

She wanted that too, more than anything. " Sounds like a great idea, just us, alone." She whispered in his ear. He shuddered as she slid her hands around his body.

He opened the door and helped her in, never taking his eyes off of her.

The ride home seemed to take forever, as they stole little glances of one another, knowing what was to come. Their life had finally became what it was suppose to be...what he had dreamed it could be.

He reach for her hand as they turned down that long driveway to their home...

This place had been special, their sanctuary of happiness, She thought,  as he opened the door for her to go through. 

She entered their home this time as Sanem, the whole Sanem, the Sanem that had nothing to be afraid of anymore........because she had him. 

She was the Sanem that would always be " Safe in his arms of Love" ....

It was months later when they finally heard that Taner had confessed to five kidnappings. 

No, Sanem had not been the first, but at least she had been the last.....

And for that she had been thankful. She often wondered what would have happened if Metin had not have brought the police to find her, if Taner had gotten away once again. Her life would still be full of fear. wasn't full of fear...

Even the thought of him didn't terrify her anymore, didn't throw her into a pit of anguish. 

Ceyda had been used and manipulated as much as any of the other women that Taner had tortured, but she too would have to pay the price for the part she played in their evil game....Her attraction to Can would cost her more than she had ever expected. 

Sanem had lived through the hardest time in her life, and she often wondered how the other women had made it through their suffering. But she knew she had to put that behind her now, because now, her life was better than ever.

They had the home of their dreams and a life full of love. Each day meaning more than the day they dreamed of starting their family one day soon.....of course Can was more than ready to make that happen.

It wasn't long before Sanem returned to the agency to work, and she took her spare time to write about her experiences, the good and the bad 

It helped her to be able to put it on paper......explain all the details of what happened to her

And who knows, maybe,  just maybe, one day it may help someone else......

Thank you for coming along on yet another journey of undeniable love between our couple of Can and Sanem Divit.  I hope you enjoyed this unique and different story of this special couple. 

It brings to light the abuse that some women may have gone through. The guilt that they might feel for a crime that they didn't commit.

This was Part 3 of our  " Friends Series"  Will there be a Part 4? Who knows, we may have to visit this couple again to follow them as they live, love and grow into a family......

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now