Chapter Sixteen

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It was late in the afternoon before Can arrived at the agency. " Emre, I thought we had this campaign wrapped up, what happened?" He asked, as he looked over the file of the tire company. Emre lowered his head, ashamed to admit he may not be cut out to handle the creative part of the agency. " Well it seems that the tire company has a new advertising director, and he has doubts about the ad. So he wanted you to take a look at it, maybe add a little punch to it." Emre told him. " I took a look at it and offered my opinion, but he wasn't satisfied with that. He wanted you to look at it."  Can looked at Emre in a sideways glance, raising one eyebrow, " Do we know this guy, does he know me." Can asked, his curiosity peaked. Emre shrugged his shoulders, " Abi, I don't know, I only spoke to him over the phone. But he seems to know what he wants."  Can already didn't like this man, " If he knows what he wants, then why hire an ad agency to prepare a campaign. Just do it yourself." Can spoke, not wanting to deal with a know-it-all person. Can took the file and spread it out on the table in the conference room. He had already put up his defenses about this man, but he would reserve judgement until he met him.

Sanem sipped on her tea, wondering how long it would take for the doctor to return her call. It had taken all she had to make that call to the hospital, to reach out to someone for help. But she knew this was the only way, if she wanted to live a life happy and free. The thought of Taner ruling every thought, every emotion, every fiber of her being, wasn't something she wanted. If he would just disappear, that would be what she wanted. The call from the doctor came sooner than she expected, as the ringing of her phone brought her back to reality. " Hello Dr. Pasha, thank you for returning my call so quickly." Sanem added. She was surprised that he remembered her, as she explained the reason for her call, " Doctor, it's just not getting any better, in fact it seems to be progressing to the point of me not remembering some things I have done. And the flashes of that night are coming at the times when I am feeling the happiest." She explained, feeling like a weight was being lifted as she talked. 

The doctor listened as Sanem described to him all the classic signs of a drug induced trauma. That along with all the guilt that she was feeling had placed her in a fragile place in her mind. He knew she needed some intense therapy sessions to repair what she had gone through. " Mrs. Divit, why don't we find you a therapist to talk to, someone that will help you through all this. I know just the person, she's excellent at her profession and I think you two might be a perfect match." Dr. Pasha explained to her. Sanem agreed, ready to find a solution to what Taner had done to her. " Yes, I think your right doctor, maybe you can give me her number so I can call to set up an appointment." She replied. Just in this short talk with the doctor, she was feeling better, like she was in control of her life, she was doing something for herself and Can. " Let me call the therapist and give her the outline of your situation, if you don't mind, then she will call you to set up a meeting." He suggested. She took a deep breath, " Ok, I'll be waiting for her call. Thank you doctor." Sanem answered, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over her, but she knew this was the only way.

Can had been gone for a couple of hours, it was getting late and she was beginning to worry about him. When her phone rang she hoped it was Can calling to say he was on his way home, but it was a number she didn't know. Thinking it may be the therapist calling, she answered. The voice on the other end of her phone made her blood run cold, " Sanem my darling, I'm so glad you answered my call. I wasn't sure if you would, but I'm so glad to hear your voice."  Taner spoke, his voice sounding soft and eerie. Every nerve in her body sent a spark of fear to her head,  her heart dropped to her stomach, " Taner, do you want Taner." She stuttered, her voice shaking. " Why are you calling me, Can is in the next room, if he knows your calling.....Taner laughed, " Sanem I know that Can isn't there, that's why I called, I know your alone." His voice became louder and more in demand. "How do you know, how...Taner what's going on. You have to leave me alone, please don't call me again." She replied, trying to make herself sound like she wasn't afraid, but in reality, her whole body was trembling with fear. Why couldn't she hang up the phone, she knew she should, but she was too afraid of what he might do if she did. 

" I was very sad to hear you wouldn't come to visit me, why won't you come Sanem. I just want to speak to you face to face, I need to see you." He whispered into the phone. She shuddered, " I don't want to see you Taner, leave me alone." She could feel the tears stinging her eyes as she tried to control her body. " I'm not coming Taner, do you hear me, I'm not coming. So leave us alone." She screamed at him, as the tears gushed from her eyes. The phone was silent for a minute, she held her breath wondering if he had hung up, then he replied, " You will come Sanem, I know you will. You have to come, .....if you don't, you will never be rid of me."  He stated, sounding so sure and confident, then he ended the phone call. 

She stood holding the phone in her hand, staring at it, trying to make sense of it. He was in control,  she thought, as she struggled to breath. He is crazy and he's trying to make me crazy, she reasoned with herself, but how did he know she was alone, that Can wasn't here. All these things were running rampant in her mind, sending her fear into overdrive. Her phone rang again,  startling her, she saw it was Can and tried desperately to calm herself before answering the call. " Can, honey, are you on your way home?" She asked as she answered the phone. He laughed, " I am my love, have you missed me? How about I stop for pizza on the way. It's too late to cook, don't you agree." He asked. She took a breath trying to steady her voice, " That sounds great babe, I'll start the tea. Can, did you solve the problem with the tire company?" She replied, wondering if that had all been a ploy to get Can out of the house....

"Who was helping Taner, who was his eyes and ears outside of jail."  She wondered.

"Maybe he was right......she would have to visit him, just to keep from going insane"

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now