Chapter Twenty Four

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Emre was almost to stunned to talk, " Ali Yilmaz, he uttered, So what did he want, did he say." Can jumped up from his chair, " He didn't have to say Emre, I know what he wants, he wants to ruin our lives. Taner is manipulating everything that Sanem and I do,..still." He paced the floor, stopping to gaze out the window. " I didn't tell you, but we saw Ceydas' father at the restaurant last night. He told us that Taner is still trying to use Ceyda in all his craziness." He turned around looking at Emre and Deren, " Even from prison he's trying to get to Sanem. He told us to keep our eyes open when it came to Taner, those were his words. And what do I do, I meet face to face with the devils brother." 

Can had begin to feel weak, his anger was turning to fear. What would be next, he wondered, and how would he be able to protect her from him. All he wanted to do was take Sanem and disappear until the investigators could figure out what Taner was up to. " Emre, I'm taking Sanem away for a few days, Metin is working with the police on this. They think that his brother may be the person that helped him set the whole abduction up." Can face had turned that ashen color as he explained the details. Emre had never been afraid for his brother before, Can had always been able to take care of himself, but this was not a normal situation. " Take all the time you need, and Abi, I'm sorry that we didn't trust your instincts about this." Emre confessed giving Can a hug.

As Sanem shut the door behind the doctor, that fear of what was next enclosed around her. She took the flowers that he had sent and stuffed them in the bottom of the wastebasket, covering them with other trash, but she kept the picture. She studied it, memorizing each detail about it, thinking back to that night. As she looked at the picture her mind began to remember different details, things she hadn't realized before. " He was talking to someone, not to me, but to someone else in the room. Someone else took this picture, she recalled as her thoughts rambled about in her head. 

She closed her eyes, feeling a headache coming on. But the thoughts wouldn't go away, who was the other couldn't have been Ceyda, so who else helped had to be someone he trusted.....

Her phone rang, bringing her mind back from that awful night, it was Can. " Hello babe, is your meeting over? She asked, reeling in all those new found memories. " Yes my love, are you ready, I'm almost home and I'll grab our bag and we can be on our way." He told her, relieved to hear her voice. Oh the trip, she had almost forgotten about that, " Ok, yes I'm ready." She answered, still looking at the picture.

She hurried around, checking their bag to make sure everything was there. She took the picture and hid it in the pocket of her leather jacket at the back of their closet.  She wished she could talk to the doctor again after remembering some of the details about that night, but that would have to wait until they returned. She was looking forward to this trip, she needed a distraction, she needed Can. She had never been to Alacati before, and any place would be special if they were together..

As Can pulled up in front of the house, he closed his eyes, willing himself to transform from that angry and fearful Can back to that person that was ready to whisk his bride away on a special ending to their honeymoon. He put on a smile and opened the door, " Sanem, honey, I'm here. Let's get in the road." He called out. Just the sound of his voice made her feel better, as she rushed out of the bedroom to welcome him home. " Can, sweetheart, I'm so glad your home." She stretched up on her tiptoes to give a kiss on the lips. His arms grasped on to her, pulling her tightly against his body, " Yes, now that's the kind of welcome I like to come home to." He returned her peck on the lips with a much more demanding and heat-filled kiss, one that made her knees buckle and her skin tingle.

" Ok, whew, we should go, now....before we get sidetracked." He muttered, reeling in all those emotions that had just erupted inside him. She smiled at how easily he could become a man that only wanted one thing. He stepped inside the bedroom to grab there bag, " Hey, ..whats this? I told you all you need was a bathing suit and a toothbrush, and you packed us this whole bag full of clothes." He asked with that slight smile. She shook her head, " Can my love, what about going to dinner?.....I'm sure you don't want me to go in nothing but my bare skin, do you?"  He moved closer to her and whispered, " Room service my beautiful wife, service." 

The drive was a bit long, but the scenery was like nothing she had seen before. As they got closer to Alacati the highway hugged the curves of the coastline. The view of the sea was beautiful, the water a bright aquamarine color, extended out for as far as she could see. She always loved the sea, the coast, she felt more comfortable there anywhere else. The water calmed her...

Can had been watching her as they got closer to their destination, how open she was to the discovery of new places. Her face lit up as they wound their way into the beautiful city. Their resort was on the outskirts of the city, closest to the sea. He couldn't wait for her to see it. It had even taken his breath away the first time he came there to visit his friend. The Warehouse was a sophisticated and modern resort, full of the latest amenities. But all Can wanted was a comfortable suite where he could enjoy these last few days of their honeymoon. 

She opened the door to their suite, gasping at the sight of it, " Can, Can...this is beautiful, I mean I have never seen anything like this before."  She screeched, as she walked about in the lavish room. His friend had spared no expense, making sure that there was a large buffet of food laid out on the table. It had everything you could imagine, right there ready for them to enjoy. The view was vast and private, and the balcony seemed to expand all the way to their private beach.

She felt like a princess, a queen, and this was her palace. She had only seen pictures and read about places like this, but now she was there, staying in one of the most magical places.

He couldn't  keep his eyes off of her as she explored every inch of what would be their home for the next few days. His work had taken him to various places in the world and he had stayed in many extravagant hotels, but this was by far the most important place he had ever been.

He was with her......she brought something more than special to wherever she was, didn't  matter which city, which province or which country.....

Sanem felt his arms slip around her.......she closed her eyes and let her body welcome him..

This would be the place where she could forget........forget it all and just love.

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now