Chapter Eight

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She stared at him her eyes still full of pain, " Can did your Dad send a card along with the flowers, I need to see it." Can closed his eyes as a wave of emotion covered him, " Sweetie, my Dad sent a letter along with the flowers, but you got so upset I didn't have a chance to show it to you." He went to the desk, opened the drawer and pulled out a letter, " Here, read it. " He replied, " So you can remember some of that night in the cottage?" He asked, sitting down beside her. He placed his arm around and he could feel her body tremble, he pulled her close trying to shield her from her thoughts. Sanem drew strength from Can, but the visions of what happened that night were becoming stronger and stronger, she wasn't quite sure if they were things that really happened, or if her mind was playing tricks on her. 

She opened the letter and read the beautiful words that her father-in-law had written to her, 

" My beautiful daughter, I apologize for not being present for the marriage ceremony, but I am sure it was as wonderful as the love you and my son share.                                                                               I know the love my son has for you and I'm sure he has your love in return.                                                    I look forward to seeing you both soon, we have a lot of time to make up for and I can't wait to properly welcome you into our family.

I heard of the terrible ordeal that you were put through, and for that I am truly sorry, but there is nothing like a loving and caring family to heal those wounds of  the past.                                                     I can't wait to wrap you in my arms and hold you there until the those memories disappear.           I plan a return home very soon, as quickly as my health allows....but I send you many hugs and kisses my wonderful daughter.        Your loving Father.

Her eyes clouded with tears, as she read the words. She hadn't had the opportunity for a relationship with Mr. Aziz but she knew he was a special person, full of compassion and love, so much like his son. It was a relief to know that he was indeed the one that sent the flowers, and they weren't some sick joke from Taner. Can felt her body relax as she curled up on his lap. She felt better after reading the letter, but it was still so ironic that he sent white roses. He caressed her in his arms like a small child and carried her back to bed. She snuggled against him feeling the safety of his arms. He gently laid her on the bed and crawled in beside her, she was asleep the moment she hit the bed. He watched her, wanting to make sure those bad dreams didn't interrupt her sleep. Her face reflected the pain she was in, Can was determined to make the pain from that night with Taner go away. 

The ring of his phone jolted him from the bed. The grabbed his phone and hurried out of the room to answer.  He wondered who was calling so early as he looked at clock. Not realizing how long he had slept there beside her, he was shocked to see it was mid-morning as he answered, "Yes Ms. Sahin what can I do for you." He asked, hoping she was calling with good news about the house. The realtor delivered the best news possible, their offer had been accepted, so now they just would wait for inspections and paperwork. He knew Sanem would be so happy. The thought of their own home gave him goosebumps, they would have a place that was just for them. That was something he had never had, at least not in his adult life. He had always traveled around from place to place, country to country, never setting down roots anywhere. But that was all about to change...he had a home now, and he had roots....he had Sanem.

Her voice interrupted his thinking, " Hey sweetheart, you let me sleep half the day away again."  She spoke as she draped her arms around his neck. The sight of her made him smile, the closeness of her body made him weak, " I thought you might need the extra sleep, and besides I just got up myself. Ms. Sahin called and they accepted our offer, so that house is ours, well when the paperwork is ready its ours." He told her with an excitement he couldn't contain. Sanem stared at him almost in disbelief, " Really, it's for sure our house, you're not joking are you?" She exclaimed, in a high-pitched voice. " No, I'm not joking, it's ours." He replied, laughing as he picked her up and swung her around. She squealed with delight, how had she deserved so much happiness, she thought, as his lips touched hers and that feeling of contentment filled her body...

Sanem made tea and they went to the garden to enjoy the rest of a beautiful day. Emre would he home that evening and he wasn't looking forward to his company, but it would only be for a few weeks, he kept telling himself. He watched Sanem as she gazed out across the lawn, she could make anyplace more beautiful, he thought. " Can, just think, we can enjoy a garden like this at our home in a matter of days, but we will have the view of the sea." She turned smiling at him, " I think the view from our home is going to be more beautiful, no offense." She told him, as she reached for his hand. Can nodded in agreement, but the view of this woman was all that mattered to him...

She sat up quickly, " Can let's go furniture shopping, we need to get started. Come on." She begged pulling on his arm. "Ok, ok we'll go." He laughed as he let her pull him up from the lounger. Wrapping his arms around her he whispered, " I think the bedroom furniture is all we really need, don't you?" As he delivered one of those kisses that would blow your mind. " Can don't get started or we will never get to the furniture store." she whined trying to wiggle from his grasp. He threw his head back, letting out a growl, " Ok, furniture shopping it is then." He replied, surrendering to her every desire. They hurried to the bedroom to dress, and as they passed through the living room she caught sight of the vase of white roses, " Can the roses, you never told me if your Dad sent a card along with them"........

He stopped abruptly, turning to face her. As he looked at her he realized she was not joking. She was a serious as he had ever seen her. She stood staring the flowers as if in a trance, just like the night before. A hundred things ran through his mind, as he searched for the right words to say to her.  If he told her the truth about last night, it may make her too upset, but if he lied about last night, it would only mask the fact that was a problem..She turned  away from the flowers and looked directly into his eyes....

" Well my love, did he send a card or not." She asked again, searching his face for an answer.

" Can what's wrong, you look as if you've seen a ghost".......

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now