Chapter Twenty Five

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Metin was just leaving the police station from talking to the chief investigator in the Taner Yilmaz case. What he told him made this whole case even more bazaar. 

" Look Mr. Tekin, I'm telling you that Ali Yilmaz is involved in this more than you realize. Can just met with the man, Ali Yilmaz set up a meeting with him. Of course Can wasn't aware that he was Taner Yilmazs brother until afterward when we talked. I think this man is going to finish what his brother started." Metin said, emphasizing the danger this man might cause.

" Did he threaten Mr. Divit?" The investigator asked. Metin slammed his hands down his desk, "So if he didn't tell him he was going harm his wife then it probably won't happen.?" He ranted. "Is that what you're saying, because if you are you have misjudged Mr. Taner Yilmaz. He has also been in contact with Ms. Sancak, trying to get her to help him finish the job, ...did you know that?" 

Tekin's eyes grew large, as he shifted around in his chair. " No, no I didn't know about that, but how do you about it." He asked, putting up his defenses. 

" Well that's another thing that Can Divit knew about and you didn't. Her father was the one that told him. Look, Taner is working his evil just as much now as he would be if he was free. I think you need to put a stop to it." Metin demanded. 

Mr. Tekin nodded, " Ok I will take care of it. We will close any visitation and restrict any phone calls. Oh, I need to know the location of Ali Yilmaz, can you get that for me." He asked. Metin agreed, thankful that they were finally going to take this guy seriously..

Can could barely concentrate on their dinner, just sitting across the table from her had made the blood run hot throughout his body and that throb of desire was already happening between his legs, making him shift uncomfortably as he tried to hide it. Sanem was looking at him with one eyebrow raised, " Can are you ok, you have barely touched your dinner." She whispered, as she watched tiny beads of sweat pop out on his forehead. 

Can looked at her with total frustration, " I told you I didn't want to go out to dinner tonight, but you insisted, and now all I can think about is getting back to our room and taking that dress off of you." Can said as he gritted his teeth in torment.

" Oh, ..I see, so what you mean is that something will be quite visible when we stand to leave?" Sanem asked, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him. She saw the humor in it, but was sure he wouldn't..

Can tossed his fork into his plate, annoyed that she found it funny " Yes, yes that's exactly what I mean, and I know your laughing at me on the inside. Go ahead make fun, but it's all your fault if everyone is staring at us when we leave..

She smiled at him but she had to admit the thoughts of what was coming later in their room had also stirred her up, and made her feel that strange aching in her gut that traveled all the way down to her inner thighs. But she was able to cloak all of her desires for him, hiding them from view. A luxury that men didn't have......and yes, she did see the humor in it.

They sat for a there for a bit while Can tried to collect himself. His friend came by their table anxious to meet his bride, " Can my friend, I'm so glad to see you, and this must be Sanem." He spoke with a broad smile. He extended his hand to welcome her. " Yes I'm Sanem, pleased to meet you." She replied accepting his handshake. He was a very handsome man but the total opposite of Can. A very neat and put together man, dressed in a suit that looked like it had been tailor made just for him and his black hair was short and slicked back smoothly and precisely, with nothing out of place. 

The two friends talked for a few minutes, giving Can time to return to normal. They agreed to get together and have a good visit before they had to leave. " The dinner is on the house tonight. Just consider it a wedding gift." He told them as they said their goodbyes. Can thanked him and gave him a hug. Now to get out of the restaurant, he thought, without being embarrassed. 

As they took that short walk through the beautiful garden back to their bungalow suite all Can could think of was spending the rest of their time alone. Locked away in their luxurious suite with nothing to do but enjoy the whims of their desire. That thought had barely entered his mind when his phone alerted him if a text. Seeing it was from Metin he read...." It's taken care of, no more visitors or phone calls" 

Can took a deep breath, what would he have done without Metin, he thought. Now they could enjoy this time together, but the least Sanem knew about it, the better. " Who is it Can?" Sanem asked. He gave her a slight smile, " Just work, nothing to worry about." He replied, hating to lie to her. She tilted her head, " I thought we weren't doing any work for the next few days?"  He shook his head, " You're right, we aren't, that was the last time I will think about work. I promise." He answered, as he unlocked the door and lead her inside.

He shut the door and turned the lock, his eyes connected with hers, " Well where are we starting first, ...i say the balcony. The moon is full and bright and you know that brings out the animal in me." He mumbled, as he nibbled on her earlobe. She tilted her head to give him full access to her neck area, " You mean outside, she muttered, " but, but, someone might, ....Can wait," Her breath was already short and shallow as he slide the zipper down on her dress. 

Her heart was beating hard, throbbing fiercely in her chest as he ripped off his jacket, tossing it on the floor. She was glad she didn't have any buttons to fumble with as he pulled his t-shirt off over his head exposing his chest. She could see this mans body a million times and she would still have the same reaction, as she sucked in her breath in awe of what she saw. 

She wiggled out of her dress, hurrying things along, as he unbuttoned his pants and kicked off his boots. 

The sight of her there in the raw was almost more than he could stand, as the moonlight cascaded in through the large glass door. It encased her, making her body seem to glow and shimmer in the dark. 

The anticipation had pushed him to a new height of desire, it was almost an out-of-body experience as he let his hands glide down her back and cup the roundness of her butt. He pulled her up tightly against his body, as he felt himself grow larger and larger. He wondered how he could love someone this much, how could another person make him feel this vulnerable and weak, yet so strong that he felt invincible. 

She tugged at his pants, pushing them down to his knees. He stepped out of the pant and slide them out of the way, leaving them both completely and fully exposed. He knew he had to slow down or everything could be over in a matter of minutes, and that's not at all what he wanted..

She wrapped her arms around his neck. He lifted her up as she encircled his body with her legs, clinging to him for dear life.......He walked out to the balcony and gently laid her out on the lounger.......the soft breeze from the sea and the moonlight reflecting from each curve of her glistening body, tantalized him even more.

No, ...not yet, he he covered her mouth with his..

" I want this night to last forever, .....

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now