Chapter Twenty Two

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Sanem handed the picture to the doctor and threw the flowers on the table, " Ok, this is the latest thing, they arrived a few minutes after my husband left for his meeting." Sanem explained, still repulsed by the picture. Dr. Baris studied the picture, " So this is the person who abducted you that night, Taner, that's his name right. Dr. Pasha filled me in on what happened to you, and told me that your abductor is in prison, that right?" She asked, watching Sanem as she paced back and forth in the room. Sanem shook her head, " Yes he is, but it's like he still knows everything that's going on with us. How can that be, how can he still call me and send me these flowers with a picture. And these flowers, they reak of the smell from the incense that he was burning that night in the cottage." She yelled, feeling herself losing control. 

" What? Did you say he called you?" the doctor asked. " When was that."  Sanem covered her face with her hands, " I'm not sure of the day, but it was after we spoke the first time on the phone." She slumped down on the sofa, exhausted and more afraid than ever. She slowly went over everything that Taner had said to her, delivering all the upsetting details of that phone call. 

"Why did he want you to visit him, can you tell me?" She asked. The doctor could see the trauma that Sanem had been through, " Were you alone when Taner called?" she asked, trying to piece all of it together. Sanem nodded, " Yes, Can had just left for an emergency meeting at the agency." She answered, reliving the phone call in her mind. " Taner told me that he knew I would come and visit him, if I didn't, I would never be rid of him."  

"And today, you said the flowers came just minutes after your husband left. And where did he go? Dr. Baris questioned, beginning to see a pattern in Taners behavior. 

Sanem stood quickly, like it had all just registered in her mind, " Can went to a meeting, again. For the same company." She uttered, feeling the fear grip her even tighter. Were the meetings just a way to get Can out of the house and away from her, ....did that person at the tire company have some connection to Taner?

Can smiled as he shook his hand, but a wave of confusion traveled from his head to his feet. Ali Yilmaz, Yilmaz.....that name wormed its way through his mind. How had this person known about him, he had never heard of him before, but the name Yilmaz was definitely a name he knew. 

" Come in Mr. Divit, lets sit and conduct our business comfortably. Tea or coffee?" He asked, as he motioned for him to follow him. That feeling of caution gripped him, as he followed him to a small sitting room facing the back garden. " I will have tea, thank you." Can answered, gazing around the room. The young man nodded, " Of course, you are a drinker of Turkish tea, I figured as much. I have never developed a taste for tea or coffee, so I will join with a glass of orange juice."  He explained, giving him a big smile. It was quite disturbing, Can had this strange sensation that the campaign for the tire company was not the reason he was there. 

" So Mr. Yilmaz, I understand that you have a different outlook for the ad campaign than what we have. That is what we are here to talk about, right. If you aren't happy with what our agency has planned for the company, you are certainly free to explore other options." Can expressed, hoping with every fiber of his being that he accepted the offer. To lose this account would hurt the agency, but at this point he was willing to take that chance. 

" Absolutely not, Mr. Can. I know this company has been with your agency for many years, I wouldn't think of severing those ties. But there are a couple of suggestions that I may have." The young man eyed Can with a look of confidence. Can nodded his head, " Yes they have been with us for a while, but if we aren't making them happy, then maybe it's time." Can countered, giving back that same look. Can shifted in his chair, feeling uncomfortable, " If we are in agreement then, you are more than welcome to entertain other agency's for your campaign." Can stood abruptly. " If there's nothing else Mr. Yilmaz, my wife is waiting on me, we are going on a short vacation. It was a pleasure." Can replied, as he turned to leave.

" Ahh, Ms. Sanem, how is your lovely wife. Oh, and my congratulations on your recent marriage."                         Can turned to face him, " How do you know my wife, and the well being of my wife is certainly none of your business." He spewed, the encounter making his temper flare.

" You know, word gets around. I was hoping that she would be helping on this campaign, I had heard many good things about her." He answered. Can wasn't sure if it was fear or anger that had possessed him, but he knew it was time for him to leave. " Excuse me Mr Yilmaz, but I have to go, and I wish you luck in finding a new ad agency." 

By the time that Can got to his truck and started out the driveway, his whole body was shaking from anger. What was this man trying to pull, he thought? Why didn't I take care of him while I was there, he yelled as he speed down the driveway toward the road. 

Dr. Baris had listened to everything that Sanem had to say.  Even the fact that Taner was still trying to involve Ms. Sancak in his plans. " Sanem, I believe that Taner only has the power to harm you if you let him. He knows that you are scare of him, and that's the only thing he has to work with." She explained. " If he has someone working with him, which is probably unlikely, there are ways to handle that. We have to go to the police and tell them what he's been doing. They can withdraw all visitation privileges and phone calls as well." She stated.

Sanem took a deep breath, feeling like the worst was about to happen. "So you think that I'm allowing him to torture me, but why." She asked, covering her face with her hands. 

" Because you feel the guilt for bringing Taner into your lives. Remove the guilt from your mind, and you cut those ties that have bound you to Taner since the day he showed up at the agency." The doctor spoke, giving Sanem the answer she needed. " There is nothing you did to cause Taner to react the way he has. He is sick Sanem, but you didn't make him sick. This kind of behavior comes only from a person with deep physiological problems." 

Sanem knew then that she would have to go see him, just like he said. 

Peel off all that guilt that she unknowingly had been carrying around and face him.....

Letting him see that he wouldn't control her anymore.....

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now