Chapter Seven

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Can had insisted she stay in bed for a while, " If you're not going to the doctor, then you're at least staying in bed." He ordered, pulling the curtains together to block the afternoon sun. She smiled knowing he meant well, and that he was serious. It seemed that the shock of seeing those flowers and then the relief of knowing they weren't from Taner had pushed her mind and body over the edge. The thought of sleep did sound good but just a nap, she thought, as she drifted off. Can sat outside, his heart still racing with the thoughts of something happening to her. He really wanted to know why those flowers seem to upset her so much, but he knew that this wasn't the time. What ever it was, he would be there for her, no matter what. They would be happy, this life was all he dreamed of and he wouldn't let anything get on their way.

The room was dark as she opened her eyes. She looked around a bit confused, had she sleep all afternoon, she wondered. The sounds from the kitchen brought her out of bed, she opened the door and made her way to the kitchen. The aroma was heavenly, making her stomach growl with hunger, but the sight of her man hovering over the stove stirring what seemed to be pasta, made her forget all about being hungry. She walked up closely behind him, gliding her hands up his back, feeling the softness of his skin but the firmness of his muscles. " It sure is nice to have my own personal chef. What's for dinner?" She asked, letting her arms slide around his body. Can turned quickly, " You're awake, I was beginning to worry about you. Just a little pasta and vegetables." He replied, pulling her closer to his body. She kissed his neck, " It smells great. I'm going to shower and get dressed, what time is it? She asked. " There is no need to dress, it's just coming off after dinner." He told her, letting his hands slide over her body. She slapped his arm, "Can, you're terrible. I'm going to dress anyway. You will just have to control yourself. And you, you should go put on a shirt." She ordered, wrinkling up her forehead. 

She hurried off to take a shower. Can laughed yelling after her, " Just because you get dressed and I put on a shirt doesn't  mean I'm going to control myself." He was already planning the whole evening, and none of it required clothing. She stood in the shower, the warm water pounding against her skin, but her mind still thought of those flowers. It was a very thoughtful gesture and she knew he had no idea about the meaning of the white roses, in fact she hadn't even remembered about them until she saw them. That time in the cottage was still so foggy and blurred in her head that she wasn't sure if what was real and what was not. She knew she was ready for it all to disappear from her thoughts, but in reality it seemed it was becoming more vivid. She finished her shower, and dressed in a form fitting maxi dress. It made her feel good as she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt like a woman, a woman that was loved. She blow dried her hair, letting it flow loosely across her shoulders and down her back. She headed to the kitchen, ready to devour the delicious food. Can had set up the food on the table in the garden, lit the candles and chilled the wine. He was waiting for her as she walked across the lawn, his heart full of love. As she came closer he could see the smile on her face,  " Can my love, this is beautiful. You are spoiling me, and I love it." She squealed, planting a huge kiss on him. 

Can had worked hard on presenting her with the most romantic dinner ever, the food, the atmosphere, the music. He didn't want anything to come between them, not on this evening, this was their last night of their honeymoon and he intended for it to be special. So, there was no way he would tell her about the phone call he had gotten from Metin while she was asleep. It seemed that the statements from Taner and Ceyda hadn't matched, not even close. So they may need Can to give a statement as to what he overheard with Ceydas phone call that night in the tent. That was something he hadn't anticipated, the less he was around those two the better, he thought. But if him telling the investigators what he heard and what she told him would hasten the outcome for Taner than he would do it.  Compass Sports had already withdrawn from the agency, and the agency had pulled all advertisements that associated them with Compass Sports. The whole thing had cost them thousands of dollars and the publicity hadn't done them any favors either.

Can held on to her tightly, not wanting to let her go. She felt his embrace grow stronger, " Can you're squeezing me, ....are you ok?" She asked, as she wiggled from his arms. He smiled, " Yes, I just want to keep you close to me, sorry if I was hurting you." He ran his hands down her arms, his mind only had thoughts of keeping her safe and happy. " Come on let's eat," Can replied, "After dinner I have other plans, so eat fast." He leaned in giving her one of those kisses that made her knees buckle. She knew exactly what he meant, and It brought on those butterflies and with that along came the goosebumps that covered her body. How would she be able to eat now, she wondered, just thinking about what was to come. The meal was delicious as usual, and the music was beautiful. He always knew the right thing to do, as they finished the last of their meal. He reached for her hand pulling her close to him, " May I have this dance Mrs. Divit?"  He whispered, his lips brushing against hers. He took her breath away, he always had and always would, " Yes you may Mr. Divit." Sanem replied, gliding her fingers through his beard. 

Dancing had never been Cans strong point, he didn't care for it that much, that is until he met Sanem. She had opened up so much to him, took him out of his comfort zone and showed him how to enjoy life. The feel of her in his arms was all he needed to be happy. They cleared the table and took care of the kitchen, even that seemed titillating when they were together. He couldn't wait to lead her into their bedroom, strip her of her clothes and devour her. The thought of living together in that wonderful house by the sea had sent him into a dream land. He knew he had to give his statement to the investigator, if they were to ever have that peace of mind in their life. 

It was early, even before the first light of morning was visible when Can reached for Sanem. His eyes still shut, he groped around the other side of the bed, searching for her. But the bed was empty. As he made his way through the house, he knew she was having a hard time processing what had happened, but he had hoped he would be able to help her cope with it all.

Then he caught a glimpse of her, she was setting on the sofa in the dark, staring at the vase of white roses. " Sanem, bebek are you ok. Why are you up so early?" 

She didn't turn to look at him, " Can are you sure these flowers were from your Dad? You have to be sure, did he send a card?" 

She looked at Can with tears streaming down. " These were the same flowers that Taner had in the cottage, so you have to be sure.......

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now