Chapter Twenty Eight

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Can was reluctant to go off to the agency and leave Sanem alone there, but she had insisted. He wanted her to come along telling her that he could use the help, " Can I have a lot to do here, I need to get the kitchen setup so we can start doing our own cooking, and empty these last few boxes." She told him, as he held her in his arms. 

Sanem was anxious to have the morning alone there so she could call Dr. Baris and make an appointment. She wasn't quite sure how she would be able to hide that from Can but she would have to find a way. She had to know what had happened that night and who was the other person there that helped him. If something more went on that night, something that she might not want to remember, then she had to find out and if Hypnotic Therapy was the only way, she would have to do it. 

She watched as Can drove down the long driveway towards the road. She felt a little bit of anxiety rumble about in her stomach as she walked through the house. The first thing to do was to call the doctor, " Hello Dr. Baris, we just got back from our trip and I think we need to have another session. I have remembered something that could be important." Sanem explained. They agreed on later that morning and they decided on the doctor coming to their new home. It was some place that Sanem felt safe and comfortable, and that's what she needed right now, especially if she might find out something she didn't want to know. 

Can had just arrived at his office when he got a call from the investigator in Taners case, " Mr. Divit I have just received some information that might be of some importance to you. I'm not sure how long you have known Mr. Yilmaz, but your wife's abduction was not the first for our Mr. Yilmaz." The words seem to echo in Cans head, what did he mean, " So what you're saying is Taner has done this before, why didn't you know about this sooner?" He spewed, his temper rising. 

" Mr. Divit, we just found out about this late last night. The incident was never reported by the woman, not until she heard about this case and that Taner Yilmaz was in prison. But she has given us a full statement about what happened to her and the circumstances surrounding it." Can took a deep breath, "Did it happen here in Istanbul, and when was this suppose to happen? Are you sure about this, maybe she's giving a false statement." Can replied, trying desperately to understand. 

The investigator assured Can that it seemed to be an accurate claim, " The woman has been terrified to tell anyone because of the threats he made to her. It seems this man and his brother have made it their mission to terrorize any woman that had rejected them in the past. So there are probably more victims out there that are still hiding." He reported. " This incident happened in Bursa, a little over two years ago. The same way, the wedding dress and the flowers then the videos and pictures. He is a sick person Mr. Divit, so it wasn't anything your wife did that caused this."  He said. " And his brother, Ali Yilmaz, he was arrested last night. I just thought you might want to know, I think this nightmare is over, for a lot of women." 

The relieve of knowing that with this new information, Taner Yilmaz would probably not see a free day for many, many years, had almost made him feel weak. Maybe this would help Sanem, he thought, she could get rid of all that guilt that she had felt. He grabbed his phone to call her, but then decided not to deliver this kind of news over the phone. 

The thought of what was about to happen was making Sanem nervous. The doctor went over everything, telling her step by step what they would do, " Sanem, the main thing is for you to relax, you do want to remember what happened don't you?" The doctor asked. Sanem closed her eyes, her heart beating so hard it was almost visible, " Yes, I have to know, there's no other way." She said, as she took a deep breath and released it. "Ok, then let's get started."  

Over the next 30 minutes Sanem relived that night, the night that had changed her, making her insecure and unable to live the life she wanted. 

But as she looked back, all the things became more clear in her head. She could hear the voice of another man and could hear Taner talking to him...but she couldn't see who it was. She remembered lying on the bed and for some reason her arms and legs wouldn't move, ...she tried to move them but they just wouldn't. The smell, that smell of the incense was overpowering and sickening. 

Sanem repeated everything that Taner said as she remembered it, and the doctor recorded the whole session. When she recalled the part where they were making the video, that's when she heard Taner and the other person start to argue, " Ali, only video when I'm lying next to her, I want her to think that I touched her. Just like we did with the other ones, so wait until I'm ready." His words rang in her head, ... The other ones? What did that mean?. Ali was the other person in the room that night. Ali?...  The scenario ran on in her head, Ali was Taners brother, she had remembered him from school. He was a grade behind them at the university. But why was he there, she wondered, as the memories of that night flooded in like water from a broken dam..

Can was anxious to finish to get home to tell Sanem. He quickly closed his laptop, grabbed his phone and started to leave just as Emre stepped in his office, " Can I need you to look at this, we may need to cut back on the TV time for the Jewelry ad." He spoke. " Were you leaving?" He asked, looking confused. " Can, we have a meeting later, did you forget."  Can shook his head, "No I didn't forget, I just need to take care of something first. Maybe you can push the meeting time back a little, I really need to go home and talk to Sanem." 

Emre knew that look, it was a look his brother got when he had to do something that may just be the hardest thing he would have to do. Sort of like the day he told Emre that their Dad had gone for treatment and not on a vacation.." Hey Abi, what's going on, you don't look good. What's wrong?" He asked, as he closed the door behind him. 

Can slumped back down in his chair, " I just got a call from the investigator, ....this isn't the first time that Taner has done this. The last time that they know of was over 2 years ago in Bursa. The woman just came forward with it, Taner had been threatening her. Emre this man is really sick and dangerous." He said, leaning his head back against the chair. " I have to tell Sanem, let her know it wasn't her fault. She feels so guilty about what happened, I think that's why she's having all these flashes of memories." 

Sanem stared blankly across the room, letting all this new information sink in. " Mrs. Divit are you ok. I know that was a lot to take in......but you know what this means, don't you." The doctor replied..

Sanem slowly nodded her head......" Yes, I know, ....I know. I wasn't the only one....

She looked at the doctor, " I didn't cause him to do what he wasn't my fault..

" It wasn't my fault" She repeated as a smile spread across her face.....

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now