Chapter Nine

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Sanem stood there, waiting for an answer, " Ahhh, yes he did, didn't I show it to you." He laughed nervously, trying to hide his shock. " I was sure I showed it to you, but here it is on the table."  Sanem took the letter, opened it and began to read it as if she had never read it before. Can could feel himself begin to panic inside. Why did she not remember what happened the night before, what was going on in her mind. Had she been sleeping walking, or had the drug that Taner gave her brought on these side effects. She read the letter quietly to herself, smiling brilliantly as she did. " She laid the letter on her lap, " Oh Can your father is so sweet, I can't wait until he comes home and we can really get to know each other. Don't you miss him? She asked as she folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. Can smiled a concerned smile, "Yes I do, very much." He answered back, still confused at her actions.

She started on to the bedroom to get dressed, " We will have him come and visit with us at our new home, I think he will love." She babbled with Can following close behind. This whole turn of events had made him doubt what the doctors had said. They had told him that the drug the Taner had given her was just a mild sedative and would wear off in a matter of days and there shouldn't be any side effects. If that were true, than what was happening to her. The sleeping problem, then not remembering what she is doing at night, and who knows what else. There's probably things she's not telling me, he thought as he watched her brush her hair and pull it up in a ponytail. Was she hiding more from him, or maybe more went on in that cottage than anyone knows. The thought of what Taner could have done to her made his blood boil, but he tried to stay calm. He would need to trust her and hope that she would come to him if there were anything else.

She was like a child in a candy store as they shopped for the perfect furniture for their perfect home. She had a certain style and that's what she wanted, but of course if Can approved. Can wanted whatever she wanted, anything to make her happy. The afternoon was gone before they knew it, with only a few articles of furnishings decided on. She had made her decision and was quite happy with what she found. A couple of pieces had to be ordered in the color she wanted but they assured them they would arrive by the time they were ready to move in. A dinning table that expanded to accommodate their whole family and the matching chairs. A large oversized sectional for the living room, one that you just sank down into. Can was smiling from ear to ear as she tried out the couch, " Can this is so comfy, come try it." She begged. They snuggled on the sofa, both agreeing that this was the one. Then she picked out a coffee table and an area rug. The table was large and oversized as well to match the sofa, a very unique piece of furniture. It looked like it was made from a thick slab from a pine tree, with a live edge. It had a natural looking stain on it that brought out the beautiful grain of the wood. It was by far their favorite piece of furniture.

Emre was already home by the time they arrived, " Hey Abi, how was the hotel, I hope it was comfortable." Can asked. Emre smiled, " It was, and thank you for booking the best hotel in Istanbul. And the food was outstanding by the way." He replied. " Sorry about interrupting your honeymoon, but I had to come home sometime." He joked, giving Can a wink. His older bother smiled, " It's fine, we won't be here long, maybe just a couple of weeks. Until we sign the papers on our new house." He announced, with a broad smile. " New house," Emre responded, looking at his brother. " So you found one, that's great. Where is it?" He asked? Sanem interrupted, " Oh Emre you should see it, it's right on the coast with a beautiful view and the garden is fantastic. It's a perfect house." She told him, her eyes sparkling. Can agreed, giving Emre the location of their new home. " Thats quite a distance away from town, it that going to be a problem." He added. " No I don't think it will be a problem, I think it's perfect. It's so peaceful and quiet there we may never come to work." He said jokingly to his brother. 

The next couple of days brought a harmony to their life, with them falling into a routine of blissfulness, loving every minute of their life together. It seemed so much like a fairytale, and at times, as hot as an X-rated movie. Perfection was the word for it, that is, until the investigator of Taners case called Can to the station for an interview.  He gave an excuse, no....he lied to Sanem, telling her he had a meeting with a potential client. Something he hated doing, and wasn't at all his style, but there were times when it was necessary. She never second-guessed him, which even made him feel worse, as he hurried off to give his statement. 

He just wanted this whole thing to be over, and if telling them what Ceyda had told him made that happen, then that is what he would do. He hoped what he had to say would place the blame where it needed to be and they both got what they deserved. He relived that terrible time in his head as he drove to the station, the fear gripping him in his gut as if it were happening all over again. The contempt he felt for Taner and Ceyda had grown to hatred, he wondered if Sanem would ever be completely rescued from the mental grip that Taner had embedded inside her. And for that, he truly hated him...

The interview took longer than he had expected, but he felt that it had served the purpose. Cans personal lawyer was there to help him with any legal formalities that might come up. After being questioned about Ceyda for over two hours, they accepted his statement and he was in his way. He hurried back to the office, already dreading the onslaught of questions that he knew was coming. So he would have to lie once again, he prayed she would forgive him if she found out.

She seemed to be absorbed in her work when he arrived, so he went straight to his office. In a couple of minutes she appeared with a cup of tea, " Thought you might need this. How did the meeting go?" She asked as she sat the tea on his desk. He smiled but couldn't make eye contact, "It went fine, yes, very well in fact." He answered, feeling her eyes glaring at him. She sat down across the desk from him, "What company was it, I mean, who did you meet with." She questioned, with a different tone to her voice. He looked up and saw her eyes filled with tears, his heart broke. " Sanem my love, what's wrong?" He spoke, but he already knew what was wrong.....she knew where he had been.

She blinked back the tears, but he could feel the hurt from her.

" Why did I have to hear from Metin what my husband should have told me." She asked, peering into his eyes.

" Can, we agreed. We wouldn't keep anything from each other, not anymore........

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora