Chapter Eighteen

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She could hear Can laughing and talking to his friend as he made the arrangements for a suite at The Warehouse for the weekend. She was packing a small bag for the both of them, but she was including a little more than just a swim suit and a toothbrush. 

She was wondering why the therapist hadn't called her back yet, now she had this phone call from Taner to tell her about. Her appointment may have to wait until they came back from the weekend trip, but that was something she hadn't expected. 

Can came in giving her all the details from the call, " He can't wait to meet you Sanem, and he can't believe I finally settled down."  Can was practically beaming as he told her. " I told him to wait until he saw you, that you were radiantly gorgeous, and he better not get any ideas." He laughed, as he hugged her up tightly against him. She smiled, " Are you going to be jealous of every guy that looks my way?" She asked, wrapping her arms around him and standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. " Absolutely I am. So it just better not happen. You are meant for my eyes you understand." He explained to her, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke...The feeling made her dizzy as his warm breath caressed her mouth. The thought of any other man making her feel this way was utterly ridiculous, she thought, as that throb of desire for him marched its way up her body.

A loud huff of frustration came from Can as the ringing of his phone broke that magical moment.  He looked at his phone, " It's Emre, I better take it, but don't run off anywhere, I want to continue where we left off." He spoke, running his finger down her nose and across her lips. She smiled, unable to look away from his eyes.

She went back to packing their bags as she heard Cans voice in the distance. Her mind was full of thoughts and she didn't hear her phone ring at first. By the third ring it had gotten her attention. She looked, seeing it wasn't a number she recognized, she hoped it was the therapist. 

The woman's voice was soothing as she spoke to Sanem, " Hello is this Mrs. Divit, ...hi I'm Dr. Baris, Dr. Pasha talked to me about your problems, and thought maybe I could help you."  Sanem froze for a second, as she heard Can in the other room. " Uhh, yes Dr. Baris, I'm sorry, I'm Sanem, just call me Sanem, please." She replied, hoping that Can wouldn't hear their conversation. " Ok, Sanem, shall we set up a time to meet, anytime that's good for you. And anywhere that you are comfortable." The doctor added, anxious to set up the first meeting. Sanem stuttered, " Well, uh, I'm not sure, uh, when. Look Dr. Baris, my husband doesn't know about this yet, so could we make an appointment for early next week." She felt the heat rise to her face as she waited for her answer. " Of course, but I think you should inform your husband about our meeting as soon as possible. It will take all of us to work your way through this."  Sanem sighed, " Yes, I agree, but we are going away for the weekend, we are still on our honeymoon, and I would like to wait until we come back to tell him." 

They agreed for Sanem to call as soon as they returned from Alacati. She hung up from her call just as Can walked into the room, " I need to go to the agency, it seems the campaign for the tire company has hit another snag. Are you ready to go? We can just leave from the office." He told her, as he grabbed the bags. " Yes, I'm ready." She mumbled, still thinking about her call from the doctor. 

The agency was busting with energy as they arrived. It always made her feel good to get caught up in all the excitement of building a new campaign. Emre whisked Can away into the conference room, while she found her old desk and made herself comfortable. It was a minute before anyone even noticed she was there. CeyCey was rushing around, barking his orders to everyone like he was the boss, making her laugh. When he saw her there at her old desk, he couldn't believe it, " Sanem, are you back, are you here to work." He yelled, grabbing her to give her a hug. She laughed, " Not yet, but soon. I'm just waiting for Can."  Her and her friend had a lot of catching up to do as CeyCey poured her some tea and him some coffee, " So you are coming back to work, right." He asked, pleading with his eyes. 

She could hear Cans voice as they came from the conference room, " Emre, we are leaving town right now, so I can't have a meeting tomorrow. You will have to handle it, you and Deren can do it." He shouted as he stormed across the room. Deren and Emre both had that look of desperation on their faces, " But Can he wanted to speak with you, not us." Emre emphasised. Can spun around, " Then tell him I'm not available until next week." He spewed, waving his arms in the air. 

" Can, maybe we should wait until this is settled before we go." Sanem said, giving him a hug. Can sighed, " Sanem if we wait there will just be something else to keep us here. I say we go and deal with the campaign later." He replied. But he knew she was right, they couldn't go and enjoy it, with this handing over their heads. Emre and Deren stood and watched as Sanem slowly persuaded Can that it would be in their best interest to handle this problem before the trip...

" Ok Emre, when does the gentleman want to meet, I don't want a long drawn out meeting. Lets just get it over with." Derek and Emre both were relieved, as they rushed off to set up the time.

Sanem smiled at him, happy he had decided to stay. The thought of seeing Dr.Baris while Can was in his meeting had also entered her mind. She wanted to talk to her about Taner as soon as possible. 

Can and Sanem were waiting in his office for Emre to set up the meeting. Emre knocked on the door as he entered, " Abi, the meeting is set for tomorrow at 11:00, is that ok.?" He asked hesitantly. " But he wants to meet at his vacation house on the coast. It's about a 30 minute drive from here." Can shook his head, " No he can come here, who is this guy anyway." He said rubbing his face with his hands. " I'm not sure, but his assistant was adamant about the time and location. It seems the guy is some big shot in the tire company..

" Ok, ok just get the directions and tell him that i'll be there. But I don't want him to get use to ordering us around. You and Deren are coming too, right.....

Emre shrugged his shoulders, " No, he wanted to meet with you alone.....

This just doesn't feel right, he thought, his better judgement sending up a red flag. Why did he want to meet alone?....

"Ok, tell him I will be there......but that I'm not too happy about it."  

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now