Chapter Six

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This was the last day of their time alone, he thought, as he made them breakfast. His heart was heavy, just thinking about going back to the agency and work, even if she was there with him he would have to share her with everyone else. He wanted this time to last forever, like they were the only people in the world. Sanem called out to him, " Can, the tea is ready, do you want some now." She asked, as he carried their breakfast to the table on the patio. " Yes please." He replied, with a smile, thinking how normal they seemed, when just an hour earlier they had been like crazed animals, devouring each others bodies. The thought actually gave him a chill, but at the same time a heat simmered deep inside him. Maybe they could get through this breakfast without him having to ravish her right here on the table. He had always thought of himself as a very virile man, over the years he had enjoyed the company of a few women, not a lot but there were a few. He had also felt as if he had been satisfied, or completed sexually as a man, that is until now. His eyes followed her as she puttered about in the kitchen pouring their tea, that desire for her being fed by each movement of her body. This woman gave him more than satisfaction, fulfillment or happiness, she renewed him. With each time she recharged him making him new again, never had he felt this kind of connection to another soul.

Sanem poured the tea and started to the patio, " Will you call the realtor this morning, we don't want to lose the house to someone else. Unless you have changed your mind about it." She remarked, setting the tea on the table. Can reached for her hand, " I will, and no I haven't changed my mind. I think it's the perfect place." He raised her hand to his lips, running his tongue along the length of her finger before gently kissing her hand. She giggled nervously, feeling that tingling sensation travel up her spine. " You taste amazing, he uttered, and I can't seem to get enough of you." He pulled her down to his lap, ready to continue where they had left off earlier. His arms held her firmly as his eyes searched hers, with that fierce desire to christen the dining table as their place of choice. She smiled, " My husband, our breakfast is getting cold and so is the tea. Shall we eat first, then play." She calmly replied to him, as her lips grazed over his sending his whole body into a tailspin. She moved to her chair but he didn't take his eyes off of her, wanting nothing more than to forget the breakfast and blatantly have his way with her. 

After breakfast Can made the call to the realtor, setting things in motion for the purchase of their dream home. With much persuasion he was able to confirm a quick sell of the property, meaning they would be able to take it over very soon. " In three weeks, are you sure Can, she said three weeks." Sanem squealed, throwing her arms around his neck. Can lifted her up, swinging her around, " Yes my love, so that means we have to get busy. We have furniture to buy, in fact we have a whole house to furnish." This was the dream, to have the woman that filled him with love, and start their lives together in a fabulous home. Now to just get rid of all those bad memories of Taner and Ceyda.....then their life would be perfect.

With Emre coming home the next day, Can wanted to spend this whole day with just the two of them. Nothing to interrupt them, no one to think about but just each other and how much in love they were. They lounged in the garden on a blanket, with him in nothing but his boxers and she in nothing but his favorite t-shirt. They were both still excited about the house and planning out each and every room. " Should we hire a decorator, someone to design the house for us." Can asked, as they lay wrapped in each others arms. Sanem was quick to answer, " No I don't think so, lets do it ourselves. I want it to reflect us and how we feel, not by someone that doesn't know us." She replied with authority. He smiled, " Ok, that's fine with me, but we will hire someone to help with the labor. But they will follow your directions, how's that." Sanem nodded in agreement, the vision of their beautiful home dancing around in her head. They snuggled closer to each other as the morning sun moved away to the other side of the house, leaving them covered with the shade from the trees. This had to be the most peaceful time they had spent together. He was content with just the feel of her skin against his, the feel of her hair as it draped across his chest and the aroma of her that calmed the beast inside him. 

The doorbell interrupted that quiet time together, " Who could that be, I thought I gave everyone strict instructions not to bother us." He grunted as they unwrapped from each other to answer the door. Sanem snickered, seeing how annoyed he could become. " I'll make some tea while you get the door, Ok?" She told him, trying to calm him down. She was pouring the tea when he entered the kitchen, " Well, I see that my lovely wife has a secret admirer. Is this something I need to worry about." He joked. Sanem turned around to see Can holding a large bouquet of white roses. Sanem felt the blood drain from her body as her mind flashed back to the night in Taners' cottage. She recalled, as she was in and out of consciousness, the whole room being filled with white roses. She held on to the counter to keep from falling but there was nothing she could do to keep him from seeing the fear in her face. " Sanem are you alright, bebek." He yelled as he reached out for her, pulling her up close to him. 

She crumbled against him, feeling weak. She tried desperately to regain herself, but it was too late. Can swept her up in his arms and carried her to their bed, " Bebek, my love, are you ok." He begged as he laid her on the bed. " What happened, do you feel sick." He asked. She shook her head, " No, I'm sorry, the flowers..uhh those flowers".......She stammered, "Who sent them?"  Can stroked her hair, tears forming in his eyes, " What? The flowers, don't worry about the flowers now, I'm worried about you. Let me get you some water." Can rushed off to the kitchen to get the water. Sanem closed her eyes, willing the whole thing to go away;  Please don't let them be from Taner....please, She prayed. That night, though vague and dream like in her mind, seemed to have buried itself deep inside her. She wanted them gone, that's all she wanted was for them to be she could live.

Can came in with the water, " Here drink this, I'm calling the doctor or do you want to got to the hospital." He blurted out in a panic. " No I don't need a doctor Can, the flowers...who sent the flowers? 

"Oh my God Sanem, what's with the flowers. They were from my Dad, my Dad sent them to you..

" Your Dad".......She replied, almost In a a wave of relief swept over her......

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now