Chapter Two

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As Sanem slowly opened her eyes, she could feel the weight of his body draped across her. Just one arm and one leg lying gently across her body. She smiled as she let the memory of their first night together send a wave of excitement. Some how she felt different, she felt happier, more like a woman than she ever had before. He did that to her, he had made her feel special, wanted, desired. She studied his face as he slept, wondering how she had gotten so lucky. This beautiful man that had been so warm and tender with her just a few hours before had stirred such feeling inside her that it was unbelievable. She closed her eyes ready to dream about what was next, when her mind recalled that night in the cabin with Taner. It flashed like a bolt of lightning in her head making her jump. Can shifted in the bed, rolling over on his back, but he didn't wake up. 

She slid to the side of the bed, her mind still fighting off that vision that had erupted so vividly in her head. She reached for his shirt that was lying in the floor and slipped it on over her naked body. Just the feel of his shirt against her skin made her calm, but she wondered what had made her think of that night or even think of him. It made her uneasy that he was still in her head, still controlling and manipulating her. She hadn't really let herself go back to that day, maybe that was why it took her by surprise. She buttoned his shirt letting it hang loosely around her, she liked the feel of it, the smell of him that lingered in the fabric. She wrapped her arms around herself, needing to feel that sense of protection that he had always brought her.

The house was still dark, but she could see the first rays of the morning sun streak across the back garden.  She peered out the back sliding door, sipping on the fresh cup of tea she had just made, her mind still searching for the reason that Taner had invaded her thoughts earlier. Why this morning of all mornings, had she thought of him. Sanem had refused to think about that day, but everyone had encouraged her to talk about it, let it out and not keep it tucked away inside her. Maybe they had been right, she thought, but most of it was a blur. The drug he had given her in her drink had knocked her out for a while, but she did recalled being in and out of consciousness, it felt like a dream. She shook her head, trying to expell all those thoughts from her mind. This was her honeymoon and she wouldn't let Taner ruin this magical time for them..

Can reached across the bed to pull his wife closer to him, but the bed was empty. He opened his eyes, trying to focus in the dimly lit room, but she wasn't there. " Sanem, where are you?" he called out as he climbed out of bed. He was headed toward the kitchen when he saw her standing at the sliding door, " There you are bebek, is something wrong." Sanem jumped at the sound of his voice, " Oh my God Can, you scared me." She replied, turning around to see this beautiful man coming toward her completely nude. It surprised and embarrassed her a first, but she couldn't take her eyes off of him as he came up close to her. " What are you doing." He asked, pulling her close to him. She melted like warm honey against him, his body so smooth and firm. " It's so early, why are you up. Come on let's go back to bed." He spoke, as he let his hands slide down her body. She shivered, she felt his body tense and flex with desire as he explored her body with his hands. She forced those thoughts of that terrible day out of her mind as he led her back to their bedroom. He watched with a smile, as she removed his shirt, his eyes full of love.

It was midday when she woke to his soft, sweet kisses on her neck.  " My love, I made us breakfast. Let's eat." He whispered softly in her ear. She sat up in the bed, " Can you didn't have to do that. I would have fixed us something." She purred, snuggling up against his warm body. He cleared his throat, " Not to much of that my dear, or we will be eating a cold breakfast. Here take a bite." He replied, offering her a bite of the omelet. She took it willingly, not realizing how hungry she was. They both devoured the breakfast, as they planned the rest of their lives together. Can told her his plans of finding them their perfect home, somewhere outside of town, a little secluded and private. " I want a large home, with a large yard. Lots of flowers and a pool." He stated, visioning it in his head. Sanem smiled as she watched him, he was like a child giving out his list for Christmas. She wanted everything he wanted, everything he dreamed of and hoped for in their lives. " So where will we find this perfect home, do you have a place in mind." She asked, stroking his beard and snuggling up close to him. " Well Mrs. Divit, I do in fact have a place in mind. We will look at it tomorrow, but today is all for us, just us together. I want every bit of you." He moaned, reaching for her.

Her stomach fluttered and the sound of her own heart beating thundered in her ears. The feel of his touch had already set her body and soul on fire, but the demand from his lips was what made her come alive. This overpowering need to be swept away in a rush of ecstasy was more than she could stand. Pushing him over on his back, she crawled on top, " Let me see if I can do this right." She whispered, seeing the surprise in his eyes. " You can stop me if I'm doing it wrong." Can gave her that slight smile that told her she was doing everything right...

It was late in the afternoon when the call from Metin forced him to move away from his sleeping wife and answer the phone. He took the phone and walked to the other room, " Metin, this better be an emergency or I'm going to kill you." Can growled through his teeth.  Metin cleared this throat, "I'm sorry Abi, but I thought you might want to know this." He spoke. " Know what, whats happened." Can demanded. He automatically had a feeling of dread, with a thousand thing running through his mind. " Metin, they didn't release Taner did they, tell me what's going on." He yelled.

" Can they just put out a complaint to arrest Ceyda, for aiding in the abduction of Sanem." 

The words swirled around in his head, almost making him feel dizzy. Then that feeling of relief surged through his body....

Now he could rest easy, there was no one left to hurt her......

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now