Chapter One

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Sanem stood in front of the mirror starting at her reflection. The dress was perfect, her hair was perfect, her makeup was flawless, so why did she feel so ugly. This was that special day she had been dreaming about for months but now she wasn't sure. Leyla knocked on the door, " Sanem, it's almost time, are you ready?" she asked. Sanem took a deep breath, " I don't know Abla, things just don't feel right." She admitted, the words stinging her heart as she spoke. Leyla quickly opened the door, " Sanem what are you saying." She stepped up behind the sister and looked in the mirror. " You look stunningly perfect, what couldn't be right. This dress looks beautiful on you...maybe you're just a little nervous." She spoke with a smile. " You are marrying Can Divit my dear, the most handsome and eligible bachelor in Istanbul, I think you may have a right to be nervous." 

She smiled shyly, looking away, " You're right, it's probably just nerves. Is Can here yet?" She asked. Leyla giggled, " He's here, and if we don't hurry I think he may pass out. So, are you ready?" Sanem took one last look at herself in the mirror, she saw a woman that was in love and ready to meet the man she would spend the rest of her life with. " I'm ready Abla." She replied, her voice sounding a little shaky. The ceremony would take place in the small garden just down the street from the Aydins house. They had set up the union table and tables for the guest under the lights they had strung in the trees. A wedding at sunset, how perfect, just as perfect as the love they had for each other. Her Mom and Dad met her at the edge of the garden to escort her to the union table. It seemed the whole neighborhood had turned out to watch this couple be joined together in marriage, but she only had eyes for the man standing next to the union table. He had worn the long vest she loved to see him in, looking as handsome as ever. Can stepped forward quickly to take her from her parents and help her to take her place at the table.

He had never seem her as beautiful as she was that moment. He leaned over close to her, " You look exquisitely beautiful my love." He whispered in her ear. She smiled, " You look handsome as well, you wore the vest I love, thank you." Their eyes seem to devour each other as the ceremony began. Within a matter of a few minutes and a few spoken words, they had become husband and wife. Just that quickly how their lives had changed, as he wrapped his arms around her to seal their union with a kiss. " Hello Mrs. Divit." He whispered into her ear. She closed her eyes letting her heart accept his words. " Hello Mr. Divit, are you ready to start our lives together." She asked, giving his a quick kiss on the cheek. She felt his arms tighten around her, " I've never been more ready for anything in my life." He stated, breathing in that smell from her neck. She felt her body quiver, she had never been so nervous or so ready for anything before. He had such a way of turning her emotions into a raging fire of desire. It was as if she was left void of her control when it came to him. But would she be able to give him what he needed, that was her fear...

After the appropriate amount of time, Can and Sanem said their good night's and gave their many thanks to everyone that had made their wedding a night to remember. " Thank you my friends and family for making this night so special. Sanem and I both appreciate all the love that was brought here tonight from each of you, to make the beginning of our lives together more meaningful than ever."  Can spoke, holding Sanem tightly against his body. She had never felt so whole, so fulfilled and loved as she did at that moment. With all she had been through, this was where she felt safe and protected, in his arms. She pushed away the fears that had gripped her mind, this was the man she loved, she had to let the past go. Can had arranged for them to have the house to themselves for the weekend, sending Emre off to a luxury hotel. It wasn't their home but it was the closest thing to it for now, and that was where he wanted to make her his own. They would find their own home soon, but for now this would be where their love would bloom. As they pulled into the drive, Sanem smiled, " So are we spending the night with your brother?" she joked, trying to calm her own nerves. Can laughed, " Not hardly my dear, I have sent him away on a luxury weekend with the partner of his choice, if you know what I mean." 

Can had food and drinks set up for them in a beautiful setting. But that wasn't foremost in his mind as he carried in her bag from the truck. She looked around, marveling at the lengths he had gone to make this the most amazing honeymoon ever. " Can, everything is so lovely. Did you do this all yourself?" she asked, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She could tell by the look in his eyes, that the decor was the last thing he wanted to talk about. The hunger for her had taken control of him, " My love, let's get comfortable." He replied, moving her toward the bed. She followed him eagerly, her heart pounding with anticipation. This was all she had dreamed of for months, to be his wife, to make him happy, to be with him completely and fully. So, why did she have this feeling of insecurity and hesitation. 

Can was the master of making someone feel loved and desired. Just the closeness of him, the heat that radiated from his body, fogged her mind. He found her lips, nibbling unmercifully on them. His tongue circled them as his breath became short and labored. All her thoughts of not being enough for him, of not being experienced enough, they all began to disappear. She felt her heart beat quicken and her own breath was drawing in his. Without even realizing it she whispered is name, " Can, ...Can."  He looked into her eyes, " My love I need you more than ever, but only if you're ready." He groaned. His hand slid down her body, sending what felt like an electrical shock through her body. On instinct she gasped at the feeling, and he jerked his hand away. " I'm sorry, did I hurt you? " He asked. 

Sanem locked his eyes with hers, " No Can, you could never hurt me. And yes I'm ready, I'm ready to be your wife. Now and forever." 

It was as if her hands had a mind of their own. She slowly began to unbutton his white shirt, but holding that gaze with his eyes. He was in awe of her, this woman had him spellbound as she slipped his shirt off his shoulders revealing his magnificent body. She ran her hands down his chest, feeling his muscles twitch.

She smiled shyly, as he slid the zipped down on her dress, letting it fall to the floor.

This would be a night that he would never he laid her gently on the bed.

Welcome back my friends to Part 3 of the "Friends Series"                                                                                 Can and Sanem had been through the worst time in their lives, but now they would embark on the best time of their lives....

Lets follow them as they start their life together.....This is what we have all been waiting on.

Sanem needs this time to heal, and Can was the only person that could help her do that. 

He was the only one that made her feel safe..." Safe In the Arms of Love"


Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now