Chapter Seventeen

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She laid snuggled up next to him, his arms keeping her firmly against him. She loved the feel of his skin, that soft yet unyielding feel, firm and rippled with those defined muscles. This man, this body that could please her in the most gentle way, as she recalled their lovemaking from earlier in the night. He was sleeping, the sound of his breathing was slow and steady, making her feel as if she was in a trance. But sleep would not come for her, her mind was filled with the words from that phone call from Taner. She was afraid to tell Can, but she knew she should. He would be furious, and might even want to go confront Taner himself. 

She closed her eyes, hoping, wishing this all would go away. She needed him, she needed to feel that protective shield that he always covered her with. Her body quivered as she felt the need for him stir inside her. She snuggled closer, pressing her naked body up against his, as that craving for his touch surged through her body. She lifted her leg and placed it over him, sliding it softly down the lower part of his body. The feeling overtook her, as he moaned from the touch. He was coming alive, his body moving and welcoming her touches. She wasn't sure if he was awake, he hadn't opened his eyes, but she was totally engulfed and aroused by her own actions. She felt his body start to move and his hardness grow larger and larger, he pulled her over in top of him as he opened his eyes. " Sanem, my love, my wife, what are you doing to me?" He mumbled, his eyes full of desire. She smiled shyly, " So, you're awake...hmm good, so am I." Her voice reeked with that longing of him. He entered her slowly but intentionally, letting their bodies move together.....he closed his eyes, letting that feeling carry them away..

It was early, but before the sunrise, when she wiggled from his arms and made her way to the bathroom. It seemed that when she was the happiest, was when the visions came, those flashes of memory that haunted her. She stepped into the shower, letting the warm water slide gently over her body, while she waited for the first invasion of that horrible night to penetrate her mind. Two minutes, three minutes, she stood there waiting, but nothing appeared, nothing jumped out at her reminding of her poor judgement. She reluctantly finished her shower without even a glimpse of the nightmare that always consumed her. Her spirits seem to lift, maybe they are gone, she thought, could he have left her mind just as quickly as he entered it. She blow-dried her hair and tied it up in a ponytail, wrapped her robe around her and started to the kitchen. She wanted to make him breakfast for a change, even if she wasn't as confident in the kitchen as he was. 

The aroma of overcooked food drifted into the bedroom. He wrinkled up his nose, opening one eye he looked around the room. That's what he thought, Sanem had gotten up early and was cooking him breakfast. He took a deep breath, the smell bellowing about in the room. He sat up on the side of the bed, smiling as he recalled the, "middle of the night encounter."  Sanem was more than he ever thought she was, a bit of a tigeress, but a lot of a naive and innocent woman. But she could make him feel like nothing else in the world mattered to her but him and their love. So for that woman, he would gladly go into the kitchen with enthusiasm and eat every bit of food she had prepared.......Wasn't that what love was all about.

The look on her face as he devoured the eggs and sausage she had made, was all the reason he needed. Actually the food wasn't terrible, but cooking was definitely something they would have to work on in the years to come. He smiled at her as she watched him clean his plate, " So, you liked it?" She asked, her face beaming with pride. He nodded yes to her question as he tried to swallow the last bite of egg on his plate. " Good, see I told you you didn't need to do all the cooking, I can cook." She declared with confidence. He smiled and shook his head, " I can see that my dear." He answered as he suppressed that urge to laugh...

She went about cleaning up the kitchen as he left to take a shower. She had such a feeling of euphoria, the flashes of that nightmare had seemed to pass, and she had successfully cooked a wonderful meal for her husband. Could her life be any better right now, she wondered. Maybe she didn't need that therapist after all, she contemplated, as she poured them a second cup of tea. That thought had no sooner entered her mind when the strong pungent smell of incense filled her nose. It was the same smell that Taner was burning that night in the cottage. She covered her nose with her hand, trying to muffle the smell, but it only got stronger. The tears came suddenly, along with the frustration of her false hope. How could this be happening, how could he invade her mind like that? She held her breath, willing the smell to go away, praying for it to stop. 

The sound of Cans voice calling to her from the bedroom brought her out of her thoughts, "Babe, come to the agency with me this morning, I need to finish up a few things in the tire company campaign. Then let's drive to down to Alacati." He told her as he made his way to the kitchen. She answered, " Alacati, I've never been there, have you?"  Can walked up behind her, cradling her in his arms, " Yes, I have been, a friend of mine has a beautiful resort there, The Alacati Warehouse. It's a beautiful place and private as well." He informed her, kissing her on top of the head. With the smell still pungent in her nose, she tried desperately to ignore it, " Are you sure you can be gone from the agency right now. You do seem to have a problem." She spoke, regretting each word she said. He turned her around peering into her eyes, " Yes, I'm sure I can take the time off, what is it Sanem, do you not want to go. If you had rather not go I will understand." 

There it was, Taner was already coming between them, she was letting the things that he did to her dictate the happiness she could have with Can.....

" No my love, It's not that at all, I just would hate for them to call you back to the agency after we got there, that's all. I would love to go to Alacati with you."  She smiled, rising up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the lips.. " I'll pack us a few things while you have your tea." She replied, as she started towards their bedroom. 

He reached out for her arm, swinging her around and pulling up close to him, " Just a bathing suit and a toothbrush is all we will need......He said, leaning down to kiss her. " I don't plan on leaving our room much." 

The thought of what he was suggesting made her giddy inside. And just like that the smell that had been so strong just seconds before was gone.....

Taner could only come between them if she let him......and she would refuse to let that happen...

Safe In the Arms of Love.....Part 3 of " Yes, Let's Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now