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Third Person's POV

Mina and Chaeyoung used the exit at the back of the bar, looking around if the men were still their. After checking the ways if its clea,  they walk to Chaeyoung's bigbike.

"Wait, did you know the way home?" Chaeyoung ask, she doesn't know where place they are right now.

"I don't know where are we but I think I can remember the way" Mina said and raised her hand, asking for the key.

Chaeyoung is doubting if she should give the keys but still hand it to Mina.

"Hold on tight" Mina then start dirving in a not so slow face. In fact, she's in full speed again.

Chaeyoung almost fell when it moved, but luckily, she got to hold on Mina's shoulder.

"Yah can you please drive slowly" she shouted for Mina to hear her.

"I will, but can you please stop gripping my shoulder" Mina shouted back, feeling the pain.

Instead of letting go, Chaeyoung grip become tighter.

"YAH" Mina lose her focus in driving but manage to keep its balance.

"ahhh"  they almost hit the trashbin. The alley is narrow and one wrong move they will end at the hospital.

Chaeyoung didn't notice that her hands is now hugging Mina's waist, eyes tightly close praying for her life.

"That's much better" Mina

Coming back to her sences, she let go of Mina, blushing behind her helmet.

But Chaeyoung being her self, she doesn't like getting embarrassed especially if it's Mina and for her revenge she hold tight at the handle bar at the side and swing her head hitting Mina at the back of her head.

Despite of wearing helmets they still feel the the hard impact in their head.

Mina abruptly step on the break because of dizziness, its like a magnitude 7.5 earthquake happen in her head same as the culprit but not that hard.

Mina remove her helmet and shake her head "Argh why did you do that"

"I told you to slow down but you're not listening" she answered while holding her head.

"Are you okay?" Mina ask looking back at her.

Chaeyoung gasp hearing her question, you can sense that she's annoyed and worried at the same time with the tone she used.

"Okay, Im sorry. I just want to make sure that they can't follow us by chance" Mina said in more calm tone.

"Tss, just admit that you want me to hold on you" Chaeyoung while rolling her eyes.

"Exactly" she confidently said.

Chaeyoung hit Mina's head again using her hands "Can you stop being straight forward"

"I'm not, how can I if there's a gorgeous woman in front of me- ouch- can you please stop hitting my head"

"I said, being straight FORWARD, and excuse me, I'm at your back"

"Bold of you to think that I'm reffering to you"

"Why? Are you seeing someone I don't?" Chaeyoung said and rolled her eyes

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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