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Third Person POV

"Are you sure that its okay to leave them alone, what if they fight again?" Jeongyeon ask worried for the two.

"Let them fix their own mess, let's sleep for now" Jihyo said and head to their room.

-- -- -- -- -- --

"Ouch, can you be more gentle" Chaeyoung hissed.

"Can you please stop moving for a while and please stop complaining"

"Tss" Mina continue treating her wounds "What are you looking at?" she ask furrowing her eyebrows. She notice that Mina is looking intently on her face.

"I know what is the best way to heal that" Mina seriously said pointing at the cut on her lips.

"What?" she raised her eyebrow.

"Stay still" Mina comanded looking directly at Chaeyoungs lip.

"W-what are you doing?" she felt nervous when Mina start leaning on.

Mina didn't answer instead she hold Chaeyoung shoulder and continue to lean on.

"Y-yahh" she push her with all her strenght and run away from the older, going to the other side of the bed, getting the pillows and ghrow it to Mina.


"You're really taking advantage at the situation" she continuesly hit Mina with a pillow.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Stop it" she pulled the pillow from Chaeyoung hold.

"You really love teasing me, don't you"

"Remove the fourth word"

She blink many times. She stand straight and composed herself "Stop saying nonsence" she get a pillow and put it on her bed. "Move to the other bed, I will sleep now, lets just clean this tomorrow"

"Ouch, I just got busted by you-" Chaeyoung hit her again using her pillow.

"Why are you so loud arround me, you are supposed to be a quiet person" she ask, Mina's behaviour is really confusing her.

Mina smile and look at the latter "I don't know, but psychology says, quiet person is actually talkative arround the right person. Maybe the right person for me is you"

"Are you trying to flirt on me?" she said raising her eyebrow.

"No I'm confessing my feelings to you" Mina directly said without any hesitation.

Chaeyoung could not answer from Mina's confidence.

"Maybe you always thinking that I am just teasing you but I'm not." Mina smile before continuing "Listen. I said to myself before that when the time comes that I confess my feelings to you, that is also the time I will start courting you"

"What! No way!" Chaeyoung was surprised by what Mina said.

"I respect your decision but reject your rejection. You can't do anything about it" she really sounds desperate but thats what she want.

"After I got a lot of bruises from you? No way"

"Yes I'm the reason of that bruises and I'm the one who is responsible for that, so let me cure it" Mina sincerely said.

"N-no. After all the things you did on me, I won't let you" Chaeyoung is being stuborn but she's really nervous by now.

"Okay if you really don't want me to court you then you do it, I will let you and accept it with my whole heart"

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