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NOTE: What you are going to read is just based on my colorful imagination, so don't take it seriously .

Year 2019

Chaeyoung POV

"Hey Chaeyoung are you done? We need to go we have a dance practice" I heard Nayeon unnie shout outside of room.

"I'm done unnie, just a little minute" I shout back and fix my things

"Okay, don't take too long our managers are waiting"

After fixing my things I go outside. We head in our car and road to the JYPE building.

I'm Son Chaeyoung one of the member of Twice a girl group here in South Korea consisting of nine member Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Momo unnie., Sana unnie, Jihyo unnie, Mina unnie, Dahyun unnie, me and Tzuyu. I'm one of the youngest member and its embarrassing to say but I am also one of the shortest member.

Our group, Twice, is like a family to me. They are my friends and sisters, we are together in up and downs. We are always together through the easiest and hardest times and I really love them all. But there is a thing that they don't know about or they did? I dont know. I like this girl, one of our member, I don't know when it starts but I just realized it one time. I like Mina unnie and I don't want to tell her because I don't want to lose everything we build from the start. But there is a part of me that want to confess but I hope if that thing happen nothing will change. 

About the story I'm reading earlier, I just happen to saw this app in one of the ad, I got curious because I really love reading books so I install it, and it happen that, that story is one in the recomended stories, I tap it and saw our names. I start reading it, I like the story line of the story but sometimes I feel embarrassed because I'm one of the main character but atleast in that story, I and the girl I like will be a couple, I know it will happen, just wait for another chapter but I hope that it will be a happy ending even if it is just in a book atleast I get the girl I like.

I also want to tell that, that story is full fiction, there is nothing between in all members we're friend, its just that other member can be so clingy like Sana unnie. But what you all watch is all true they are being themselves same as me, all my actions are ginuine and not for fan service as other called it. And when there is a time that Mina unnie is being so clingy to me I become so nervous and I didn't even know what to do.

Sad to say but all the ships that the fan created are all fictitious. I happenly watch something about twice ships and its funny because there is a lot of theory, and there is also one time that I watch about me and Mina unnie and it feels awkward after that, I can't even look at her eyes that time. I also watch in that video when we were in that survival show called sixteen, a staff ask her who would she date if she were a man and she answered my name, it makes me smile and I feel fluttered. I only watch that video once and didn't try to watch any of it again.  I don't want to feel awkward around her again.

But yeah, maybe some of what I said are wrong, I don't know what they feel, what if they are also just hiding their feelings like me and afraid of tell it because of possible outcome. Being an Idol was really hard and dating is considered as a scandal, be with the person you love is hard and a lot of people won't accept it, what else would happen to me that fall inlove with a girl.

Sometimes I think of what if she feels the same? Do I have a chance? I'll grab it even if a lot of people are against on it.

"Pity for your thoughts" I look at Nayeon unnie that is sitting on my side. We are five in here Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Jihyo unnie and Tzuyu, the other four are in the other car.

I just smile and look outside the window.

"Don't think too much, that person also loves you" she added

I chuckled "What are you talking about unnie" she didn't answer and just laugh. 'I hope so.'

The car stop and we enter the building we head to our dance studio and start warming up. We are having a world tour this upcoming days and we are really busy.

After dancing for hours we rest for some minute. I look around and all of them are all exhausted but yoj can see at their eyes that they are happy on what are doing.

I look for a specific person. I don't know when this feeling started it just happened and I realized that I didn't see you as a comember, friend or a sister, 'can I look at you like you are my lover?'. I shake my head and walk closer to her.

"Exhausted?" I ask. I don't know how I still act normal around her because my heart is always founding when I am near her.

"A little" she answer, she's really a quiet person and didn't talking too much but she's sweet and caring.

I hand her the bottled water that I am holding. I sit beside her leaning at the mirror. We didn't talk, just observing the others.

I stiffened when I feel her head lean on my shoulder.

"Can I barrow your shoulder for a meantime?" I look at her

"Do I have a choice you're already leaning" I joke arround.

"Thank you" she said with a small smile in her lips while closing her eyes.

'What a perfect view'

-- -- --

After our practice we go back to our dorm.

"Wahhh I'm so tired" Nayeon unnie and lay down at the couch.

"Me too" Momo unnie join her but she lay down at the top of Nayeon unnie.

"Me too" Sana unnie, Jeongyeon unnie and Dahyun unnie also join.

"YAHHHH I can't breath" Nayeon unnie groan

"Hahahaha" they can still make fun on each other after that tiring day.

I enter the room that us maknaes are using. I clean my self and change in some comfortable clothes. I lay down on my bed and open my phone. Theres a lot of notification but only one got my attention.

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