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Third Person POV

"Mina? Dad said that you're staying at your friends house why are you here" Kai ask, he is Mina's older brother.

"I will just get my car and besides we are not staying there everyday" she answered

"Is that so? Did you eat already?"

"Yes" The maid hand the key to Mina. "I'm leaving"

"Okay, take care"

"I will" Mina go out side and drive her car.

She stop when she notice Chaeyoung's car in front of their house about to go so she just follow where Chaeyoung will go.

After a while they arive at the house, they park their car and go outside. Yes they have a huge parking lot. 

"What?" Mina ask because Chaeyoung is looking at her confusedly "I saw your car so I just follow it"

"I didn't ask" Chaeyoung said and go inside the house holding her things, Mina follow her.

"Where did you two go?" Jihyo when she saw the two.

"We just get her car" Chaeyoung answered

"Wow you're close now" Nayeon smirking

"No we're not" Chaeyoung seriously said

"Why did you guys took so long?" Dahyun

"Did you eat already?" Joengyeon

"Why do you have so many questions 'tss' I'll go upstair I need to do something" she said and leave her friends.

"What's her problem" Dahyun, the others just shrug.

"By the way Mina did you already eat" Jihyo ask.

"Yes" Mina

"How about Chaeyoung?" Jihyo

"We eat dinner in their house"

"Really!!" They said in unison.

Mina just nod.

"You can go upstair and change, just use the same room you used yesterday" Jihyo said, Mina nod again and go upstair.

"I didn't expect that" Nayeon. They are now sitting in the couch

"I can't believe that Chaeyoung bring her in their house. I thought the only thing they know is to argue" Jeongyeon stated her friends agree on what she said.

"Mina even got a chance to drive Chaeyoungs car which is very imposible" Momo

"Two weeks, they will end up together" Sana while putting some money in the table.

"No, maybe three weeks" Dahyun then put also some cash in the center table.

"I think they will be together within a month Mina is not easy to get, she has a lot of suitor but no one get her attention" Momo and get some cash. Yes they are betting in how long Mina and Chaeyoung will end up together and yes they are sure that those is meant for each other.

"How can you say that Chaeyoung is the one who will do the courting?" Nayeon. "I will go for Mina will do the courting" she added then also put some cash in the table.

"No I think its Chaeyoung" Jeongyoen join in.

"Okay who will go for Chaeyoung, raise your hand" Nayeon ask.

Sweet CombatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora