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Sana's POV

We're here in our private room still talking about this up coming sport fest

"We are always just watching and organizing this program so I think its time for all of you to enjoy some sports too" Jihyo said

We just nod and wait for her to speak again"

"So what sports will you all join" Jihyo ask us

"I think Tzuyu and I will join in archery like before" Dahyun said I think she is reffering in their highschool days because we never join in the sport fest since then.  

"Momo lets join in volleyball team" I suggest

"Okay lets join them, how about you Mina" we look at mina

"Do you still play" I ask her, we used to play before when we are in high school

"It is required for us to join?" Mina answered with question

"Not really, but we also need to enjoy this program you know" I want to play again with her and Momo like before

"I can enjoy just by watching" her expression is not changing, she is just serious while talking to us

"But I want to play with you" I pout

"Yeah, its been a long time since we play together" Momo said

"Why are you forcing her to join? Is she that good at playing or just miss playing with her? She look like weak for me though, I think she can't hit the ball for once" Chaeyoung butt in. I was going to say something to depend Mina but she speak already

"Are you challenging me" she smirk

I know Mina is a competative person but I didn't know that she is this playful. I also didn't expect the words she said to Chaeyoung, I never heard her compliment someone she's not close too, she's not the Mina I know. She is always cold before but now I see that she is enjoying making this kid annoyed

Chaeyoung also smirk "What if I said yes"

"You are calling me weak, you didn't even see me hold a ball"

"Because you look like one"

"Coming from the girl who didn't even reach the height of my eye"

Chaeyoung become serious, she hates it when a person mocked her height. No one of us interfere the two, we are just listening to them

"I may be short but Im not weak as what you think" she said seriously

"Then don't underestimate me because you don't know me" I felt my body shivered, her eyes and voice are so cold

They are looking intencely at each others eye

"EHEM" Jihyo cleared her throat, getting the attention of the two "You two stop it already. Mina, do you want to join them" Jihyo said referring to me and Momo

"Yes I will join, I will show to this kid what I can do" Mina said looking directly at Chaeyoung's eye

"Yahh who are you calling kid" Chaeyoung were going to stand but Jeongyeon is fast to prevent her from attacking Mina

"Im older than you and you're younger than me"

"Im not a kid so don't call me like that a hate being treated like a kid" she's really pissed off

"Yes you're not a kid because you look like a baby, my baby tiger" smirk



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