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Chayoung's POV

Im now heading to the parking lot. The students already go home so I think its just the nine of us are still here aside from the guards that are roamind around to check every classroom.

I now Mina is in my back but I didn't give any attention to her. I was about to open my car when I felt someone behind me.

"Don't move" he said and I felt a metal pressing in my head I think its a gun. "Raise your hand" he added.

I slowly raise my hand then fastly grab his right arm that holding a gun and twist it , then I put his arm on his back and get his gun. I'm pinning him in my car while the gun is pointing on his head.

"Who ordered you to get me" I said emphatically.

"Release him" I stop when I sense another person behind me, I feel that he is pointing his gun to me.

I raise my hand but before the guy in my back get the gun that Im holding he got kick by another person and I already know who it is 'Mina'.

The guy that Im holding earlier kick me in the stomach causing for me to lose my balance. Mina help me to stand and when we look to the two guy they already run. We try to chase them but they went in the dark part that the lights didn't reach. I look around but they already gone.



I look back and saw our friends coming.

"What happen?" -Nayeon

"What are you doing here?" -Jeongyeon

"I thought you two already got home" -Sana

"Why are you holding gun?" -Dahyun

"Where did you get that?" -Momo

"Are you both okay?" -Jihyo

They ask randomly

"How can they answer your questions, just one at a time" Tzuyu said

"Tell us what happen earlier, but lets go to our house first, its dangerous here. Lets just sleep their" Jihyo comanded

"What about Mina" Sana ask

Jihyo look at Mina "You will also come to us, we have things their that you can use"

We walk to our car. Dahyun and Tzuyu is riding with Momo and Sana while Nayeon is with Jeongyeon and Jihyo have her own car.

"Hey Mina you didn't bring your car?" Sana ask, Mina just shake her head

"You can ride in Chaeyoung's car, bye where going first" I glared at Nayeon unnie she just smirk at me before driving away.

"Bye Chaeyoung, Mina we're going" -Sana

"Bye" -Momo

And they drive away. I look at Jihyo she is inside her car while me and Mina is still outside.

"Yahh! Unnie do you think I will let her ride with me?" I ask sarcastically

I get inside my car and put the gun in the dashboard and my bag in the back seat that I didn't notice that still hanging in my shoulder. I start the engine and was about to go but Jihyo's car suddenly passed by in a pull speed.


I look outside and see Mina standing beside my car.

Tok tok she knock at the window on my right side, I open it.

"Do you think I will let you ride in my car" I sarcasticly said.

"I don't know where your house located" she plainly said

"Its not my problem anymore, just call your driver Im going" I said and close the window but before I even lock the door she quickly open it, get inside and sit.

"Just drive" she said when I was about to said something.

"Tss" I just ignore her and start driving.

The ride is quiet Im not talking same as her, we are not close to talk to each other.

After the long ride we reach the house. I park the car and get the gun and go outside. I enter the house, I didn't wait for her because I know she's following.

"Congratulation to Chaeyoung's first passenger" Nayeon said when we enter

"Woooohhh" they cheer while clapping their hands

I face them with questioning look.

Jeongyeon and Momo are not here I think they are in the kitchen cooking for our dinner.

I ignore them and sit in the couch I examine the gun that Im holding, Im not familiar with guns but I know to use it.

"Did you know that she didn't allow us to ride her car" I heard Dahyun said

"I thought she will leave you there"

"What did you do to her to let you get in her car" Nayeon ask

I look at them they are still standing near at the door.

"I just get in and she drive the car" Mina plainly said, did she doesn't have any reaction aside from that serious face?

"Really?" they exclaim, Mina just nod

They look at me 'Tss' "What?" I stand "Jihyo unnie here's the gun that the guy use earlier, I will just go upstair" Jihyo get the gun

"Bring Mina with you and lend her some clothes" I was about to complain but she glared at me so I don't have choice 'she is really scary'

"Follow me" I said and go upstair

All the things that we need is in the house so we don't have to get what we need in our own house

I enter the room that I always use if we are going to sleep here. The house have five bedroom. We don't have official room here, it depend on us where we want to sleep but I always sleeping here because my things are here

I enter the walk in closet "This is the clothes that are still not use just pick what will fit  to you" I said and I get my own "I will use the bathroom here, so use the bathroom in other room" I was about to go out but she said something that make me stop

"Can I just take a shower with you"

'WTH is she talking about'

I look at her in disbelief

"Hey relax Im just kidding" she said and walk past by me

I follow her outside 'you like teasing me, let me ride on your trip'

"I was about to say 'sure' though" I smirk

She face me and smirk too"Now you know how to fire back, but not now babe maybe next time" and she leave the room bringing the clothes she get

I grab the pillow in the bed and act like I was going to throw it 'That girl she's really pissing me off'

I enter the bathroom and start washing my self

'Just wait you girl that as cold as ice I will take my revenge'

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