Chapter 55: The Sword of Godric Gryffindor

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Then you remembered the spell you'd been taught by Silver while other Hogwarts students were focused on the contestants in the Triwizard Tournament. It was the one Cedric Diggory had used when he'd gone underwater. While Harry had used gillyweed, Cedric had used the Aqua Tempore spell. You just hoped it would work.

Harry and Hermione both gave you confused looks when you drew your wand, but you were quick to reassure them. "This should help Harry breathe underwater longer," you explained, and even though Hermione didn't relax, Harry visibly did.

"Aqua Tempore," you said quietly, and Harry and Hermione both watched as what appeared to be a bubble instantly appeared from the tip of your wand, floating through the air and enveloping Harry's head.

"What is this?" he asked, his voice sounding muffled from inside the bubble. Hermione looked shocked as well.

"It's one of the scuba spells," you explained quickly. "It should help you breathe underwater. Basically, exactly like the gillyweed did when you were in the Triwizard Tournament. Except you don't have to painfully grow gills or eat gross seaweed."

Harry nodded, though he was clearly still distracted by the fact that his head was now seemingly trapped in a bubble.

"Go on, try it out," you said, gesturing towards the lake. "You were a fifth-year, you know how to dry yourself off."

Harry chuckled at that, before stripping down to his underwear and jumping into the lake. You let out a shiver at the sound the water made when he went under, there was so much seaweed and mud, it sounded more like a squelch than a splash.

The silence that enveloped the space between you and Hermione after Harry disappeared was overwhelming. You wanted to open up a conversation, but you weren't sure if Hermione would carry it on or if she'd ignore you. You supposed you had to at least try, but Hermione spoke before you could.

"I know you know I don't trust you," she said slowly, and you stared blankly for a couple seconds before nodding. "And I know that Harry does trust you," she continued. "I know this is going to sound bad, but you and the girl you came with—you're both Slytherins, are you not?"

You nodded again. "Her name's Juniper, by the way," you said quickly. "She prefers that you use her name when addressing her."

Hermione sighed a deep sigh. "I'll try to remember that," she conceded. "I didn't know her name before you told me."

You shrugged. "Can't blame you," you said then. "It's not like Gryffindors and Slytherins are best friends or anything."

"Well, you and Harry seem pretty close," Hermione admitted. "I just think it's something I grew up ingraining in my head throughout Hogwarts. I'll try to do better. Just don't hurt Harry."

You nodded. "Never in a million years," you promised.

Then the water of the lake began to ripple, and for just a second you saw Harry's head come above the water—but there was no bubble around his head to keep him breathing. Instead, for a split second you saw his eyes—and in them was nothing but terror as he was dragged back underneath the water.

Hermione screamed as you ran to the edge of the water. You quickly began discarding your shoes, but Hermione stopped you. "No," she said quickly, "whatever's in there might get you too. Let me try to help him with magic."

You stepped back as she drew her wand, just as Harry's head breached the surface of the water again. He was very clearly struggling, gasping for air as he came to the surface for just a second. His hands were at his neck—and you could see what was happening as he disappeared again.

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