Chapter 50: Protego

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You sighed as you let your bookbag slide off of your shoulder onto the floor. You were about to slide into your desk chair when a white envelope on your pillow caught your attention. You moved around your bed to grab it, recognizing Draco's signature scrawl of your 'new' name on the parchment in your hands.


I know you know why I had to write Ravena on the envelope. Anyway, I know it's Wednesday and I'll be able to see you Friday, but there are developments at the Manor that my mother thinks I should warn you of sooner rather than later. Plus, if I can get away with fucking you into the floor of the Divination classroom, it'll be a win-win.

Meet me there at midnight. You know how it goes.


Your mood immediately lifted. You were getting to see Draco in just a few hours. You could tell him you were breaking up with Gordon, you could spend a couple hours not being Ravena. This was going to be heaven for you.

You got your homework done a little quicker in the hours that followed, and you whispered a couple spells to get your laundry to clean itself as you looked up out of the window to see the sky changing from blue to pink, to orange, to black, the first pinpricks of starlight peeking out amongst the otherwise black canopy.

Once the clock hit ten 'til midnight, you crept out of your dorm, slipping silently through the halls. You went more quickly as you got closer to the stairway that led you to the Divination Tower, and you nearly sprinted up the stairs. You were more eager than ever to finally see your Slytherin Prince.

Draco was already there waiting for you when you came in, and his eyes lightened when he turned around and met your own eyes.

"Draco," you breathed as you ran into his open arms. They wrapped around you like it was second nature, and you melted into the familiar embrace.

He pulled away and drew his wand, and you gave your white-haired boy a grin as he uttered the words that made your false identity melt away.

"What news did your mother have for me?" you asked.

Draco looked like he was about to respond, but then a voice broke through the silence that made the blood in your veins turn to ice.

"Oh my gods, you're y/n."

Draco already had his wand pointed at the figure hiding in the shadows as you whipped around, but you, unfortunately, had not simply heard things—Gordon was standing right there, still in his school robes, the same blue-trimmed cloak he'd been wearing when you'd left him in the swing just a few hours before.

"Gordon, I—" you tried to come up with anything to say to the dark-haired Ravenclaw boy standing before you, but your throat had dried up and you had absolutely no idea what to say.

The glare that Gordon shot you said more than words, though. "This explains why you wouldn't kiss me, I guess," he said, his tone full of venom. "You were busy leading a second life with your actual boyfriend.

"Obliviate!" Draco shouted then, his voice reverberating around the empty classroom—but the spell never made it to Gordon. It bounced off of him like it had never been cast.

"There's a reason I'm a Ravenclaw, Malfoy," Gordon spit. "I cast the strongest protection spell I could before I staked out to watch for and follow Ravena—y/n. I guess. I'm not fucking stupid, I know how to think ahead."

Draco's eyes were wild—and they kept flitting back between you and Gordon. Your hands began to go numb from how cold they'd gotten—were you going to have to Obliviate Draco now, too?

The Slytherin Princess | Draco Malfoy x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن