Chapter 49: More dates, More arguments

Start from the beginning

You shifted in his embrace, trying to get a better look at him as he continued. "I hope I don't sound stupid," he said sheepishly, though he didn't withdraw from your touch. "I just get sentimental when I'm really at peace."

You smiled at him, the first real smile you could remember giving him since you'd healed him from the aftermath of the Cruciatus curse, and that felt like it was eons ago.

"I just really like you, Ravena," Gordon said, and his sheepish smile returned. You'd come to recognize it, he only gave it to you when he was telling you his feelings for you.

And you couldn't help but resent him for it, you were getting all of these admissions from Gordon for someone you weren't and you could barely get Draco to admit to y/n how he felt about you.

You smiled back at Gordon as you shoved thoughts of Draco out of your head. You'd be seeing him later, you had to focus on the person in front of you.

Gordon reached a hand out and placed it on your face, and you leaned into his open hand without thinking about it. You looked up at him as he leaned in, and you had jerked away before it fully registered that he'd been trying to kiss you.

Gordon looked stunned; you felt awful for the hurt that quickly covered his facial expression. "I'm sorry," you hurried out. "I didn't mean to do that."

You swallowed thickly as Gordon removed his hands from you entirely, leaving you feeling oddly cold in the swing next to him. "I—my last relationship was incredibly toxic," you rushed out. It was the first thing that popped into your head. "He didn't respect me or what I wanted, and now that I have someone that does—I just worry about everything. I was hoping we could take it a little slower and not focus so much on the physical aspect of our relationship at first."

Gordon's eyes softened and his expression lightened as you finished speaking. "Of course, Ravena," he said gently. "I'm sorry I tried to kiss you without your permission. I should've at least given a warning."

You wanted to smack yourself. He was taking it better than you'd expected him to, but you still mentally kicked yourself for being so stupid.

"I-I'm sorry," you repeated, but he just slid his arm back around your shoulders. "You don't have to apologize to me," he said reassuringly. "I know you like me, you wouldn't be with me if you didn't want to be. We can take this at your pace, and I'll try my best to be patient. You're just so pretty and all I want to do is kiss you. But I'm sorry. I shouldn't have moved so quickly."

You gave him a small, quick smile. "Thank you for being so understanding," you said quietly, fiddling with your fingers as you spoke.

"It's what you deserve," Gordon responded, his voice equally soft.

The two of you sat in the swing for a while longer, until the stars came out and the sun had fully disappeared over the horizon. You slipped into the castle under the cover of the darkness, and Gordon lifted your hand to kiss it softly.

"I'll see you later," he said quietly. "Be safe."

You smiled back at him. "You too."

You waited until he was out of sight before making your way down to the dungeons, slipping through the Slytherin Common Room and up to the boys' dormitories, using your wand to non-verbally unlock Draco's door and sneak inside.

"Hi," you breathed as you locked the door behind you again. Draco looked up at you, dismissively waving his wand as he spoke the words to remove Ravena and bring y/n to the surface. You could tell just from the tone of his voice that he was angry, and your heart dropped at the realization. You didn't want angry Draco, you wanted soft Draco that told you he'd missed you throughout the week.

"What's wrong?" you asked as you sat on his bed. You were hoping it was something that could be resolved quickly, you wanted him to kiss you and remove any trace of Gordon from your skin.

"I'm apparently toxic," he said curtly, his voice devoid of much emotion.

You gave him a confused look, even though his back was turned to you as he sat on his desk. "What are you talking about?" you asked. "Who told you that you were toxic?"

He turned back to you, the look on his face incredulous. "You did," he snapped.

You were even more confused at this point. "What are you talking about?" you repeated. "I've barely seen you all week."

"Sometimes I follow you and listen in to your dates for a bit, just to make sure you're okay," he said, as if it should've been obvious. "You didn't kiss him because your 'last relationship' was super toxic—technically speaking, I was your last, y/n. I know I've done some fucked up shit, but calling me toxic was bloody unnecessary."

You stood there for a moment, still slightly confused by the words coming out of his mouth. It took a moment for it to hit you that you had said that—but it had been a completely false, made-up excuse to not kiss Gordon. You weren't sure what to focus on, though—the fact that Draco stalked you or the fact that he assumed a whole ton of shit off of one sentence.

"Draco—" you cut yourself off, pinching the bridge of your nose in exhaustion. You thought the two of you had gotten past the stage of petty arguments, but you could tell Draco wasn't joking, either. You sighed heavily and crossed your arms. "Why are you stalking me when I'm hanging out with other people? Isn't the whole point of my disguise the fact that we aren't supposed to be seen around each other? To keep suspicion at bay or something?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Did you even see me while you were out there?" he retorted. "I'm a lot better at being sneaky than you realize."

You hadn't seen him, but to be fair, Gordon had thought nobody could see the two of you, either. "Just because you're good at being sneaky doesn't mean you can just follow me around all the time," you pointed out. "We tried to be a secret for the first few months while we were dating, and look how well that panned out."

"Nobody knew a thing!" Draco cried.

"That's bullshit and you know it," you snapped. "Juniper was all up in my business about it. You literally had your hands up my shirt when she walked in on us that one time. And there's no fucking way Silver didn't know literally everything."

Draco rolled his eyes again. You had half a mind to start counting how many times he did that. "That isn't the point here, y/n," he said then, his tone cold. "The point is that there's no point in us being together if you think I'm so bloody toxic."

You took a deep breath, sorting through your thoughts before you decided to speak. "I wasn't talking about you," you said through your teeth, your tone icier than you'd originally intended. "I wasn't even talking about anyone in particular. I made that shit up on the spot because I flinched away when he tried to kiss me."

"What'd you do that for?" Draco asked, folding his arms. "Why didn't you just kiss the stupid git?"

"I don't know, it was reflex!" you yelled, throwing your arms up. "I guess my subconscious just realized it wasn't you or something, and decided for me that kissing him wasn't what we were going to do."

Draco unfolded his arms, letting them go slack at his sides. He looked over at you, where you were sat on his bed, waiting for any sort of response from him. His eyes went glassy, and he scrubbed at his face with his hands.

"I fucking hate this," he muttered as he did so, and you slid off his bed to walk over to him, wrapping your arms around him.

"I do too," you admitted. "This isn't how I envisioned spending this year at Hogwarts."

Draco exhaled heavily as he wrapped his arms around you, too. "I know," he mumbled as he rested his chin on your head.

The two of you stood there for what felt like forever, watching out of his window as dark clouds rolled in, watching as a thunderstorm started and rain pelted the window.

The storm continued throughout most of the night, lightning illuminating the room as Draco fucked you into the mattress a little while later, and the rolling thunder lulling the both of you to sleep after you had thoroughly exhausted yourselves.

Draco was the only thought in your mind as you drifted into unconsciousness, and you only wished things could stay like this forever.

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