Chapter 47: Pickup games

Start from the beginning

Draco picked another Slytherin girl to be on his team, and you couldn't help but feel a prick of jealousy. You knew it meant nothing to him that he'd picked a female first, but since you hadn't heard a word from him for three weeks, it hurt just a little.

You picked out the rest of your team by pointing—and you ended up with the only two Gryffindors on the pitch on your team—you were sure Draco had refused to pick them solely because of the red and gold scarves they wore around their necks. Your team met quickly, delegating who played what position—and you were stuck with Seeker at the end of it all. You hoped your usual mannerisms didn't shine through too much—you couldn't afford to rouse suspicion.

Once the team meetings had finished, everyone hurried to pile onto their brooms, swooping up to the night sky like a flock of birds. The whole field was lit up by the students hovering around the pitch, and you could see just about everything as clearly as you'd be able to during a regular game in the middle of the day.

Arlie was quick to release the Quidditch balls—and you watched as your team zipped through the air to catch and throw and dodge everything they could. Before too long had passed, your team was up by thirty points—and you knew without even looking for him that Draco was more than annoyed. He'd ended up Seeker on his own team, too—which meant the two of you would be going head-to-head to win the pickup game for your own team.

You darted around the pitch, your eyes flitting every which way in search of the tiny golden Snitch. You couldn't find it for the life of you, and judging by the erratic patterns Draco was flying around in, he couldn't manage to spot it either.

Your team was up by fifty points, then sixty, then Draco's team managed to score four goals in a row and nearly catch up to your team. Your eyes were moving faster than your head was at this rate, and you just barely managed to catch a glint of the golden Snitch across the field. With a quick glance at Draco to make sure he hadn't seen it, you were across the field, one hand on your broom and one hand out to grasp the elusive golden ball. Granted, it would've been much easier to see had the field been lit up by the sun and not the moon and twenty students with lights on their wands. But you were doing your best nonetheless.

You heard commotion behind you, and you turned to see Draco hot on your heels, an unreadable expression on his face. You didn't give him too much time to make eye contact with you, however, as you scooted forward on your broom to give your arm a couple extra inches to swipe at the Snitch.

Draco yelled then, diving out of your path. You looked up to see a Bludger headed straight for you—and only a few seconds for you to make a decision.

Your grip tightened on your broom, and you scooted forward once more, your eyes darting between the Snitch and the Bludger.

At the very last second, you took a breath—and swung yourself over, doing a complete barrel roll, dodging the Bludger and finally getting a grip on the Snitch, soaring right-side-up back to the goalposts.

You heard your entire team cheer as the game drew to a close, all of the players swooping down to the pitch to wrap up.

"Bloody hell, Ravena," came Arlie's voice as he came up behind you. "That was some of the best broom work I've ever seen. And you were out here telling me you 'played here and there'. You have no need to be humble, girl! You're brilliant!"

You felt yourself smile then, and you looked over at Draco, but his face was set in stone, his mouth unmoving. You couldn't tell if he was forcing his face to stay that way or if he was mad at you for something, but you weren't sure you wanted to figure it out. You figured if he was mad at you though, you'd figure it out soon.

The students left the field in staggered groups, trying to keep everyone hidden for as long as possible. Silver left in the group right before yours, but you were stuck in the last group to leave, right along with Juniper, Arlie, and Draco.

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