Chapter 34: Swimming & Invisibility cloaks

Start from the beginning

Draco shrugged. "I mean, at the very least, you aren't a blood-traitor anymore, with the Mark and all, but—"

"Anymore!?" you cried. "So you used to think I was a fucking blood-traitor?"

Draco's eyes widened, surprised by your sudden outburst. "I didn't say that, y/n."

You huffed, outraged at how coolly and nonchalantly Draco had dropped that bomb on you. A fucking blood-traitor. Just because your family hadn't jumped on the Voldemort bandwagon didn't mean they had soiled their pure bloodline. You were magic to the core, ever since the beginning. Your brother had been the only anomaly, and he'd been kept hidden for years due to that.

You sighed as you slung your bookbag over your shoulder, shaking your head at Draco's protests as you left his room.

"I've got classes, Draco, we'll finish this conversation later," you said as you turned to hurry down the stairs to the Common Room.

You found yourself in your Defense Against the Dark Arts class, sat next to Harry as you usually did, opening your books to begin learning about Unforgivable Curses.

"Are you alright, y/n?" Harry asked, leaning over to look at you more closely. You supposed your body language had given off the vibe that you were less-than-stellar.

A thought popped into your head as you looked back at him, and you let your shoulders slump as you sighed once more. "Not really," you said quietly, even as Lupin began the lecture up in the front of the class. "Draco and I broke up last night."

Despite it being a complete lie, you watched as Harry perked up nearly immediately. "I—I'm sorry y/n," he hurried out. "That's awful. What happened?"

"He's mad that I kept hanging out with you," you admitted, twirling a strand of hair in your fingers. You felt inexplicably stupid doing that, but you hoped it would help anyway. "So I broke up with him, because I told him he didn't get to decide who I could and couldn't spend time with."

Harry's shoulders squared a little more evenly when you said that, and you knew without a doubt that your plan had already begun to work.

"He's a dick, y/n," Harry said bluntly. "You deserve better."

You nodded, though you felt slight anger at Harry's words flowing through your body. "I could use a broom ride this afternoon, if you were up to it?"

Harry's smile was immediate and bright, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Sure, y/n!" he said, a little too loudly as Lupin shot a glare back at the two of you.

"I'd love to," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper as he continued to talk to you.

You smiled in what you hoped was an inviting way as you turned back to the lecture. "It's a date, then."

And you didn't turn back to look at Harry, but you could see even from your peripheral vision that the boy had turned redder than his tie.


The rest of your classes seemed to zip by. You had even managed to focus on something that wasn't killing Dumbledore for like, an entire half hour.

So by the time you met Harry on the Quidditch pitch after classes yet again, your mood had raised quite a bit.

"Good to see you smiling, y/n," the Gryffindor boy commented as you came up to meet him. You opened your arms to hug the boy, and he froze for a second before lunging to return the favor, the hug ending up tighter than you'd expected.

The tips of his ears were turning red once more as he adjusted his glasses once he let go of you, and the two of you turned to board your brooms wordlessly.

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