47: The Finale

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They have been walking for a while now. The narrow sidewalk would cause their body to brush against each other from time to time. Every single touch would elicit a shiver inside their hearts. They were looking for a suitable place to sit down but none was seeming appealing enough to Hasan. He wanted somewhere quiet. Without any distraction. Aleya didn't say anything about his fussiness. She was rather nervous herself. What was he going to say to her? What was his story? He was finally opening up to her. His mysteries are going to be unfolded and she wasn't sure what her opinion of him going to be after that.

What if he somehow proves his innocence in all that has happened so far? Would she forgive him and run into his arms? Does he want her to run into his arms? Or he is just here as an act of self righteousness?

Her mind was running at a speed of a hundred miles per hour. But she cleverly kept her mouth close. Because if she decides to finally say something she will blurt out every single thing she has been feeling. Everything she has been going through in the past couple of months because of him. Maybe she would even blurt out that she has been having dreams about him! Romantic, cheesy dreams. She blushed involuntarily remembering she had another one of those dreams just last night.

"Let's go to that park. Do you want some..." He stopped mid sentence looking at Aleya's flushed face.

Aleya noticed his stare and in fear of him finding out that she was thinking about him she asked,"what?" In a challenging manner.

"You look cute when you blush. " He stated in a daze.

"I'm not blushing!" She exclaimed defensively. Blushing furthermore she remarked, "It's cold outside. "

The next thing she knew, she was being engulfed by a giant overcoat that had the intoxicating smell of Hasan all over it.

"What are you doing?" She tried to refuse his chivalrous gesture but to no avail.

"Quit struggling!" He scolded her like the teacher he was and covered her entire body in that giant piece of cloth.

She of course didn't stop struggling so Hasan clenching each side of the coat proceeded to button it up.

Aleya just stared at him. Completely flabbergasted.

After he was done and satisfied with his work Aleya asked him,"how am I supposed to move my arms?" She tried to flap her arms and realized there was actually quite a bit of room inside to move about.

Hasan looked at his work and involuntarily a chuckle left his lips. He tried to hide it behind his fist.

Aleya did not appreciate his mirth. Not at all.

If looks could kill professor Hasan Nadir probably would be dead by now.

"Sorry!" He cleared his throat, "it's just... You're looking like a penguin right now." As soon as he said that he couldn't keep his laughter in anymore.

It's been a while since she saw him laugh. She was mesmerized by the beauty it brought to his otherwise stoic face. As though all of his worries vanished in a blink.

Scowling at him she tried to overthrow the coat over her head but got tangled inside the abundance of clothes.

"Urgh!!" She screamed frustratingly from inside and Hasan's laugh got louder. "Professor Hasan Nadir! I swear you're going to be murdered by me someday, you insufferable human being!" She screamed some more, still unable to get out of the overcoat.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. " Hasan finally managed to control his laugh and rushed to help the girl out of his coat, the very girl he was so crazy about.

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