38: Love Prevails

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Each person in the room had a unique reaction to the statement.

For starters, Zakir, hearing Hasan's words nodded his head like a universal truth has been told and it was as natural as sun rising in the east. However, when he finally comprehended what Hasan had just said his mouth fell open.

Ahmad raised one of his brows and that about summed up all the expressions on his face.

Anna on the other hand looked at her twin who was inspecting something on the floor with deep concentration like he has no interest in the happenings of the world around him. She kept looking and her eyes turned accusatory with each passing second. After a few more seconds she couldn't hold it in anymore and jumped on Cyrus's slightly crouched silhouette, screaming, "and you knew??? But didn't tell me???"

It took all three of the men to untangle the raging woman from her twin brother who landed on the very floor he was so passionately inspecting just a minute ago. Cyrus looked a bit deranged after the sudden attack on his person. He completely failed to anticipate the life threatening attack. Times away from home has made him forget how vicious his sister could be if vexed.

After a while, everyone calmed down and settled in their designated places. When the erratic breathings in the room evened out, the questions that rose at Hasan's previous statement once again started to peek through everyone's mind.

"So... In case we heard it wrong or perhaps interpreted it the wrong way... " Zakir took a moment to gather his thoughts, then said," you fell in love?"

Everyone's expectant gaze was at Hasan's reddened face once again including Cyrus's who despite knowing it for a while still seemed to be coming to terms with it.

"Yes. " Hasan stated firmly. With blazing red cheeks.

Anna who was still in a trance after her vicious attack on her brother sobered up hearing this. "How is that possible!" She uttered with astonishment.

"Huh! My thought was exactly. " Cyrus added to Anna's statement, completely forgetting the assault he suffered from her minutes ago.

But Anna's stink eye brought back the memory and he discreetly rotated away from her in case she decided to pounce on him again.

"You guys are making me sound like I'm the beast from beauty and the beast!" Hasan said exasperatedly, " incapable of love or something. "

No one answered or denied his accusation and looked at each other sheepishly.

"Unbelievable! My own family." Hasan gaped at everyone.

"Now now man. You can't possibly expect anything less! In all the times I've known you, I've never seen you showing genuine interest in a relationship with the opposite gender. And I knew you weren't gay. " Zakir said pensively.

"How did it happen?" Ahmad asked, "who is this woman who managed to lock You in of all people? "

Anna was very much interested in the answer of that question herself. Who was it that succeeded in melting her stern brothers heart.

Hasan scratched the back of his head. If he looked uncomfortable before, this question made him look like he wants to run away from the room.
Cyrus on the other hand looked very much amused. He knew the reason behind Hasan's discomfort and apparently it was comical to him.

However, his mirth left his face when Anna's glare regarded him. He rotated a bit more away from her in fear of another onslaught.

"Oh come on, you told little Hasan here everything already. How hard can it be to tell us!" Anna exclaimed exasperatedly.

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