31: Famous Last Words

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Untangling herself from Hasan, Aleya barely managed to avoid getting caught in a compromised position with him. Creating at least a couple feet of distance between them she waited with bated breath for the owner of the footsteps to reveal themselves.

She couldn't decide if she should be relieved or more worried when she saw her best friend rounding the corner of the parked cars and come to a slow stop. Her mouth formed a big O when she noticed them.

Aleya could only guess how she must look right now. Crumpled clothe, unruly hair and breathing heavily like she finished running a marathon right about now. Aleya chanced a glance at Hasan and immediately felt jealous. He looked absolutely calm and composed. The only thing that hinted at what they were doing mere seconds ago was his dilated pupil and a smug expression on his face like he just conquered a kingdom. Aleya scowled. It's definitely not her kingdom that he conquered. Not at all.

"Oh, Amjed wasn't kidding then. It IS you. " Ashlyn said, pointing a finger at Hasan, "what are you doing here professor Nadir?"

Aleya also looked at Hasan with an accusatory expression. Yeah, what are you doing here, professor Nadir? How are you going to get out of this one?

But Hasan didn't look worried a slight bit. The smug expression still lingering on his face with a satisfied smile.

Aleya grumbled under her breath. Never has she seen someone so proud after a kiss.

"Oh, hello there Miss Spellmen. What are you doing here?" Hasan asked instead, he seemed genuinely curious.

"Umm...we were hanging out. I must've missed you when I went to the washroom. Our friend Amjed said Aleya's professor wanted to talk to her so she left. I'm sorry, " then she looked at Aleya's haggard state and back at Hasan again, "did I miss something?"

Oh, no she is going to find out about them! Aleya couldn't for the life of her think of anything that could get her out of this situation.

"Not at all, Miss Spellmen. I was just asking for a favor to Miss Noor. " Hasan replied.


"Yes. You see my sister is in town and she has a thing for rich spicy food. So, I wanted to bring her here at the Kashems but they were already booked. I was just asking Aleya if she could arrange a table for me tonight. "

Aleya stared at Hasan. There was no hint of hesitation in his posture. Like he didn't just lie through his teeth. That bothered Aleya. Yes, it saved them from Ashlyn getting suspicious about them and possible embarrassment of it but it also scared her how he was so good at lying without any remorse.

Or maybe he was feeling remorse but not showing it on the outside?

"Oh, how did you know Aleya worked here?" Ashlyn asked, already buying into the lie.

"That was a pure coincidence. I was here a couple of weeks ago and saw her working the desk. " Hasan looked at Aleya. A loving expression marred his face that almost made her forget how good he was at lying.

"Oh, you didn't tell me that. " Ashlyn looked at Aleya with a slight frown. Aleya internally rolled her eyes. Ashlyn has a little crush on Hasan. Any news there is regarding Hasan, she needs to be the first one to seek them out. So, according to Ashlyn, Aleya not telling her in what restaurant professor Nadir dines in would be a big miss in their friendship. 

"I forgot. " Aleya replied with a dry look.

Then she looked at Hasan. Suddenly frustration rolling off of her in waves, "I'm sorry professor. But I can't help you. Have a nice weekend. " With that she marched forward only to stop after a few strides, turning back she said salam to the professor. When he answered, quizzical at the sudden shift in her mood, Aleya turned again and left the parking lot with an oblivious Ashlyn on her hide.

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