19: Let the Game Begin

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Husseini's are a big family.

And all of them were here. At Hasans' parents house. The house he grew up in. Even though he doesn't live here anymore it still feels like he is at home whenever he comes over.

Not today though.

With at least eight Husseini's roaming about the house and their constant chattering made Hasan as uncomfortable as he could get. It certainly didn't help that the young ones would stare at him with intervals like some zoo animal they came overseas to visit. The older ones are as bad but much more subtle at their staring. 

"Firoja, take your brothers and sisters to the garden, asal. The elders will talk now. " Forhad's wife Bahar said to their second oldest daughter who can't be more than fifteen and can't be more annoyed at the fact that she has to hangout with the younglings despite being where all the drama is.

Hasan was relieved finally escaping the curious stares he has been trying to adapt to for the past two hours without any progress but the prospect of being present in the "talk with the elder" churned his stomach.

Especially because he knew he is the topic of the conversation. Well, he and Afreen. His potential future wife.

Who is he kidding? she IS his future wife if his father and her father have anything to say on that matter. Although unlike Hasan she doesn't look completely aghast by the notion.

"Ah, look at them. Look how big they've gotten! " Forhad Husseini's thick accented English brought Hasan back from his turmoils, only to realise he is the older generation's center of attention now. He hasn't been looked at like that since he was in fifth grade. He spared a side glance at his future wife who is sitting beside him in the couch with an appropriate distance which is not too close to offend the parentals but not too far that Hasan would be deprived from the smell of the Iranian perfume on his supposed beloved.

Afreen didn't look uncomfortable with the attention they were getting. Although she looked all timid and demurred with that blush on her face she somehow managed. With a shy smile and tilted head she was the picture of an ideal future bride.

Hasan's stomach churned again.

"Right. Let's talk business before we get down to all that. " Hasan said with a stern voice that sounded strict but wasn't disrespectful.

"Hasan! This is a family affair. We are not here to talk business!" Ajhar, Hasan's father sounded disturbed.

"Well, he is right. Before we move any further we all should duscuss what we are getting into with each other and what our expectations would be. Let's treat it as it is Ajhar. Why the pretense?" Dilnaj remarked. Honestly the first sentences she had uttered in the last two hours since the greetings.

She was still pissed about all of it. 


"Now now, Ajhar. I think Dilnaj is absolutely right. " Forhad Husseini stopped Ajhar from starting a bickering match with his wife.
Forhad wasn't stupid. He knew not everyone was a fan of the arrangements he and Ajhar came about. But he didn't want to give anyone any reason to make their disapprovals known and spoil this for him. "I'm also not keen of any pretenses. We are going to be a family. So, candor is appreciated. Now, Hasan my son. I believe you are the one who wanted all of us here together. And as much as I believe it is to reminisce about the old days you spent together with Afreen and us, there's more you would like to discuss, yes?"

Hasan had to give it to Husseini. He made this arranged marriage sound like a love affair and as though he is just hear to discuss about the wedding plans.

Despite the gut wrenching feeling Hasan was getting inside he appeared as tall as his grandfather in a public speech. He straightened his back but kept his hands on his knees to appear casual. Husseini's needed to know as much as they claimed the Nadirs as their family they weren't so yet. So Hasan IS going to treat this as a business deal till the deed is done.

"I don't know every detail of the 'arrangement' Mr. Husseini and my father have talked about but whatever we discuss and come to agreement with here in this study is going to be final and will be drafted as a contract for us to sign and commit to. "

His words were firm and final. No one had any rebuttal.

"Contract you say. Don't we need lawyers for that?" Husseini asked. In spite of his casual smile Hasan could see a crevice is forming between his forehead.

"That's why we have one. " Ana entered the study with a dazzling smile and a grim looking middle age man on her heel. 

"Annika dear! It's been too long. Look how you've grown!" Bahar exclaimed and leapt off of the couch to embrace Ana. The environment of the study was becoming too suffocating for her so she was relieved to see young Ana coming here to lighten the mood. If only she knew Ana was here all geared up for war.

"Oh, it was nice. " Ana replied with a sickly sweet smile even though there wasn't a question.

"What was nice?" Bahar asked. Still oblivious of the sarcasm coming her way.

"Growing up. You asked how I've grown. I've grown up nicely thank you. " The smile never wavered from her lips.

"Huh!" Bahar uttered.

"Right, care to explain what's happening Hasan?" Ajhar couldn't take it anymore.

"Mom, dad.  you know our lawyer Mr. Townsend. " Then looking at the Husseinis Hasan explained, "he takes care of all our legal issues. He is going to draw up a contract based on our agreements here then send you a copy, you can verify it with your lawyers then we will all sign it. "

"So you want a prenup then?" Afreen asked from the side of Hasan. Her demure natur is gone. She looked so much like her father now. If her personality is also anything like him then Hasan will have to be on guard for the rest of his life. But he already kind of knew that. After all this is not the first time he is meeting her. Despite what everyone thinks, Afreen and he were never a 'thing' when they were young.

As a teenager Afreen was as sly as they came. Selfish, always looking to dominate people. Make them feel small. Hasan doubts she has changed that much from how he knew her to be.

"It's more than a prenup. Prenup is between two people. This is a contract for two families. For the safety of their expectations from this union."

"Alright. Let's hear it then. " Forhad Husseini said, shedding the casual smile he wore all day. All the Husseinis were on alert. Even Bahars back straightened up a degree, matching her husband.

People say back in their native land 'Husseinis are always ready to pouch'  Hasan now knew what they meant.
But Nadirs aren't the one to cower either. They get what they want no matter how much they have to coax it out of the other.

"Let's begin. " With a nod that worked as the substitute of a whistle or a gun Ajhar Nadir gave the signal to start the game.
The look he gave to Hasan before he began told him one thing, Don't back down.

With an appreciative nod Hasan let his father know, he doesn't plan to.

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