08: I'm Gonna Get You For This

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There was a requirement for field experience in her course of clinical psychology. Students were divided into several groups and each group had to volunteer at their designated places at least two days a week to fulfill that requirement.
It would be decided by a lottery which group would go to which place. 
So, it was a complete fate that the last group assembled by the remaining few students including Aleya was assigned to a children hospital cum Day Care Centre.
Aleya didn't mind her assigning place at all. She likes children and the volunteering time didn't crash with her hosting job either.
She was really excited to learn about her duties in the hospital with the rest of the group members and professor Hasan Nadir.

Wait, what?

"Professor Nadir! we didn't know you would be supervising our work today.  Are you going to grade us from the very first day?" Christina, a girl from the group asked as soon as they saw the professor talking to the head nurse, who was supposed to debrief them on their assignment.

"Relax, Miss...umm.."

"Ashar, professor. Christina Ashar. You can call me Christin if you'd like. " Said Christina. Not even offended by the fact that even after nearly three months of attending his classes and answering the name calls, he didn't remember her name. Which is surprising considering the professor never forgot Aleya's name once, even though she never sat on the front seat unlike Christina or took up on his offer of going to his chambers with any kind of questions like Christina did at least once a week.

"Right. No, I'm not grading you today.  I'm just here to help and answer any kinds of questions you might have, " "and I'm going to do that with every group," he added as an afterthought.      

Then he looked at Aleya standing at the end of the group.

"Assalamu Alaikum miss Noor. "

"WalaikumusSalam professor." Answered a startled Aleya. She didn't think the professor would even notice her let alone address her like that. 

It was really hard to avoid Christina's death glare at her after that. 

The head nurse came and began to give them their orientation. 
They were paired into three groups since it was their first day it would be better than working alone. Unfortunately though there was only five of them.

Christina didn't waste any time to snag Peter, the boy everyone drools over. He plays soccer, has a strong built with a charming personality of...well, Prince Charming. In fact Christina had her eyes on him the moment he stepped into the hospital. The only time he stopped to be the center of her universe when she saw professor Hasan Nadir.

The other boy in their group was Peter's best man in everything, including soccer. He was also approached by none other than Christina's best friend Kayla, who had her eyes on him much like Christina had on Peter.
After all, these two boys were the very reason they didn't go with any of the other groups.

But Alas! unlike Peter, Caden wasn't really interested in twin Barbies.

His attention was on someone else.
By the lightening speed that Kayla snagged one arm of Caden to make it her partner, with the same speed Caden asked, "but Aleya would be left alone. Would you like to be my partner?"
Before Kayla could screech her protest out loud professor Hasan Nadir stepped in like a mediator and declared with his deep voice,"that's ok Caden. Miss Noor won't be left alone. I'll be her partner. "

Christina wasn't really paying any attention to what was going on apart from counting the veins on Peter's arm, but the moment she heard this she was in front of Aleya in a speed that could put flash in shame.
With an accusing voice she squeaked,"but I didn't know you were an option too!" Realising what she just said, she tried again with a failed attempt of composing herself," I mean, I just think Aleya would have a better grade with you on her team. Her performance would be better than any of us if you help her on the project." She couldn't tune out the frustration from her voice despite her trying.

"Relax. Miss...?"

"Asher!" This time she didn't even try to keep the frustration at bay. 

"Right. Like I said. I am not grading anyone today. Besides it's the head nurse who would rate your performance the entire time. I'll grade you based on her feedback. So I'd suggest you to report to your assigned posts before she gets annoyed. " The professor said calmly.

Christina Ashar then 'stomp the yard'ed out of their like a princess denied of her prince.

After getting assigned to the day care centre of the hospital Aleya wasn't as excited as she had been before.

She has a complication with her now. 

A walking, breathing complication.

As we all have known and seen how awkward and cringy Aleya becomes around the professor, it's safe to assume it's going to be doubled down now that she actually has to work with him around kids who knows no boundaries.

As unnecessary as Aleyas worries seemed then and she did make herself believe it was unnecessary and childish.... well at least kiddish, it was Soon discovered that those worries actually weren't unnecessary. Not at all.


"So, are you guys maweed?"

"Do you have babies?"

"Yeah, can I pet them?"

"I don't think you pet babies. " Said a very confused looking professor.

"Really? That's your answer?" Asked a very annoyed Aleya.

They were surrounded by bunch of kids who, for some reason found them more interesting than building blocks with legos.

"What do you want me to say? I don't want to crush their spirits by saying we're not maweed!" Whispered Hasan. Careful not to break the young spirits rooting to pet his babies.

"I think they will be just fine, " Aleya whispered back then she loudly addressed the children, "knowing that we are not actually married. In fact we are far from that. See, he is actually my teacher. " Said Aleya with a big smile to cover up any damages that might come with that statement.

"But you are all grown up! Grown ups don't have teachers!! Me and my brother do." Said a very smart six year old.

"You've got a point there young lady. You're very smart." Said a thoughtful Hasan.

"You're not helping!" Whispered a very angry Aleya.

"What? You should always encourage children. Tell them they're smart. " Hasan replied. As naive as a baby.

"You know what I mean!"

"Okay okay fine." Rolling his eyes he clapped his hands to get the children's attention, "who wants to draw?"

"What are we drawing?" Asked a five year old.

"Uh...let's see. What about a tree?"

"Boring. " said the six year old Hasan previously called smart.

"How about a house?"

"Boring" the same six year old said, and everyone followed her lead yelling "boring, boring".

"You should always encourage children he said. " Aleya muttered sarcastically under her breath. 

"Oh, I have a wonderful idea who you should draw. " Hasan suddenly said in an overly joyful tone.
Aleya could see his face glinting mischievously from the corner of her eyes.

"How about you draw miss Noor here. Whoever draws the best portrait of miss Noor gets a Kit Kat. "

"What a stupi..."

"Yaaay!!!" Aleya's voice was muffled out by the screams of enthusiastic children ready to draw her the best portrait of her life.

"I'm gonna get you for this. " Aleya threatened Hasan with her big doe eyes & a very strict index finger. Then she moved to the other side of the room to help the children to get drawing materials.

"Can't wait. " Murmured a mesmerized Hasan, never being scolded by Aleya before.

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