46: A Beautiful Dream

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It was their anniversary. Aleya is embarrassed to say she doesn't remember if it was the 8th or 9th one. She is farther embarrassed to admit she didn't even remember it was their anniversary untill this morning. Just when she woke up and was greeted with flower petals all over their bedroom. There was no sign of Hasan but she did find a note that said, "Happy Anniversary. Had to run to the uni. I'll see you this evening. Love you. "

Aleya smiled. Her husband, always honest, always to the point.
But what's she going to do now? She completely forgot it was already the 22nd of August! She didn't plan anything for the day! Not even a gift for Hasan.
Her whole day passed mulling over what to give Hasan. But she couldn't find anything. At 5pm there was a text from him. He is going to be late. Something important came up in the faculty and as a senior member he needs to take care of it. So, he wants her to meet him there. They will leave for dinner together then.  

Donning herself in a white shari that glitters in the dark, a bit gorgeous for Aleya's taste but today's a special day and she knows her husband would appreciate it so she added a bit of blood red lipstick to go with it. She was nervous. She still couldn't find anything to gift her husband, to show her appreciation for him.

Standing outside his office door she was fidgeting with the hem of her shari. It made her remember the day she was standing outside a door just like this one, just as nervous but there was so much misunderstanding, disappointments and resentments back then.
But today, there's only love.

She proceeded to knock on the door but a folded note hanging from it stopped her. Aleya's name was written on the top. She plucked the note out of the door and opened the folded piece of paper. Inside it said, "meet me at the classroom. You know which one. "

Aleya looked at the paper, puzzled. Then a small smile curved her face. "what are you planning professor Hasan Nadir?" She murmured to herself. Then folding the paper back she put it away in her purse safely.

She knew which classroom he was talking about. But why there?

The door to the classroom was open. It wasn't supposed to at this hour. There was a light glow emitting from the room. She could spot it even from the end of the hallway. With small steps and a beating heart she approached it. It reminded her of the first day she was here. Just as nervous, as excited, a bit uncertain too but that uncertainty is long gone now. Now, she doesn't get unsure about anything that's related to Hasan, her everything.

The glow got brighter as she came close. It almost blinded her eyes when she finally entered the big hall.

The whole giant space was lit with candles. Flower patels were scattered everywhere. The projector was on. And there played all of Aleya and Hasan's memory together. There wedding photos, videos and the memories form the last 8 years. Or was it 9? Aleya couldn't care anymore. Bewildered by everything she finally looked at the tall man standing on the podium. At the exact place he was standing all those years ago, when they first met.

"What's all this?" Aleya half cried half laughed, approaching her husband. 

Offering a hand for her to take, he lifted her on the podium and brought her closer to him.

"You look beautiful!" He whispered. When she was busy admiring everything this man had done for her, he was busy admiring her. He looked completely awed by her appearance. 
She knew the shari was a good idea.

Aleya noticed what Hasan was wearing too.

"No way!" She exclaimed. "This suit! I remember this suit!"

Why, We Fall (Book One)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz