41: The Graduation

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This chapter is narrated from a third person's point of view. So, it will describe Aleya and Hasan's feelings and their surroundings simultaneously. If it becomes confusing for some of the readers please comment on a particular para so that I can clarify or edit it for you. Thanks for being with the story thus far. Know that you're deeply appreciated. ❤️


At last, the day to say goodbye to this dream she had been living for the past four years has come. Aleya still had a hard time believing these four years had actually taken place in her life. That she was actually going to be a graduate of this prestigious university so far away from home that she had to cross oceans to get here.

She was in a nostalgic daze when she finally reached the college campus on her graduation day. Wearing her long black robe, the rectangular hat with a tassel hanging from the top. As she strolled down the campus' main entrance with others wearing the same uniform in unison to the big play ground where the arrangements for the ceremony were still taking place, she could not help but reminisce about her first day here. She was nervous, excited, bewildered, all at the same time. The campus looked like a place from one of her dreams she used to have as a little girl growing up.

She was called to attend in the commencement video for this year's graduation ceremony. All of the students graduating that year were lined up and one by one came in front of the camera and shared their gratitude and thank yous to their loved ones, the university and faculty members, friends and families. Aleya had her own speech ready. It had to be quick. Each student only got more or less than 40 seconds to say their piece then move on. So, Aleya thought of some quick thank yous to her parents and family members, congratulations to her classmates and gratitudes to the university for giving her this opportunity.

As her turn to come in front of the camera came, the cameraman who was an undergrad, got distracted and instead of calling Aleya on the stand he rushed towards the street calling someone else to spare him a moment of that person's time. Aleya frowned and squinted her eyes to see who was that much important that the boy rushed out like that. 

A moment later the blurry silhouette of the person became clear in front of her eyes and she sucked in a breath when those eyes fell onto Hasan.

Professor Nadir, at last trimmed his wild curls and they now sat obediently at the top of his head in a coiffed style. His stubble could be called short beard just a few inches later but was trimmed and styled in an impeccable manner. He was also wearing the long loose robe for the graduation ceremony ordained with his faculty's color. But even that dangling piece of clothe couldn't diminish the shape of his tall strong physique. The way he carried himself showed his confidence but not in a arrogant way. He wasn't disturbed by the sudden intrusion in his path by the overenthusiastic student. He halted a second, listened to the young boy's plea and with a nod and a kind smile agreed to say a few words for the student's in the commencement video.

What he didn't anticipate was to come face to face with the girl he was thinking about all day even when the undergrad finally broke him out of his trance. She was never very far from his thoughts anyway. So suddenly seeing her right in front of his face he was startled as he couldn't ascertain if she was real or his mind was playing tricks on him.

Upon seeing him her jolly face turned gloomy and without a seconds delay she turned her back to him and fled the scene. That is when he realised she was real for if she was just an imagination, he would never let her leave his sight. Ever. He may not have her in reality but there's no way he would deprive himself from the very imagination of her he was living on in these past few weeks. Since the day she left his chamber. Leaving a broken piece of him behind.

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