44: I Can't Let You Be Anyone's But Mine

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What happened in the next few minutes was a blur to Aleya. Everything seemed to be happening all at once. She failed to comprehend any of the movements or anything that's been said or done around her. She was looking at everything but wasn't seeing anything, hearing a lot of noises but couldn't understand what they were. Just like her experience this morning.

When she finally came to her senses enough to perceive her surroundings she was surprised to see there are a lot more people in the porch then there were before.

She was finally able to zero in on the heated conversation that was happening between the head Kashem and her professor.

"Like I told you, I am really sorry. I thought the guy was attacking miss Noor. "

"How did you even come to that conclusion? She was laughing!" Said a disheveled looking Rizwan while holding a piece of cloth to his nose that was drenched with blood.


"Oh my God! " Aleya exclaimed and rushed up to Rizwan the same time Mrs Kashem passed him some ice which he took gratefully and pressed it to his nose and immediately hissed at the contact.

"What..." Aleya was at a loss for words.
"Are you okay?" She finally managed to ask.

"I'm fine." Rizwan assured her with a smile.

"You don't look fine!"

She turned and marched where the other men gathered around the professor.

Before she could cuss at him which she never does Ashlyn saved her from fouling her mouth.
Because she fouled hers.

"What the fúck? What are you doing here?" Ashlyn uttered the second she came out of the outer door of the restaurant's washroom.

Aleya realized Ashlyn has no idea what just took place here a minute ago.

"Ashlyn beta! Is that a way to talk to your professor?" Mrs Kashem looked aghast at Ashlyn's language.

"He is not my professor anymore. I graduated!" Ashlyn stated then crossed her arms on her chest in a petulant manner.

"Which brings me to my previous question. What are you doing here? You do come here quite a lot and not to dine either, do you?" Amjed asked. Scrutinizing the professor. He clearly remembered the last time he saw him. All angry and ordering Aleya about. He didn't like him then and he isn't liking him now.

Everyone looked at the professor. Some even looked at Aleya and trying to figure out a connection there.

The professor kept silent, looking at Aleya. Like he was reminiscing about the last time he was here. At the back of the parking lot. With Aleya in his arms. With her lips pressed...

"He was helping me with my thesis paper. " Aleya said suddenly. She sounded exhausted. Everyone looked at her and she continued," the last time? I made a mistake in my thesis paper and the professor was kind enough to come find me and give me the chance to correct it before I finally submit the paper. He didn't want my grade to suffer a downfall because of one little mistake. " Aleya wasn't looking at Hasan while she lied through her teeth until the last word. She looked him right in the eye when she uttered the word mistake. Then facing everyone else once more she continued,"That's why he looked angry. I wasn't picking up my phone and it was the last day to submit the papers. "

Ashlyn scoffed. Though no one else but Aleya noticed it.

Professor Nadir didn't take his eyes away even for a second when Aleya came in the line of his view. Even when she stopped talking he didn't take his eyes off of her. He was looking at her like he was urging her to look at him and read all that is written in those eyes. But Aleya didn't dare to face his way again.

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