28: She kissed the Damn

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The morning sun is peeking through the window. The light breeze of the morning letting the curtains flutter and the soft heat of the rising sun seeking entrance through them just to dance on Aleya's sleeping face.

Aleya shifts from her position on the bed, groaning. Her hands going up over her head in an attempt to sooth the aching joint that became too stiff over the night. She opens one of her eye, peeking through the eyelids to see the lighting condition of her room which could give her some hints about the time of the morning.

It's late.

But it's also sunday, so that's okay. She tries to sit upright on the bed, groaning the whole way. Last night exertions making itself known through her body.  Even after all these years she couldn't help but blush a little thinking about last night. It was Saturday night and they didn't find much time other than the weekends to do that kind of activities to exert themselves with because of their work and children.

Speaking of whom, where were they? The morning felt suspiciously quiet. Usually she wakes up to them screaming and thrashing, not to a complete silence.

Climbing down the stairs of their bedroom, still a bit groggy, Aleya waddled to the kitchen to find out the reason behind the blissful ambience of her home. And she did.

So, that's why they are so quiet!

In the middle of the kitchen behind the counter is Hasan, making his very famous omelette goje farangi. The Persian tomato omelette. The children are on the other side of the counter, watching their dad chopping off tomatoes in precession that could put chief Kashem to shame. Not that Aleya would ever confess that to the old man. Neither would she admit that to Hasan. His ego has surprisingly boasted since they got married and with their children growing up, it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon.

"Assalamualaikum. " Entering into the endearing scene Aleya greeted the room. Everyone simultaneously answered her. She walked over to her 6 year old son and kissed his head then moved to do the same to her 4 year old daughter. Then she moved to the other side of the kitchen to get some water for her dry throat. When she turned she came face to face with a sulking expression of Hasan. He still had half of a tomato in his hand ready to be chopped off.

"What?" Aleya asked innocently like she has no idea what got Hasan's knickers in a twist. But Hasan saw right through her act.

Putting the knife down from his right hand he stalked towards her forgetting he still had half of a tomato in his left palm. Circling Aleya's waist with the free hand he jerked her towards his chest eliciting a gasp from her lips.

After all these years this man still had that effect on her.

"Where's my kiss?" Hasan's husky yet accusatory voice washed over her. She closed her eyes, a soft smile gracing her lips then she opened them.
Both her eyes and her lips.
In a silent invite to this man who manages to take her breath away every day.

Hasan leans in. She can feel his breath fanning her lips. She closes her eyes for the second time and...

The blasting ringtone of her phone jerked Aleya awake from her stupor. She was sitting on her bed cross legged with one elbow on her knee, resting her head on her palm.

She can't believe she was Daydreaming about Hasan!

Her eyes opened, head fell from her palm at the blaring sound of the song 'who let the dogs out'. She can't believe she still hasn't changed that ringtone even after the time limit of her bet expired. It was a bet with Ashlyn that if Aleya loses she has to have the song as a ringtone for a month. So, of course Aleya lost and had that song torture her all these times only for her to get used to it. Now, she feels lazy every time she decides to change it.

Why, We Fall (Book One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant