37: He Fell In Love

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Hasan wasn't sure how he should proceed with his story. He was in front of those few people whose opinion matter a great deal to him. He couldn't leave anything out of what he was about to tell them. If he wants their help he needs to convey everything that has happened and trust his relationship with them to see him in a forgiving light.

Cyrus was the only one who knew what was up and didn't judge his brother for it. But even he doesn't know why Hasan has called everyone up here. Cyrus was much happier being the only carrier of Hasan's secret specially if that meant leaving his twin out of it, making her jealous in the process.

Which she already was. She didn't miss the silent conversation that went between the pairs of eyes of her two brothers. She, for the love of her life couldn't fathom what it was that Hasan could share with Cyrus but not her. If anything she is the wisest one between them and it's not like if Hasan asked she won't keep his secret! No matter how grave. Which she doubt it was. She has known her brother her whole life and as responsible and articulate as he is it was highly unlikely his secret was something unimaginable. She doesn't think her big brother is capable of that kind of mistakes that one has to hide even from their family. Specially their little sister.

Hasan cleared his throat. Clearly uncomfortable. It seemed like he wanted to start a speech but something was holding him back. Cyrus was beside him on a stool. The couch was occupied by the three and Hasan himself in a beanbag so Cyrus could only manage a stool from the kitchen which he was okay with, as it rotates. He already did three rotation by the time Hasan cleared his throat for the second time. Realizing his brothers need for a boost he stopped himself in the midst of his fourth rotation and gave an encouraging but subtle pat on his arm that definitely didn't go unnoticed by their sister.

Anna's degree of jealousy just took off another notch. She was having a hard time believing Cyrus, the careless one knew what's bothering their older brother and had the audacity to console him while she herself didn't even know what's going on! The only solace she took from the scene is that even with the pat Hasan was still uncomfortable and didn't look anywhere near ready to talk about his bearings.

Ahmad and Zakir noticed the change in Hasan's stance as well. They never saw their friend this worried about anything. Whatever hasan was going to say to them must be no joke if he is having this much trouble to say the words to the four people he was most loved and understood by.

Everyone kept silent. Not pressuring Hasan to do anything. They remained comfortable in their own seats not even showing that they were waiting for him to say something. It was as if it's perfectly normal for them to meet up like this after so many months and just sit quietly in a living room like it's the most natural thing to do for the upbeat generation.

"So..." All at once whipped their heads at Hasan's direction, completely breaking the pretence that they weren't just anxiously waiting for Hasan to open his mouth.

Before Hasan could get startled by their attention, everyone quickly composed themselves in fear of him going mum again. Which seemed to be going to be the case so Anna without being able to stop herself quickly added, "so? You were saying?" She was trying her hardest to appear as calm as possible but her agitation coupled with irritation at the knowledge that Cyrus already knew what's up made her look a bit constipated.

"Right. Yeah. Ahm... I... Thank you guys so much for showing up in such short notice. I knew I could count on you when needed. " Hasan fell silent again. But this silence was meaningful. Everyone could see in his face he was composing what he was going to say so straightening their spines in their seats, they paid him their full attention.

After a few more deliberate seconds Hasan himself straightened up, completely vanishing his previous discomfort, with a straight voice that held conviction in it, he began by saying,"I'm not gonna marry Afreen. I need your help getting out of the marriage. "

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