29: He Kissed the Forbidden

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This is for you Mithi. I've had half a mind to leave you in wanting and not post Hasans pov for another chapter but then my merciful side appealed to me and I've decided to satiate your soul. So, here we go😘


"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...fu" Profanities were shooting out of Hasan's mouth like tap water. He was never proud of it but when his emotions were heightened he had a hard time controlling his mouth and it would run like a sailor's.

And his emotions were heightened all right.

To the point he felt like he is going to explode. He tried to call his brother. The only person who probably won't have a heart attack or sock him on the head for what he has done. Maybe Cyrus Hossein Nadir could give him some clue about why he did what he did last night or what to do next because his own mind refused to cooperate.

It's stuck on one thing and one thing only.


Never in his life something so sinful felt more tempting, more right than Aleya. Her lips. The moment he touched those, he was as ready to jump into hellfire as any man in love would.

In love...

God, he loved those lips, those hands that circled around his neck to play with his nape hair, those fingers that slid through his hair and tugged on them eliciting goosebumps all over his body and a deep moan from his chest.

He was never conflicted about anything in his life. He is a sure person. Always knows what he wants, how to get it. This time wasn't any different. He knows what he wants, knows it with all his heart. It's how to get it part is what he is struggling with because his genius mind is unable to come up with a solution to this predicament.

Never he felt his brain to be more useless.

It's muddled with the thought of her. It wants her. Wants to feel her soft, warm body press tightly against his hard one like delicate flowers clinging to strong branches. How perfectly she fit against him like another piece to his puzzle. Their almost a feet difference of height didn't even matter. If anything it complemented them.

His brain's having a hard time forgetting the feeling when his lips first touched hers. Her whole body shuddered.
So sensitive to his touch. A shiver ran down her skin and it spread into his heart, constricting and inflating it all in a millisecond.

She wasn't expecting it, not at all. He could tell by how she froze and didn't respond to his touch. His heart thudded against his rib cage. She was rejecting him. Only he didn't have it in him to accept it. So, he coaxed her. Instead of moving away, he deepened the kiss, tightening his hand around her waist, he demanded she give in to him.

And she did.

His body heat rose even now thinking about it. How it felt when her pouty lips finally started moving against him. Soft, unsure then like a current flowing through her, she tugged him close. Her arms going around his neck to diminish their height difference, bringing him to her level, She moaned. And he lost himself entirely into her.

Her lips moved firm yet gentle just like her voice. He forgot himself and bit her lower lip. She answered his dominance by tugging the curly hair at the back of his head, he keeps forgetting to trim. He smiled into the kiss. She is not to be dominated. If you try, she will show your place right back at you.

The kiss that felt like lasted an eternity at the same time felt like it ended too soon.

Hasan rubbed his face. Crouching from the edge of the couch he tried to reign his head back and do some necessary thinking about the situation he put himself in. But his brain kept muttering one thing.

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