24: One Afternoon

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After Aleya left, Hasan started to say goodbye to the old family friend as well but one movement of his index told him to wait a bit.

Hasan reluctantly sank down on the seat. Here comes the lecture he so hoped to avoid.

Dean Stevens looked at Hasan with an expression that could be interpreted as I told you to be careful.

Hasan sighed.

"I know, I know. But none of that was my fault this time. Actually, now that I think about it, none of the previous incidents were my fault either. " Hasan insisted. This oddly felt like getting transported to his highschool days where he was in fact a rebel child and if he got called to the principal's office it's probably because he was actually guilty.

"Why did you go to the hospital in the first place? I thought we had this conversation about creating a boundary between you and the students. Specially female ones. " Dean Stevens cut to the chase like he always does. Never dilly dallying around a topic.

"There was two male students there too. I just went there to see how they were adjusting. I did that with all the groups!"

"And helping miss Noor as her partner! What were you thinking?"

"The girl was alone! Without a partner. And I happened to have time to help her out. She is my student after all!"

"I understand that. But that kind of benevolent act can lead to consequences none of us would want in this prestigious university. You're still young Hasan. And because I see you as a son I'm giving you this advice. Wait till you add at least 10 years to your age before proceeding to help students on a personal level. So, your students wouldn't see you as their...what's the word? Crash..crush. Right. You have to be too old to be anyone's crush. "

"Yeah right. Like that's working for you. Don't think I missed the way your assistant looks at you Mr. Stevens. " Hasan quirked a brow. Challenging the dean to deny anything.

"My assistant is new. And you've got it all wrong. " It's really hard to crack the dean. May be because he has had so much practice in his time as a dean which requires facing challenges everyday. "My point is, you have to be more careful while engaging with students. You made a big mistake working with miss Noor alone on the project. Our agreement was there has to be at least three students for you to be even alone with. And clearly you broke all of that while engaging with this one. Am I wrong?"

"Not entirely. I'll admit. " Hasan sighed again. If only the dean knew in what level Hasan was breaking all the rules!

"You seem exhausted. Is everything okay? You're tenured position putting too much pressure on you?" Concern was evident on dean's face. After all, he wasn't speaking rhetorically when he said he considered Hasan as his own son.

"No, no. None of that. I guess you haven't talked to dad in a while?"

"No. I'm afraid not. He has been really busy lately. "

"Yeah, he has been. " Hasan sounded a bit condescending that only made the lines on dean's face deepen. "Well, I guess you guys should catch up. " That's all Hasan could say at the moment. He had no patience to explain everything to the fatherly figure solely because he has no wish to revisit the chaotic events of his life.

The dean seemed to understand Hasan. So with a nod he said, "very well. I will. " Then he added with emphasis, "soon. "

"Good then. If you don't mind. I have classes. " Hasan's mood that was joyful just a moment ago turned sour in a sec.

Getting out of the dean's office Hasan found it very hard to smooth out the frown that seemed to have etched on his face permanently.
That is untill he took a few steps to the exit of the building and saw Aleya, leaning against the wall outside the office with a frown of her own.

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