Chapter 14: Ruined Dates

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, y/n, I shouldn't be so suspicious of Draco," he said quietly. "If you didn't want to be here with me right now, you wouldn't be."

He was right, you realized. He looked over at you and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, before turning back around to watch the game.

"Oi! Get a room!" called a voice that made your blood run cold.

You turned around to see Draco himself in the row behind you, and your entire body went into fight-or-flight mode.

"What are you doing here?" you hissed, as Cedric pulled you tighter into him.

"Just spending some time with my best pal and her boyfriend at a Quidditch game," Draco said, tapping the end of your nose with his wand. "Now stop sucking face and watch the game, it's about to begin."

You huffed, your mood deftly soured, and tried to refocus on the Ravenclaw players zipping back and forth across the field.

Every time the field quieted down for a bit, Cedric would try to lean in and kiss you. And every time Cedric tried to lean in and kiss you, Draco would interject with some stupid statement about Quidditch, or about romance, or even something entirely unrelated.

The fourth time this happened, you rolled your eyes and grabbed Cedric's face, putting your lips to his and listening as Draco fell utterly silent.

Cedric wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling you in further as he kissed you a little harder. You felt his hand on your waist, just below the hem of your shirt, when—

"Flipendo!" cried Draco, his wand pointed at Cedric. Cedric flew off of you, landing hard on the ground. You shrieked, pulling him up off the ground and checking to make sure he hadn't been hurt too badly. A small bump was forming on the back of his head, but he assured you he was okay.

You whirled around to face Draco, whose face was uncharacteristically red, his eyes wide and wild.

"Are you insane!?" you shouted, other game-goers turning to look at you. "You could've seriously hurt him, or even killed him! And what if you'd hit me!?"

Draco didn't respond, his expression still pure anger. He spun around and began to leave the stands, but you weren't giving up that easily.

"Cedric, I'm sorry, I have to take care of this," you said hurriedly, and his eyes were sad as he nodded.

"I get it. Be safe, y/n."

"I will. Please go see Madam Pomfrey, I'll come find you in the infirmary."

He nodded, wincing as he moved his head.

Without another word to the Hufflepuff boy, you stormed off to find one from Slytherin.

It wasn't hard to find him, he'd gone straight to the Slytherin Common Room. He was pacing back and forth, his hair wild, likely from him running his hands through it.

"What the fuck!?" you screamed, coming round to face him in front of the fire. "This is a new low for you, Malfoy! You used a jinx on my boyfriend, and for what? You're so upset that you're going to be single for the rest of your life that you can't even watch someone else be happy? Or do you just hate me so much you don't want anything good to happen to me for the rest of my time at Hogwarts?"

"It isn't like that, y/n, you wouldn't understand!" Draco roared back, only stoking the hot coals that fueled your anger.

"Then make me understand, you pig-brained git!" you cried, shoving him roughly. "You keep telling me I wouldn't understand, but considering the fact that your marks aren't even half as good as mine, I'd like to think I could at least try to!"

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